Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

Lol. 7cs thought it meant ********.

Oops. Wrong log in. Dammit.

Originally posted by 7cs

Oops. Wrong log in. Dammit.

Why the moniker seven seas?


Originally posted by mac daddy

I KNOW church helps new converts, for that reason, they need to exist. BUT, for the ‘seasoned’ believers, churches only hold them back</font id=“blue”>, and leave them in a “lukewarm” state, typically.

A “seasoned believer” might be held back by a church if their focus is what they can get from a church. But a follower of Christ will also be interested in what he can add to the church. At some point, many of us that have been in church for a while get to a point where we feel like we aren’t learning that much new information. I think that is the point that we need to give freely of what we have received. There are plenty of places to help, whether teaching newer believers or cleaning the bathrooms. BE the church.

It’s VERY easy to criticize the faults of the church. It requires very little effort. Working to help improve and strengthen the church requires hard work AND a thick skin to deal with the criticism that will certainly come. Recommended reading: Nehemiah.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Originally posted by mac daddy

What type churches did your mom play for, and the type that she last played for???

What was her type worship, you said gospel, informal, etc???

What is your favorite type worship, informal or formal, etc.???

You sound interesting really, because I like outspoken obviously, and we need a new subject, such as type worship services.

Answer to your four letter word for beer froth is SUDS, OR FOAM.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Either Presbyterian or Baptist. She loved southern gospel music. Venue did not matter to her.

Interesting story, we took her on the Sandy Island tour with the guide being the owner and native. Part of the tour was through the church on the island. It had an organ and he did not believe me when I told him she played. He said prove it and he turned on the organ. I asked mom to show him real southern gospel and she played music for him, my wife, daughter, and me. No one else in that small church in the woods of sandy island. He begged her to come play for them one Sunday, she wanted but never had the time due her other church schedule. Truly a great lady, prim and proper, but could lay down the smack with an organ or piano!


Great story, RBF.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Originally posted by SurfFishLife

Great story, RBF.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Thank you SFL. This song says it all for me and my mom. I can write, but not play. Those gifts are now lost, as I could never do it justice.



Originally posted by mac daddy

My primary problem with churches, and I believe God’s too, is their LACK of teaching. Someone here said it took them 36 years to be “converted” in the church, it took me 26 also. For myself, and skinneej, it was not the teaching that brought us around, it was having our first child. Something similar for most church members, I would imagine.

Mac, my original statement was “, I was raised in church, but was not saved until I was an adult (36).”
It did not take 36 years of church. I walked away from church at 16 and was led back when I was 36. I was not in church, nor even thinking about God for those years; rather I spent them doing things that I would rather not remember.

Great song and a great tribute to his mom. Speaking of southern gospel music, when I was still wandering in the desert of my disobedience I wasn’t quite ready to go back to church even though at one point I knew my life had to change. I started listening to a bit of southern gospel. I always liked music and especially loved (and still love) vocal harmony. It took me back in my mind to the mornings of listening to the Gospel Singing Jubilee on TV when I was a kid. I think my soul was thirsty for the Word, and southern gospel music helped quench that thirst for a while. I still break out a Gaither Homecoming CD now and then. So many of those folks are gone but there are some really good younger guys and gals singing very good southern gospel. It’s about the only genre I can think of where you can hear a good quartet these days.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Let me know after you have become a member, the Lord don’t come cheap in those neck of the woods#128512;


You are just being silly... If you can't give us some facts, then it just sounds like you are embellishing a bit... I went dozens of times and they never asked me for a VIP card.


I'll be honest, this part is very uninteresting to me, but I clicked on the link and skimmed over it. While I did not read every word, as best as I could tell, this article said a pastor was fired for "inappropriate conduct". It didn't say anything about expensive memberships in the parts I read. "Inappropriate conduct" could mean anything from shagging a choir girl to taking poops with the bathroom door propped open. I'm not sure how this link or the next one validates your point.
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Let me know after you have become a member, the Lord don’t come cheap in those neck of the woods#128512;


You are just being silly... If you can't give us some facts, then it just sounds like you are embellishing a bit... I went dozens of times and they never asked me for a VIP card.


I'll be honest, this part is very uninteresting to me, but I clicked on the link and skimmed over it. While I did not read every word, as best as I could tell, this article said a pastor was fired for "inappropriate conduct". It didn't say anything about expensive memberships in the parts I read. "Inappropriate conduct" could mean anything from shagging a choir girl to taking poops with the bathroom door propped open. I'm not sure how this link or the next one validates your point.

