Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Happy Bob
Originally posted by mac daddy

Mn, still waiting for questions, or from anyone else, for that matter.

Those last posts should raise many questions to everyone, let’s hear them, please.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

How about answering Warbler’s question?

“So, you did or did not serve in Vietnam?”</font id=“red”>

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

I think that the answer is "TRUE"... It's true that he either did server or he didn't. Unless there is another option that I am not seeing, but that seems like a binary OR condition to me. 1 OR 0 = 1 which is true.

Side note, if the question was “So, you did AND did not serve in Vietnam?”, then the answer would be false since it’s impossible to both serve AND not serve. You either served or you didn’t, so when you AND a 1 and a 0 together, the answer is 0, or FALSE.

Here is one for the class… What is the answer to this equation?

((you either served or you did not) and (you served and you did not serve))… Anyone?

bgf, I am VERY happy you received help from your pastor, and you learned so much.

Question is, what about the things you learned that were misinterpreted, mistranslated, etc., OR, worse yet, taught as doctrine things that DO NOT agree with the word of God.

There has to be at least some true Pastors, Teachers, and churches, BUT, I personally have never found one in person, radio, or tv, in over 40 years listening and watching daily and weekly.

My current Pastor/teacher has doctorates in Hebrew and Greek, and most would certainly consider him a Bible scholar, but, I still find some of his teaching not to be in agreement with the word of God. This man has taught me FAR MORE THAN anyone I have ever known, however, I would warn newcomers of his error also.

My “bad-mouthing” is not meant for bad-mouthing, it is meant for EXPOSURE of false teaching, where it exists, which, as stated, would shock me to find ANY such teaching to be 100% accurate, either by intent, or by accident.

I would suspect that you have questioned some of your Pastor’s teaching also. You certainly should check out the church doctrine in accordance with the word of God.

I also feel certain some of my teaching is misinterpreted , due to human error, but that does NOT give me the right to claim everything I say is perfect, or correct. Whereas, Pastors and teachers normally claim their teaching IS correct, with no doubt.

I have admitted correction here, but I have not, to my remembrance, heard any Pastors or teachers admit correction.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

bgf, I am VERY happy you received help from your pastor, and you learned so much.

Question is, what about the things you learned that were misinterpreted, mistranslated, etc., OR, worse yet, taught as doctrine things that DO NOT agree with the word of God.

There has to be at least some true Pastors, Teachers, and churches, BUT, I personally have never found one in person, radio, or tv, in over 40 years listening and watching daily and weekly.

My current Pastor/teacher has doctorates in Hebrew and Greek, and most would certainly consider him a Bible scholar, but, I still find some of his teaching not to be in agreement with the word of God. This man has taught me FAR MORE THAN anyone I have ever known, however, I would warn newcomers of his error also.

My “bad-mouthing” is not meant for bad-mouthing, it is meant for EXPOSURE of false teaching, where it exists, which, as stated, would shock me to find ANY such teaching to be 100% accurate, either by intent, or by accident.

I would suspect that you have questioned some of your Pastor’s teaching also. You certainly should check out the church doctrine in accordance with the word of God.

I also feel certain some of my teaching is misinterpreted , due to human error, but that does NOT give me the right to claim everything I say is perfect, or correct. Whereas, Pastors and teachers normally claim their teaching IS correct, with no doubt.

I have admitted correction here, but I have not, to my remembrance, heard any Pastors or teachers admit correction.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Here is where I have always taken issue with “Teachers”. If a person is able to read and comprehend the Bible/Word, why do they need a Teacher?

Granted in most Biblical periods, the majority of Christi

I am currently enrolled in two college classes: New Testament Survey and Old Testament Survey. I find the teaching to be incredibly helpful. I’ve read the Bible on my own for years, but there are people that know far more than me that can shed light on scripture that I would not have found on my own. Obviously, not all scholars agree on all points of scripture but that doesn’t mean that scholars and teachers can’t be helpful. Of course no one - scholar or not - should hold themselves up as the ultimate authority on scripture.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Let’s cut thru the Bull ****, it is up to interpretation. That is the power Teachers’ refuse to release for fear of insignificance.


Boy, that sounds like Hippie talk to me. :smiley: Just kidding, I agree with free interpretation with some help when needed. I think there are some things that teacher with years of experience can help us with. I also believe we have a lot of teachers that push a personal agenda

Originally posted by SurfFishLife

I am currently enrolled in two college classes: New Testament Survey and Old Testament Survey. I find the teaching to be incredibly helpful. I’ve read the Bible on my own for years, but there are people that know far more than me that can shed light on scripture that I would not have found on my own. Obviously, not all scholars agree on all points of scripture but that doesn’t mean that scholars and teachers can’t be helpful. Of course no one - scholar or not - should hold themselves up as the ultimate authority on scripture.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.


Understood. From my perspective, having dialog and fellowship with others regarding the Bible is one thing, but I really see no need in todays world for Teachers. There are so many places to find information to help clarify.

