Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

Yes, you are right. We didn’t win Korea either and are just still barely holding that line on the DMZ. Pitiful showing for the world’s greatest superpower. We keep giving away lives and gaining nothing, all over the world. I don’t get it. You can’t win anything without the will to do what it takes to win.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I don’t feel as we lost any of the wars since ww2 IMHO, packed up
our c-itt and went home because of jack asses in politics , not because we’re loosing . Troops haven’t lost a fight since Baton , then we went back and finished the job. As long as we keep
putting idiots in power we’ll never win again.:frowning_face:
We only QUIT</font id=“size3”></font id=“red”> in VN, Korea, Desert storm, Desert Shield, Iraq, and now Afganistan , all political moves


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

At this point EVERYONE (X), it is best not to engage ANYONE THAT IS OBVIOUSLY TRYING TO LURE YOU IN (Y) as it will only provide more fodder to fuel the rants</font id=“red”>, AND JUDGEMENT.

Okay, you'll have to excuse me. I'm a little slow, but it seems to be coming together. Now can you explain what you mean by the part I highlighted in red?

You said “THE rants” instead of just “rants”, which means (in the king’s english) that you are referencing very specific rants. So, I am wondering which rants you were referring to. Can you explain which ones and who would have been making those rants?


The specific rants and judgement are the ones that have occured within the two related threads from various folks. Please see in green below. Too many to list, and I can’t recall every single instance. Many have been deleted in the prior thread. However, to directly answer the “very specific” it is the two threads within CF.com. The only possible conclusion that could be drawn would be if MD was the only one within the two threads that has ranted and judged. I do not see it that way, it has been a two way street with everyone. Some may have not ranted, but judged, Some may have judged without ranting, or even posting.

In all honestty, I have answered all your questions. Why do you still inquire? If you do not believe me, then that is you choice.

In every thread I have respond to, I very well could have made a mistake in grammar, spelling, etc.

RBF, you’re new here so I’ll give you some advise, if you want to heed it. Say what you want to say and leave it at that. If someone thinks there can be a double or hidden meaning to your words, so be it. You will be picked apart by someone! Another bit of advice is, DON"T GET IN A PISSING MATCH WITH GOTCHA:wink: Even skinneej, don’t do that:smiley: You don’t have enough time in the day!

Originally posted by Easy

RBF, you’re new here so I’ll give you some advise, if you want to heed it. Say what you want to say and leave it at that. If someone thinks there can be a double or hidden meaning to your words, so be it. You will be picked apart by someone! Another bit of advice is, DON"T GET IN A PISSING MATCH WITH GOTCHA:wink: Even skinneej, don’t do that:smiley: You don’t have enough time in the day!

Appreciate the advice, Easy.

For full disclosure, I have just recently joined CF.com, but have been an avid follower since the beginning ~2000.


Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

At this point EVERYONE (X), it is best not to engage ANYONE THAT IS OBVIOUSLY TRYING TO LURE YOU IN (Y) as it will only provide more fodder to fuel the rants</font id=“red”>, AND JUDGEMENT.

Okay, you'll have to excuse me. I'm a little slow, but it seems to be coming together. Now can you explain what you mean by the part I highlighted in red?

You said “THE rants” instead of just “rants”, which means (in the king’s english) that you are referencing very specific rants. So, I am wondering which rants you were referring to. Can you explain which ones and who would have been making those rants?


It would be considered the queen’s English, correct? Just curious, I thought the language does not change, but the reference is based on the gender that currently holds the throne.

Language = Static
Gender = Dynamic

Please confirm whether the “kings English” is the correct term considering there is a queen currently holding the throne.



Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by Easy

RBF, you’re new here so I’ll give you some advise, if you want to heed it. Say what you want to say and leave it at that. If someone thinks there can be a double or hidden meaning to your words, so be it. You will be picked apart by someone! Another bit of advice is, DON"T GET IN A PISSING MATCH WITH GOTCHA:wink: Even skinneej, don’t do that:smiley: You don’t have enough time in the day!

Appreciate the advice, Easy.

