Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

i grew up in calvary church. it was excellent. they never beat me up over tithing.

if you find yourself church hopping, it might be you.

Originally posted by mac daddy

“Self taught and brought”, I like that a lot, however, ALL OF US do need to be taught, at least by the Holy Spirit, if no other.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Understood, and thank you for the kind words.


Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Let me know after you have become a member, the Lord don’t come cheap in those neck of the woods#128512;


You are just being silly... If you can't give us some facts, then it just sounds like you are embellishing a bit... I went dozens of times and they never asked me for a VIP card.

When Churches are appraised, there done by two means. 1. Number of pews. 2. Anualized collection plate income. Those two key ingredients stand on there own merit. Ask any lender that will finance the dwelling. That’s not being silly, that’s reality!


Sad but true, every church I’ve ever attended (quit a bunch) and sooner or later money always comes to play. I really hate that, but non the less it is true.

skinneej, you stated that you and your wife have been church hunting. Cool. you have to find what’s right for you. but always be aware the more you donate the more you will be expected to donate. not always, but pretty much always.

One should also assess during the vetting process whether there is potential for conc

RBF, I’m with you on churches. Not from hatred, God ordained churches, but not the way they operate today. God punished King David for “counting his troops”,(numbers), shows LACK OF FAITH, NOT GOOD SUCCESS, according to God.

My primary problem with churches, and I believe God’s too, is their LACK of teaching. Someone here said it took them 36 years to be “converted” in the church, it took me 26 also. For myself, and skinneej, it was not the teaching that brought us around, it was having our first child. Something similar for most church members, I would imagine.

I KNOW church helps new converts, for that reason, they need to exist. BUT, for the ‘seasoned’ believers, churches only hold them back, and leave them in a “lukewarm” state, typically. GOD SAID HE HATES LUKEWARM BELIEVERS!!!###

Mark 13:23–Behold I have told YOU ALL THINGS.(concerning end time prophecies)

So, we can’t make the statement church teaches us:“we will never know all things concerning the end”.

"Unto you It IS given for you to know the MYSTERIES of the KINGDOM. Luke 8:10

Nor the church saying: “Some things are mysteries we will NEVER KNOW”.

Those two church sayings are in DIRECT contradiction to God’s word, how can God be pleased with the teaching of the church???

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

RBF, I’m with you on churches. Not from hatred, God ordained churches, but not the way they operate today. God punished King David for “counting his troops”,(numbers), shows LACK OF FAITH, NOT GOOD SUCCESS, according to God.

My primary problem with churches, and I believe God’s too, is their LACK of teaching. Someone here said it took them 36 years to be “converted” in the church, it took me 26 also. For myself, and skinneej, it was not the teaching that brought us around, it was having our first child. Something similar for most church members, I would imagine.

I KNOW church helps new converts, for that reason, they need to exist. BUT, for the ‘seasoned’ believers, churches only hold them back, and leave them in a “lukewarm” state, typically. GOD SAID HE HATES LUKEWARM BELIEVERS!!!###

Mark 13:23–Behold I have told YOU ALL THINGS.(concerning end time prophecies)

So, we can’t make the statement church teaches us:“we will never know all things concerning the end”.

"Unto you It IS given for you to know the MYSTERIES of the KINGDOM. Luke 8:10

Nor the church saying: “Some things are mysteries we will NEVER KNOW”.

Those two church sayings are in DIRECT contradiction to God’s word, how can God be pleased with the teaching of the church???

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I had the honor and privilege to have been raised by an amazing person that was one of the last true southern gospel pipe organist. I have seen the transformation of churches over the decades and many discussions with her. She loved the music but always questioned the pastors. Many enjoyed her ability to see it her way.

I miss her tremendously, and wish each and everyone of you had the pleasure to meet her and the gifts only God could place in ones fingers, hands

As to having teachers, MANY, MANY scriptures commanding teachers, and to be taught: Hebrews 5:12–For the time you OUGHT to be TEACHERS, you have need that one TEACH YOU again, which be the FIRST PRINCIPLES of the oracles of God!!!

Matthew 28:20–TEACHING them to observe ALL THINGS which I have commanded you.

Your opinion is “we don’t need teachers today”, RBF. As someone answered, too much “garbage” out there available to be self taught, UNLESS, you have the Holy Spirit residing in you EVERY MOMENT for discernment. THEN, you must HEAR what the Holy Spirit teaches you, ABOVE all the distractions from the world, the flesh, and the devil.