It is the same concept as most everything in life. You can patron the most expensive estblishments, but only order water.

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

It is the same concept as most everything in life. You can patron the most expensive estblishments, but only order water. Eventually, those places go out of business. My example relates to how social misconduct usually results in fiscal misconduct. Can’t have all the toys unless someone is paying. Whether it is you or someone else, the bills must be paid. It only puts more burden on the others folks when folks use the resource, but do not pay. If you did not open the wallet, your choice. But, I assure you my friend, someone did.


Hmmmm... Looks like this is not the same thesis you started on... I'm pretty sure that you were arguing that "teachers" hold interpretations close to their chest so that they can charge out of the wazoo, and "make bank", for salvation... Now it seems that you are trying to say that calvary cost a lot of money to build and run. Yeah, I don't think that the building was created from random protein strains and mutations over millions of years. I would have never argued that... So, what is it you are trying to say exactly?

Understood, bgf, same for me, age 16-26; those are good examples of the lack of teaching. NOT saying teaching is the ONLY answer, just the most important after SALVATION.

Teaching, and teachers, are two of the most predominantly mentioned items in BOTH COVENANTS, so we should place the same importance on them as well.

ESPECIALLY, in the latter days, Jesus WARNS, not just teaches, to BEWARE OF FALSE TEACHING, AND TEACHERS, they are POISON to the soul. A skull and crossbones should be placed over those four (4) words (FALSE TEACHING AND TEACHERS). In the old covenant God ordered them STONED TO DEATH, if that still existed, there would be much less speculation of truth, by myself included.

So, at the point where we believe we have MAXXED OUT in our church learning, what do we do??? Some say teach, some say serve others, some say leave for higher teaching in schools, or other churches who are more spiritual, or indulge one’s self in self study, without guidance, or some say private study under a mentor, Pastor, etc., some even say try ALL of the above. Not all cases fall in the above categories, of course, some do better jobs than others.

Some feel as Buddy B, that the mission field is calling to foreign lands.

I personally believe the word says we all have a calling, and MOST of us know that calling, though we may not want to honor our calling.

I was “SCARED TO DEATH”, and still am fearful of error.

I still believe the bottom line is: our learning is life and death to our soul.

Not to being lost or saved, BUT to “ENDURE TO THE END”. That is the reason Jesus WARNED US SO VEHEMENTLY to “be not deceived” in the end time
THEY are teaching us to RELAX, to be confident of our salvation, to NOT BE CONCERNED about the Tribulation period, to concentrate on God’s love, NOT His wrath, and even the most FUNDAMENTAL denominations are teaching “fear not”, because Jesus taught that, too.

God said “The fear of God is the BEGINNING of wisdom”, so we also need it in the end of our acquiring wisd


Originally posted by skinneej

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

It is the same concept as most everything in life. You can patron the most expensive estblishments, but only order water. Eventually, those places go out of business. My example relates to how social misconduct usually results in fiscal misconduct. Can’t have all the toys unless someone is paying. Whether it is you or someone else, the bills must be paid. It only puts more burden on the others folks when folks use the resource, but do not pay. If you did not open the wallet, your choice. But, I assure you my friend, someone did.


Hmmmm... Looks like this is not the same thesis you started on... I'm pretty sure that you were arguing that "teachers" hold interpretations close to their chest so that they can charge out of the wazoo, and "make bank", for salvation... Now it seems that you are trying to say that calvary cost a lot of money to build and run. Yeah, I don't think that the building was created from random protein strains and mutations over millions of years. I would have never argued that... So, what is it you are trying to say exactly?

You brought up Calvary, I stated mega church and bring your wallet. Originally, my premise was regarding knowledge and power in a different period of time than modern day. Folks should be able to learn for themselves which is pure. However, the CLT area is notorious for church scandal, just reality.

Drive by the heritage tower, beautiful reminder of it all…


Originally posted by SurfFishLife

Great song and a great tribute to his mom. Speaking of southern gospel music, when I was still wandering in the desert of my disobedience I wasn’t quite ready to go back to church even though at one point I knew my life had to change. I started listening to a bit of southern gospel. I always liked music and especially loved (and still love) vocal harmony. It took me back in my mind to the mornings of listening to the Gospel Singing Jubilee on TV when I was a kid. I think my soul was thirsty for the Word, and southern gospel music helped quench that thirst for a while. I still break out a Gaither Homecoming CD now and then. So many of those folks are gone but there are some really good younger guys and gals singing very good southern gospel. It’s about the only genre I can think of where you can hear a good quartet these days.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.