For full disclosure, I have just recently joined CF.com, but have been an avid follower since the beginning ~2000.


so not an alias… just a ghost writer. I too have been here from the start. A different user name that I forgot the password to then it’s been fred67

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by Easy

RBF, you’re new here so I’ll give you some advise, if you want to heed it. Say what you want to say and leave it at that. If someone thinks there can be a double or hidden meaning to your words, so be it. You will be picked apart by someone! Another bit of advice is, DON"T GET IN A PISSING MATCH WITH GOTCHA:wink: Even skinneej, don’t do that:smiley: You don’t have enough time in the day!

Appreciate the advice, Easy.

For full disclosure, I have just recently joined CF.com, but have been an avid follower since the beginning ~2000.


so not an alias… just a ghost writer. I too have been here from the start. A different user name that I forgot the password to then it’s been fred67

Yep. Look under the member list, I was Salt Shaker.

My comment about just joining would not be correct. I joined 12 years ago. Lost my password etc. Only followed for many years, and then decided to log back in.


Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by Easy

RBF, you’re new here so I’ll give you some advise, if you want to heed it. Say what you want to say and leave it at that. If someone thinks there can be a double or hidden meaning to your words, so be it. You will be picked apart by someone! Another bit of advice is, DON"T GET IN A PISSING MATCH WITH GOTCHA:wink: Even skinneej, don’t do that:smiley: You don’t have enough time in the day!

Appreciate the advice, Easy.

For full disclosure, I have just recently joined CF.com, but have been an avid follower since the beginning ~2000.


so not an alias… just a ghost writer. I too have been here from the start. A different user name that I forgot the password to then it’s been fred67

Yep. Look under the member list, I was Salt Shaker.

My comment about just joining would not be correct. I joined 12 years ago. Lost my password etc. Only followed for many years, and then decided to log back in.


But, then again, I could be Hoppy…Just never know…


“Eschatological correctness is ultimately a matter of ethics, not speculation.” - M.E. Boring

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Explain ethics in eschatology, please SurfFishlife.

And, according to who’s ethics, are we JUDGING our eschatology(the art of end time studies). I would hope the ethics would be the word of God, not man’s ethics, as usual.

If you or anyone can disprove my “speculation”, as I am assuming you are referring to myself, since I am the ONLY ONE giving any eschatology here.

I would certainly entertain other “speculations”, as you call my ministry opinions.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Ain’t you supposed to be in Church MD:question: Or is the internet, your only pulpit to preach from[:0]

I have expressed many times how I feel about churches, simple enough.

I have personal ministry most ly, no preaching, that is evangelism, as earlier expressed, you are referring to Pastors, I believe, not preachers, I have been given the opportunity for that, and refused the offer many times.

As usual, you had to add your sarcasm, rather than ask a simple question, and you accuse me of being harsh.

I spend MANY HOURS per week in fellowship with believers, and teachers, far more than church worshippers.

I spend 3 1/2 hours on Monday night alone, in a Bible study group, that one meeting being far more than most Christians get per week, plus AT 10 hou
hours per week listening to OTHER teachers, plus, 3-6 hours per week listening to Bible call in question and answer shows. Plus, minimum 3-5 hours studying the word.

THAT IS FAR TOO FEW, so don’t accuse me of BOASTING, or your usual sarcasm, please.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

I have expressed many times how I feel about churches, simple enough.

I have personal ministry most ly, no preaching, that is evangelism, as earlier expressed, you are referring to Pastors, I believe, not preachers, I have been given the opportunity for that, and refused the offer many times.

As usual, you had to add your sarcasm, rather than ask a simple question, and you accuse me of being harsh.

I spend MANY HOURS per week in fellowship with believers, and teachers, far more than church worshippers.

I spend 3 1/2 hours on Monday night alone, in a Bible study group, that one meeting being far more than most Christians get per week, plus AT 10 hou
hours per week listening to OTHER teachers, plus, 3-6 hours per week listening to Bible call in question and answer shows. Plus, minimum 3-5 hours studying the word.

THAT IS FAR TOO FEW, so don’t accuse me of BOASTING, or your usual sarcasm, please.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”


I have the same feelings as you regarding the modern day Church system. Too many politics and power grabs, vs. worship.

