Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

All good with me, I’ve got thick skin, walk light and don’t take much very seriously. Just passing through :sunglasses:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by skinneej
Fair enough. Just so you know, I am incapable of holding grudges. On to the next debate. [/quote]

I think you may be capable…

Originally posted by mac daddy

MN, if you haven’t figured out after almost 40 pages, and I just stated YESTERDAY what my ministry is, the dark side may be right when they say believers are confused, and foolish.

As to your day and hour scripture, that has been typed SEVERAL TIMES here, and answered several times, again, pay attention or leave, because every time you come, you come negatively, so your future questions may or may not be answered.

PLEASE separate the tribulation and second coming for us, scripturally, in your interpretation, for discussion purposes.

Thanks for your teaching in advance.
“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

First off, it appears to almost anyone here that I’m not the one coming off as confused, or foolish.

Secondly, you come here Preaching some insight to the Rapture? Then refuse to answer the questions asked by several, as to when?

Thirdly,… Me, leave?..uhm…NO!

Lastly…A copy and paste, for those like you, who can’t differentiate:

“What is the difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming?”

The rapture and the second coming of Christ are often confused. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a scripture verse is referring to the rapture or the second coming. However, in studying end-times Bible prophecy, it is very important to differentiate between the two.

The rapture is when Jesus Christ returns to remove the church (all believers in Christ) from the earth. The rapture is described in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-54. Believers who have died will have their bodies resurrected and, along with believers who are still living, will meet the Lord in the air. This will all occur in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. The second coming is when Jesus returns to defeat the Antichrist, des

So, you did or did not serve in Vietnam?

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Originally posted by Warbler

So, you did or did not serve in Vietnam?

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

A real man would stand up right now.

Originally posted by Warbler

So, you did or did not serve in Vietnam?

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Did he serve in the military at all???

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

I don’t know any man that served, that wasn’t proud of it!

Originally posted by Easy

I don’t know any man that served, that wasn’t proud of it!

brilliant. i think you just answered this for us.

hope your branson trip is a blast.

Thanks Pea! Looking forward to seeing the guys and hearing about all the stuff, that has been going on in their lives! Plus, telling some lies that you know they are going to call BS on:smiley::wink:

OK, MN, time to answer your cut and paste teaching. I TRULY hoped you had personal teaching, and NEW evidence for your teaching, because it IS a ‘feel good’ message, I would love to believe. That teaching only started in 1830, was not even in church doctrine previously, got to question the accuracy on that account.

I have heard that many, many times, have debated it with Pastors and teachers several times, and taught against it in Bible study, and discussion many times, so nothing new there for myself.

First, general questions:
1–How can the dead rise (2) times–1 THessalonians 4:16-17. & 1 Corinthians 15:52???
2–How can ALL believers get new bodies (2)times??? Same verses.
3–But for the ELECT’S sake, those days shall be shortened, means the ELECT will be here DURING THE TRIBULATION PERIOD. Matthew 24:22

Now your teaching:(1) both are OFTEN confused. (because they ARE the same).
(2) believers WILL have their bodies ressurected, I meet the Lord in the air. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18–verse 14 says “them which SLEEP in Jesus, will God(not Jesus) BRING(not call up) with Him”. God WILL bring, read it please.
(3)–Second coming is when Jesus comes to defeat Antichrist. Revelation 14:14-16, read please, THAT IS THE RAPTURE by Jesus ON clouds, drawing His harvest(saints) with a sickle, NOT the DEAD RISING at the rapture.

Important differences: your teaching here.
(1)–Rapture will be “in the air”, second coming will be RETURN with the Lord. Revelation 19:14–“the ARMIES(not saints) which were in Heaven followed Him upon white horses”.

Pause now, continue later.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

(2)–Rapture BEFORE the tribulation period. 1 Thessalonians 5:9–deals with salvation, not rapture. Revelation 3:10–KEEP(Greek definition here) is “to guard”, NOT take away.

(3)–Rapture is an act of deliverance. Agreed.

(4)–Rapture will be SECRET. 1Corinthians 15:50-54. “With a SHOUT, and the sound of a trumpet”.

(5)–Second coming will not occur until after certain end time events. Agreed.

(6)–Rapture could be at any moment. 2 THessalonians chapter 2. Cannot happen until that son of perdition (satan) be revealed.

WHY is it important keeping them distinct???

(1)–IF the same, believers WILL have to go through the tribulation. Quoted earlier, the ELECT WILL BE HERE.

(2)–if same, many things are to occur. Agreed.

(3)–in describing tribulation period, NOWHERE is the church mentioned during the tribulation. Terms used are “ELECT, SAINTS, THE BRIDE”.

In summary, your teaching, the rapture is BEFORE GOD’S WRATH, the second coming is to bring an end to tribulation, and to defeat Antichrist and his evil world empire. Simple, all happens same time, rapture, then wrath, and the marriage supper, then the start of the millennium.