I can tell by the way you have conducted yourself through the entire thread you have a calm confidence. I have yet to see you lash out to anyone. I find your demeaner pleasant. I wish I was the same sometimes. However, that lady I called Mom, had spunk and that is what she gave me.

Anything you have to say I’ll listen. You are a gentleman in my book.



Originally posted by mac daddy

That’s a wonderful story, I kind of prejudged you by your beer froth name, and your questions about me personally. Now I understand fully where you are, and why you gave me the works. You had reason to believe I was a first class jerk, but that was reactionary, mostly, after having a very good Ressurection Day thread I took a stand too harsh on the end time, trying to eliminate some harassment. I only added room for more, not less; now it has subsided, thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Your days in church with a special MOM had to be wonderful, mine were too. Good times in church are the best times, especially Christmas. I DO SO miss my mom and Christmas at church.

Now, I have been given a ministry of my own that is the most challenging one I can imagine. That is, trying to help believers get into the REAL world of God, spiritually, through personal experiences with the Lord, rather than a “distant God” who cannot be touched by our infirmities, and shortcomings.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Thank you. I spent many Sundays in church but very few with her by my side. The draw backs of church operations. Takes away from the family. Still, I felt like a candle when she played and that everyone knew that was MY Mom.


Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth


I can tell by the way you have conducted yourself through the entire thread you have a calm confidence. I have yet to see you lash out to anyone. I find your demeaner pleasant. I wish I was the same sometimes. However, that lady I called Mom, had spunk and that is what she gave me.

Anything you have to say I’ll listen. You are a gentleman in my book.


Thank you for the compliment, and I will try to live up to it. I’ve learned many of my lessons the hard way. One of the reasons I resist lashing out is because I’ve had to eat crow a few more times than I care to recall.

One of my favorite role models for how to respond to disagreement is Bill Bennett. He is the former Secretary of Education, drug czar, presidential advisor, etc. and has a talk radio show called Morning in America (http://www.billbennett.com/find-a-station/). On most talk radio stations if a caller disagrees with the host, the host will either subtly or blatantly try to make the caller look stupid. Not so with Bill. He lets the caller have their say and if he disagrees he will tell them why, then thank them for calling. It’s not only a more civil discourse, it’s more intellectual and more pleasant to listen to than the typical shouting match that talk radio has become.

Of course the ultimate role model is Jesus. “Speaking the truth in love” was his model - unless he was talking to the legalistic Pharisees and Sadducees that were trying to entrap him. What I take from that is that he really did not like people to hold themselves out as better than others, or people that talk the talk but don’t walk the talk.

Here’s a little musical treat: https://youtu.be/QYc2HyFR3uQ

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

NOW we have some REAL discussion going, how wonderful.

I believe the church situation has been thoroughly covered, let’s move on to doctrine, etc.

Still quite a bit not covered on end time prophecies, like the events prophesied, the beast, false prophet, Antichrist, two witnesses, 144,000 to come out of tribulation, the remnant, is there only a second coming, or a pre-tribulation third coming???
The shortened days of tribulation for the ELECT’S Sake, the seven years peace covenant, (broken in the middle) how and when the rapture actually occurs, the casting out of satan from Heaven with his fallen Angels, the parable of the fig tree, the two beasts of Revelation 13, the five month TORMENT in Revelation 9, the protection of "the lady "in Revelation 12, the Angel who preaches in Revelation 14, the 7 seals, 7 vials, 7 trumpets, BABYLON,the great mother of harlots, the second coming in Revelation 19, the new Heaven and earth age in Revelation 21, the marriage supper in Revelation 22, the millennium reign teaching, satan being loosed again for a short period for one last tempting of believers, before the judgment day, the opening of ALLthe books, not just one, then the THIRD earth age, as far as the Bible goes in the future, here on earth, not in the sky somewhere.

MANY questions should arise from those prophecies to come.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Or Romans 11:25–God has Israel in a slumber(hardened), until “the fullness of the Gentiles”, at the middle of the tribulation period.

Consider that point for discussion also.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

Or Romans 11:25–God has Israel in a slumber(hardened), until “the fullness of the Gentiles”, at the middle of the tribulation period.

Consider that point for discussion also.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Mac, Vietnam…year and unit…thanks. Chop, chop.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…