As SurfFishlife said, you can learn more from an ANOINTED teacher in a short time, than you can learn in a lifetime on your own.
Teachers who are “called by God” to teach, AND ANOINTED by God to teach, are gifted in discernment for interpretations that others do not receive.

You, RBF, probably, like others here also, have NEVER experienced that type of teacher, neither has most churches. They teach their members “if you hear STRANGE DOCTRINE, do NOT listen to that teacher”.

When ,truthfully, much of the Bible is STRANGE DOCTRINE to church members, because of their LACK OF TEACHING. That statement CANNOT be denied, truthfully.

The warning signs given by churches toward STRANGE DOCTRINE keeps members from EXPLORING the word of God, for the truth, AND from listening to ANY TEACHER who does not teach the word they teach, in the MANNER they teach it, and under the label(denominations) that they teach under.

If any ‘seasoned’ believer will, OR any TRUE BELIEVERS will leave denominational churches for non-denominational ones, and seek God through an ANOINTED, CALLED, teacher, they will learn more in ONE MONTH in many cases, than they have learned before, reference the DEEP THINGS OF GOD!!!###

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”


Originally posted by mac daddy

As to having teachers, MANY, MANY scriptures commanding teachers, and to be taught: Hebrews 5:12–For the time you OUGHT to be TEACHERS, you have need that one TEACH YOU again, which be the FIRST PRINCIPLES of the oracles of God!!!

Matthew 28:20–TEACHING them to observe ALL THINGS which I have commanded you.

Your opinion is “we don’t need teachers today”, RBF. As someone answered, too much “garbage” out there available to be self taught, UNLESS, you have the Holy Spirit residing in you EVERY MOMENT for discernment. THEN, you must HEAR what the Holy Spirit teaches you, ABOVE all the distractions from the world, the flesh, and the devil.

As SurfFishlife said, you can more from an ANOINTED teacher in a short time, than you can learn in a lifetime on your own.
Teachers who are “called by God” to teach, AND ANOINTED by God to teach, are gifted in discernment for interpretations that others do not receive.

You, RBF, probably, like others here also, have NEVER experienced that type of teacher, neither has most churches. They teach their members “if you hear STRANGE DOCTRINE, do NOT listen to that teacher”.

When ,truthfully, much of the Bible is STRANGE DOCTRINE to church members, because of their LACK OF TEACHING. That statement CANNOT be denied, truthfully.

The warning signs given by churches toward STRANGE DOCTRINE keeps members from EXPLORING the word of God, for the truth, AND from listening to ANY TEACHER who does not teach the word they teach, in the MANNER they teach it, and under the label(denominations) that they teach under.

If any ‘seasoned’ believer will, OR any TRUE BELIEVERS will leave denominational churches and seek God through an ANOINTED, CALLED, teacher, they will learn more in ONE MONTH in many cases, than they have learned before, reference the DEEP THINGS OF GOD!!!###

"The big one’s still swimming,

GREAT POST about your pipe organ “gifted one”, also great example of looking at the word “her way”, rather than Pastors way. Of course, not all are bad, as Gotcha said about me, we mostly all MEAN WELL, we just get sidetracked by many things in life, mostly bad things.

Most Pastors and teachers depend on their message to support them financially. The Apostle Paul considered that “robbery”, and made his living as a tent maker, and other jobs.

The truly ANOINTED CALLED teachers mostly, do other jobs along with teaching in today’s world also, following Biblical definitions of servants of God. Depending on someone else makes you a slave to their own spiritual thinking and desires, rather than giving you freedom, to teach and express the word of God with boldness, and accuracy.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

GREAT POST about your pipe organ “gifted one”, also great example of looking at the word “her way”, rather than Pastors way. Of course, not all are bad, as Gotcha said about me, we mostly all MEAN WELL, we just get sidetracked by many things in life, mostly bad things.

Most Pastors and teachers depend on their message to support them financially. The Apostle Paul considered that “robbery”, and made his living as a tent maker, and other jobs.

The truly ANOINTED CALLED teachers mostly, do other jobs along with teaching in today’s world also, following Biblical definitions of servants of God. Depending on someone else makes you a slave to their own spiritual thinking and desires, rather than giving you freedom, to teach and express the word of God with boldness, and accuracy.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

RBF, NO QUESTION, anointing ONLY comes from God, and self anointing is forbidden certainly.

Those who ARE anointed don’t talk much about it, those who regularly call themselves anointed usually aren’t. After a month steady on here, I have NOT mentioned any anointing, to my remembrance, until now.