Best “Church” services I have ever attended were on the banks of Lake Wateree at Easter sunrise service. We would go by boat, wear bathing suits and life jackets. Short sermon, singing by a black make shift choir that could put shivers down your spine with Amazing Grace…

This was the 70’s, and I miss those times…


(xx)it…After eighteen more pages of pointless wandering, pointless accusations, and even more pointless reiteration, from most anyone posting, will someone please post something of substance, as to just what we’re supposed to be gathering from this train wreck?

…Politicians aren’t the “Oldest Profession”, but the results are still the same.

When they come for my guns and ammo. I plan on giving them the ammo. first!

Originally posted by Mixed Nutz

(xx)it…After eighteen more pages of pointless wandering, pointless accusations, and even more pointless reiteration, from most anyone posting, will someone please post something of substance, as to just what we’re supposed to be gathering from this train wreck?

…Politicians aren’t the “Oldest Profession”, but the results are still the same.

When they come for my guns and ammo. I plan on giving them the ammo. first!

What I have taken from it all is:

God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy…


Yep…and I’m sure Russ, T2B1, is laughing his a$$ off somewhere.

…Politicians aren’t the “Oldest Profession”, but the results are still the same.

When they come for my guns and ammo. I plan on giving them the ammo. first!

Never done this before! How do you put someone on your ignore list:question:

Originally posted by mac daddy

Explain ethics in eschatology, please SurfFishlife.

And, according to who’s ethics, are we JUDGING our eschatology(the art of end time studies). I would hope the ethics would be the word of God, not man’s ethics, as usual.

If you or anyone can disprove my “speculation”, as I am assuming you are referring to myself, since I am the ONLY ONE giving any eschatology here.

I would certainly entertain other “speculations”, as you call my ministry opinions.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Regarding the post I quoted, I guess another way to put it is Jesus is far more interested in WHAT we are doing before he returns, than us figuring out WHEN he returns. I know you are familiar with Matthew 24 and 25, a.k.a. the Olivet Discourse. Jesus’ disciples ask him when this (the temple being destroyed) will happen, and they ask him what will be the sign of His coming and the end of the age. He gives them several signs as well as warnings about false prophets and other things in verses 1-34. Then from Chapter 24 verse 35 through Chapter 25 verse 13, he tells three parables (thief in the night, faithful servants and wicked servants, wise virgins and foolish virgins) that all teach us that serving Jesus faithfully is more important than predicting the timing of his return. The thread that runs through all three parables is being prepared with our actions, not predicting the timing of his return.

I’m not trying to disprove anyone, including you. You have a great knowledge of eschatology. But if I am hearing you correctly, you think that WHEN is just as important as WHAT. I am not that interested in WHEN, because that doesn’t change the rules for my relationship with God. I’m to serve him today and every day. Whether he returns tomorrow, in 50 years, or in 1

Originally posted by SurfFishLife
Originally posted by mac daddy

Explain ethics in eschatology, please SurfFishlife.

And, according to who’s ethics, are we JUDGING our eschatology(the art of end time studies). I would hope the ethics would be the word of God, not man’s ethics, as usual.

If you or anyone can disprove my “speculation”, as I am assuming you are referring to myself, since I am the ONLY ONE giving any eschatology here.

I would certainly entertain other “speculations”, as you call my ministry opinions.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Regarding the post I quoted, I guess another way to put it is Jesus is far more interested in WHAT we are doing before he returns, than us figuring out WHEN he returns. I know you are familiar with Matthew 24 and 25, a.k.a. the Olivet Discourse. Jesus’ disciples ask him when this (the temple being destroyed) will happen, and they ask him what will be the sign of His coming and the end of the age. He gives them several signs as well as warnings about false prophets and other things in verses 1-34. Then from Chapter 24 verse 35 through Chapter 25 verse 13, he tells three parables (thief in the night, faithful servants and wicked servants, wise virgins and foolish virgins) that all teach us that serving Jesus faithfully is more important than predicting the timing of his return. The thread that runs through all three parables is being prepared with our actions, not predicting the timing of his return.

I’m not trying to disprove anyone, including you. You have a great knowledge of eschatology. But if I am hearing you correctly, you think that WHEN is just as important as WHAT. I am not that inter