My example takes the saints out before the wrath period, end of tribulation, and allows for believers to be called before magistrates, and synagogues(satan’s), according to Mark 13:9-11. Pre-tribulation rapture ELIMINATES that verse from the tribulation period.

I answered every item, except afew, in your teaching, I would ask the same respect and response from you in return, please.

Thanks VERY MUCH for entering into discussion of the rapture, tribulation, and second coming, you are the only one who has given full teaching or discussion on the subject of end time prophecies, etc FULLY.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I enjoy, and truly respect your reply, Mac Daddy! Thanks!! Now, we’re getting somewhere. I know you think that I’m always coming in on the (-) negative. But, I’m not, only reaching for the truth. I have many more questions, not as a teacher, but as a disciple.

…Politicians aren’t the “Oldest Profession”, but the results are still the same.

When they come for my guns and ammo. I plan on giving them the ammo. first!

Mn, thanks so much for the kind words, pretty rare here, and your interest in the subjects at hand.

Questions welcome, I’m NOT an expert, by any means, only accused of that, but I WILL give the word I have freely

Collosians 1:26-- EVEN THE MYSTERY which has been hid from ages and from generations, but NOW IS MADE MANIFEST TO HIS SAINTS.

God calls us SAINTS, man does not call us SAINTS, so we get FAR MORE respect from God than from man. Jealousy is a WICKED spirit, caused Cain to kill Abel, making Cain the FIRST murderer(John 8:44), also making Cain a son of the devil, same verse.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Mn, still waiting for questions, or from anyone else, for that matter.

Those last posts should raise many questions to everyone, let’s hear them, please.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

Mn, still waiting for questions, or from anyone else, for that matter.

Those last posts should raise many questions to everyone, let’s hear them, please.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

How about answering Warbler’s question?

“So, you did or did not serve in Vietnam?”</font id=“red”>

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Originally posted by Happy Bob
Originally posted by mac daddy

Mn, still waiting for questions, or from anyone else, for that matter.

Those last posts should raise many questions to everyone, let’s hear them, please.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

How about answering Warbler’s question?

“So, you did or did not serve in Vietnam?”</font id=“red”>

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

I think that the answer is "TRUE"... It's true that he either did server or he didn't. Unless there is another option that I am not seeing, but that seems like a binary OR condition to me. 1 OR 0 = 1 which is true.

Side note, if the question was “So, you did AND did not serve in Vietnam?”, then the answer would be false since it’s impossible to both serve AND not serve. You either served or you didn’t, so when you AND a 1 and a 0 together, the answer is 0, or FALSE.

Here is one for the class… What is the answer to this equation?

((you either served or you did not) and (you served and you did not serve))… Anyone?

Originally posted by Mixed Nutz
Originally posted by mac daddy

MN, if you haven’t figured out after almost 40 pages, and I just stated YESTERDAY what my ministry is, the dark side may be right when they say believers are confused, and foolish.

As to your day and hour scripture, that has been typed SEVERAL TIMES here, and answered several times, again, pay attention or leave, because every time you come, you come negatively, so your future questions may or may not be answered.

PLEASE separate the tribulation and second coming for us, scripturally, in your interpretation, for discussion purposes.

Thanks for your teaching in advance.
“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

First off, it appears to almost anyone here that I’m not the one coming off as confused, or foolish.

Secondly, you come here Preaching some insight to the Rapture? Then refuse to answer the questions asked by several, as to when?

Thirdly,… Me, leave?..uhm…NO!

Lastly…A copy and paste, for those like you, who can’t differentiate:

“What is the difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming?”

The rapture and the second coming of Christ are often confused. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a scripture verse is referring to the rapture or the second coming. However, in studying end-times Bible prophecy, it is very important to differentiate between the two.

The rapture is when Jesus Christ returns to remove the church (all believers in Christ) from the earth. The rapture is described in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-54. Believers who have died will have their bodies resurrected and, along with believers who are still

OUTSTANDING ANSWERS, bgf; totally agree. Quite surprised to hear such agreement, pleasantly, if you would PM me, or post if you rather, where you gained your insight, sinceIit is so rare.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Now, Mixed Nutz and others have more than one interpretation of the rapture doctrine being inaccurate information, only devised in 1830, or so.

The reason the subject is so crucial I believe, is when saints realize they are facing the one world religion, the 7 year peace treaty(starting the tribulation period), and the BEAST authoritative system, they will believe they have been “left behind”.

Then, when Antichrist appears mid-tribulation(middle of 7 year treaty also), they may consider themselves ‘desperate’, from a physical, not spiritual, position; and may receive the false Christ, out of confusion, or desperation, God forbid!!!###

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Mac, I was raised in church, but was not saved until I was an adult (36). I had a pastor challenge my views on eschatology and taught me how to study scripture. He taught me more in a few years than I’d learned all the years before… and I am stubborn. I still have trouble sometimes with the meanings of words as intended in the Greek, but I always try to lean on His word, not man’s or mine. This is one reason that you won’t find me bad-mouthing churches or pastors; they are not all the same.