The ACCUSATIONS against me were not my claims, they were OTHERS calling me special revelations, superior, righteous leader, etc., I didn’t claim ANY of those giftings. I DID imply I had truth, SOME do not have, that can be easily received by. Study, obedience, AND anointing or spiritual discernment.

PRIMARILY, I have always said it is STUDY that brings clarity, and right interpretation,NOT giftings from God, even though I do believe in gifts from God too.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

GREAT POST about your pipe organ “gifted one”, also great example of looking at the word “her way”, rather than Pastors way. Of course, not all are bad, as Gotcha said about me, we mostly all MEAN WELL, we just get sidetracked by many things in life, mostly bad things.

Most Pastors and teachers depend on their message to support them financially. The Apostle Paul considered that “robbery”, and made his living as a tent maker, and other jobs.

The truly ANOINTED CALLED teachers mostly, do other jobs along with teaching in today’s world also, following Biblical definitions of servants of God. Depending on someone else makes you a slave to their own spiritual thinking and desires, rather than giving you freedom, to teach and express the word of God with boldness, and accuracy.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Thank you for the kind words. That person had a name, and it was Mom. She replied to one pastor that decide to wear all white suit, she mentored him and told him he looked like the pope. He gave her grave side service and laughed. That Sunday the church put a white sheet over her organ and the choir performed…


That’s a wonderful story, I kind of prejudged you by your beer froth name, and your questions about me personally. Now I understand fully where you are, and why you gave me the works. You had reason to believe I was a first class jerk, but that was reactionary, mostly, after having a very good Ressurection Day thread I took a stand too harsh on the end time, trying to eliminate some harassment. I only added room for more, not less; now it has subsided, thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Your days in church with a special MOM had to be wonderful, mine were too. Good times in church are the best times, especially Christmas. I DO SO miss my mom and Christmas at church.

Now, I have been given a ministry of my own that is the most challenging one I can imagine. That is, trying to help believers get into the REAL world of God, spiritually, through personal experiences with the Lord, rather than a “distant God” who cannot be touched by our infirmities, and shortcomings.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

That’s a wonderful story, I kind of prejudged you by your beer froth name, and your questions about me personally. Now I understand fully where you are, and why you gave me the works. You had reason to believe I was a first class jerk, but that was reactionary, mostly, after having a very good Ressurection Day thread I took a stand too harsh on the end time, trying to eliminate some harassment. I only added room for more, not less; now it has subsided, thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Your days in church with a special MOM had to be wonderful, mine were too. Good times in church are the best times, especially Christmas. I DO SO miss my mom and Christmas at church.

Now, I have been given a ministry of my own that is the most challenging one I can imagine. That is, trying to help believers get into the REAL world of God, spiritually, through personal experiences with the Lord, rather than a “distant God” who cannot be touched by our infirmities, and shortcomings.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I heard the piano practice, all week long. I donated her Baldwin piano to the church she played for last.

Look back at our dialog, and I asked about your health, and was open to discussion. I have said numerous times you have enormous knowledge, but I did not find the delivery inspirational. Not a personal attack, just not my cup of tea.

Again, if you love God, you are my brother. Just realize, brothers do debate.

What is the four letter word for beer froth?


Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

[quote]Originally posted by mac daddy

What is the four letter word for beer froth?


foam ? head ? good?

You ask a question that has century’s of science behind it.

What type churches did your mom play for, and the type that she last played for???

What was her type worship, you said gospel, informal, etc???

What is your favorite type worship, informal or formal, etc.???

You sound interesting really, because I like outspoken obviously, and we need a new subject, such as type worship services.

Answer to your four letter word for beer froth is SUDS, OR FOAM.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Fred, 23 pages, over 13,000 reads, congrats brother, come on in.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

How kind to welcome Fred in.

The word is head. Now whats a nickname for Richard?

Originally posted by mac daddy

Fred, 23 pages, over 13,000 reads, congrats brother, come on in.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

good night Mac! just curious what RBF was referring to.

Mac, everything aside this has been a very thought provoking thread. No matter what anyone else says. A lot have been reading and not posting. It’s all good. Life is Good. No it’s better than good, most times.

Thanks, Fred. Goodnight to you too.

Richard, don’t get into a spitting contest, just relax, and let’s enjoy the conversation, brother.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by 7cs

How kind to welcome Fred in.

The word is head. Now whats a nickname for Richard?


Hard. Hard head, is the name, different than the obvious choice.

I mean really, what kind of asshole would call himself dick suds…