I will qualify my statement. It relates to those who are able to read and comprehend. Children should be taught, but once they get to a certain age, I see no need for it anymore.

Having a Bible study, and someone leading is OK in my book. But, when it comes to the perceived authority, I start having trouble with it. Again, one can share their perspective, and if they do so, I am OK with it.

Key message is; knowledge is power. Now that things are more on a level playing ground with reading, etc. the Teachers are not necesarily needed anymore. Life mentors are one thing, but authorities on the Word, not so much.

James 1:5
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.


Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Let’s cut thru the Bull ****, it is up to interpretation. That is the power Teachers’ refuse to release for fear of insignificance.


Boy, that sounds like Hippie talk to me. :smiley: Just kidding, I agree with free interpretation with some help when needed. I think there are some things that teacher with years of experience can help us with. I also believe we have a lot of teachers that push a personal agenda

Well, I do drive a VW bus everyday and watch Cheech & Chong movies regularly. Just kidding.

My issue is with the self righteous Teachers. Not saying MD is one, my comment was about all Teachers these days. I believe it is best for one to discover, and decide on their own.

Here is a great example of why Teachers exist, weak minded folks who are unable to think for themselves…



I do not disagree with any of that… IF one has enough discernment to know how to apply the ‘garbage in, garbage out’ principle. There is a LOT of pure horse hockey out there, if you don’t know the difference.

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

That is the power Teachers’ refuse to release for fear of insignificance.


I don't know many teachers that don't encourage you to read it for yourself... So, I will have to call "false" on your statement. I'm sure there are a few, but if you are talking about the majority, I will have to go with "false"...
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

I really see no need in todays world for Teachers. There are so many places to f

Maybe not for YOU or ME or others, but 90% of 'Murica wants to be spoon fed information. They don't want to take time away from the Kardashians to search for the answer on their own. If you have ever worked in the corporate environment, it's easy to see that there are those that "require" teachers and those who prefer not to have them (i.e. self-learners). It's important enough that when I interview someone for a job, I ask about their learning process. If they mention "training", they are a "no hire"...
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

That is the power Teachers’ refuse to release for fear of insignificance.


I don't know many teachers that don't encourage you to read it for yourself... So, I will have to call "false" on your statement. I'm sure there are a few, but if you are talking about the majority, I will have to go with "false"...

Let me know your perspective after a few Mega church sermons attended in Charlotte, NC. Better bring the wallet…


Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

I really see no need in todays world for Teachers. There are so many places to f

Maybe not for YOU or ME or others, but 90% of 'Murica wants to be spoon fed information. They don't want to take time away from the Kardashians to search for the answer on their own. If you have ever worked in the corporate environment, it's easy to see that there are those that "require" teachers and those who prefer not to have them (i.e. self-learners). It's important enough that when I interview someone for a job, I ask about their learning process. If they mention "training", they are a "no hire"...

Starting to pick up what I have been laying down! Can we get an Amen up in this joint to recognize! Self taught and brought, but never bought by anyone other than Jesus!


“Self taught and brought”, I like that a lot, however, ALL OF US do need to be taught, at least by the Holy Spirit, if no other.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

That is the power Teachers’ refuse to release for fear of insignificance.


I don't know many teachers that don't encourage you to read it for yourself... So, I will have to call "false" on your statement. I'm sure there are a few, but if you are talking about the majority, I will have to go with "false"...

Let me know your perspective after a few Mega church sermons attended in Charlotte, NC. Better bring the wallet…


I've been to Calvary church in Charlotte many times. I used to live there. No payment was required. Service was actually quite nice if I recall.

Let me know after you have become a member, the Lord don’t come cheap in those neck of the woods#128512;


Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Let me know after you have become a member, the Lord don’t come cheap in those neck of the woods#128512;


You are just being silly... If you can't give us some facts, then it just sounds like you are embellishing a bit... I went dozens of times and they never asked me for a VIP card.
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Let me know after you have become a member, the Lord don’t come cheap in those neck of the woods#128512;


You are just being silly... If you can't give us some facts, then it just sounds like you are embellishing a bit... I went dozens of times and they never asked me for a VIP card.


Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Let me know after you have become a member, the Lord don’t come cheap in those neck of the woods#128512;


You are just being silly... If you can't give us some facts, then it just sounds like you are embellishing a bit... I went dozens of times and they never asked me for a VIP card.


Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Let me know after you have become a member, the Lord don’t come cheap in those neck of the woods#128512;


You are just being silly... If you can't give us some facts, then it just sounds like you are embellishing a bit... I went dozens of times and they never asked me for a VIP card.

When Churches are appraised, there done by two means. 1. Number of pews. 2. Anualized collection plate income. Those two key ingredients stand on there own merit. Ask any lender that will finance the dwelling. That’s not being silly, that’s reality!


God provides but he doesn’t write a check for the light bill.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.