Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

Goodnight to all, God bless everyone.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Mac, Vietnam...year and unit...thanks. Chop, chop

So would I, Mac Daddy. The VA will treat that PTSD for you.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Looks like a good time to hang it up, while I am ahead, we’ll see shortly.

Like Jesus said, “Few there be who enter”, so the half dozen or so interested people represents that number.

It’s been fun none the less, time to talk fishing again, and enjoy the summer. If the thread dies, as looks like it will, that’s enough signal to move on to better pastures.

Reply if you like, still waiting for interest.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

Looks like a good time to hang it up, while I am ahead, we’ll see shortly.

Like Jesus said, “Few there be who enter”, so the half dozen or so interested people represents that number.

It’s been fun none the less, time to talk fishing again, and enjoy the summer. If the thread dies, as looks like it will, that’s enough signal to move on to better pastures.

Reply if you like, still waiting for interest.

Originally posted by mac daddy

Still quite a bit not covered on end time prophecies, like the events prophesied, the beast, false prophet, Antichrist, two witnesses, 144,000 to come out of tribulation, the remnant, is there only a second coming, or a pre-tribulation third coming???
The shortened days of tribulation for the ELECT’S Sake, the seven years peace covenant, (broken in the middle) how and when the rapture actually occurs, the casting out of satan from Heaven with his fallen Angels, the parable of the fig tree, the two beasts of Revelation 13, the five month TORMENT in Revelation 9, the protection of "the lady "in Revelation 12, the Angel who preaches in Revelation 14, the 7 seals, 7 vials, 7 trumpets, BABYLON,the great mother of harlots, the second coming in Revelation 19, the new Heaven and earth age in Revelation 21, the marriage supper in Revelation 22, the millennium reign teaching, satan being loosed again for a short period for one last tempting of believers, before the judgment day, the opening of ALL the books, not just one, then the THIRD earth age, as far as the Bible goes in the future, here on earth, not in the sky somewhere.

May be, my brother, I tried both methods; concentrated on Matthew 24 more than anything.

The reason I listed all those topics was to try(troll) to find at least one someone would want to discuss. When I received NO interest in any of those subjects, it’s time to move on imo.

I am going to suggest you handful of brothers start some threads on BASIC doctrine, which is your cup of tea, and then move on to higher teaching later.

You, SurfFishlife, will be a perfect teacher for the basics of the Bible, and Fred, Larry, bgf, RWL, and others will make good students.

RWL,and bgf also can teach some to help you in the future. Some good groundwork(seed) has been laid, my ONLY admonishment, and encouragement would be to take a LITTLE tougher stand against religious behaviour, and religious teaching.

I believe my ULTRA tough stand was a turn off that some will not pardon ever. That is understandable, and your demeanor would have been a better starting place for me, that is just not me.

My demeanor is the John the Baptist, Apostle Paul, gruff demeanour, due to my past experiences, and hurts with the denominational churches.

Rarely few ever experience that type persecution, you probably never will, but I would remind all of you of a couple of Jesus’ scriptures:

“BEWARE when ALL men speak well of you”, and " You shall be HATED of All nations for my name’s sake".

You are a ‘loving’ , good soul, and that too is valuable, plus your desire and effort to learn the word says a lot for you.

You can gain some “works of righteousness” here to build your robe in Heaven later. I will stick around to help ,if you like, for awhile.

I actually have much better results with brothers like you, than any group I work with, because of your patience with my overbearing aggression.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
Mac, Vietnam...year and unit...thanks. Chop, chop

So would I, Mac Daddy. The VA will treat that PTSD for you.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Ditto - did MD ever actually claim to have served in Vietnam though?

Originally posted by mac daddy

I am going to suggest you handful of brothers start some threads on BASIC doctrine, which is your cup of tea, and then move on to higher teaching later.

You, SurfFishlife, will be a perfect teacher for the basics of the Bible, and Fred, Larry, bgf, RWL, and others will make good students.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

I’d love to teach the basics, but not in a discussion forum. If for no other reason, I hate typing. Plus, I’d prefer to get to know anyone I’m teaching…not their online persona, but the real them in flesh and blood.

RWL,and bgf also can teach some to help you in the future. Some good groundwork(seed) has been laid, my ONLY admonishment, and encouragement would be to take a LITTLE tougher stand against religious behaviour, and religious teaching.

I believe my ULTRA tough stand was a turn off that some will not pardon ever. That is understandable, and your demeanor would have been a better starting place for me, that is just not me.

My demeanor is the John the Baptist, Apostle Paul, gruff demeanour, due to my past experiences, and hurts with the denominational churches.

Rarely few ever experience that type persecution, you probably never will, but I would remind all of you of a couple of Jesus’ scriptures:

“BEWARE when ALL men speak well of you”, and " You shall be HATED of All nations for my name’s sake".

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

Yes, but that is a result of evil and/or Godless men that won’t listen to God’s word. That isn’t a command for us to act in such a way that God-fearing men hate us.


Not to make God-fearing men hate us, that’s the reason I treated God-fearing men like you, and a few others kindly. God-fearing men will NOT make PERSONAL ATTACKS against other God-fearing men. It is easily obvious, after very short time, to distinguish God-fearing men, as the word says “by their fruits”.
I quoted the verse Paul said “Though I be RUDE of speech”, being rude is far less offending than personal attacks, disagreement is good usually, but attacks are never good, except against evil, or evil teaching, etc.

Luke 6:26 is the verse about men speaking well, I looked it up just now, Jesus was talking to the sinful crowd, referring to pleasing man rather than God.

I use that verse to show that my teaching and beliefs are not POPULAR with churches, nor man normally, just as Jesus teaching was not popular with the church leaders of His day, nor sinful man, in general.

I understand your hesitation to teach on the internet, it is very nasty, and a lot of typing.
Do you teach anywhere at the moment???

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

God-fearing men will NOT make PERSONAL ATTACKS against other God-fearing men.

Does that include you calling me a jerk, without provocation, other than laughing at your concrete blocks and steel wheel anchors at the jetties? Or are you questioning my belief in God? Does that make me a jerk. Or calling me out by name every chance you get? Yeah, you are a real God fearing man, who doesn’t even have the balls to post his real name and contact information. You keep talking about me, and you just might meet me.

will be a perfect teacher for the basics of the Bible, and Fred, Larry, bgf, RWL, and others will make good students.

If you think I might ever be a student of yours, I’ve still got a spot reserved on top of my flag pole that you can sit on and spin.

My full contact info is available on request. How about yours?

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper and Jerk

Larry, the jerk was referring to your ACTIONS, not your personal life.

The student was referring to being a student of SurfFishlife.

How can you get things so reversed from what is meant or stated? Almost all our problems have been you misunderstood my comment or intent, I am sorry for that, but beyond my control to be sure you understand everything.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Larry, the jerk

Name and phone number please. That’s the third time you have called me a jerk. Let’s discuss this in person like men. Still waiting to hear about that Vietnam PTSD also.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper/ Jerk

Originally posted by mac daddy

May be, my brother, I tried both methods; concentrated on Matthew 24 more than anything.

The reason I listed all those topics was to try(troll) to find at least one someone would want to discuss. When I received NO interest in any of those subjects, it’s time to move on imo.

I am going to suggest you handful of brothers start some threads on BASIC doctrine, which is your cup of tea, and then move on to higher teaching later.

You, SurfFishlife, will be a perfect teacher for the basics of the Bible, and Fred, Larry, bgf, RWL, and others will make good students.

RWL,and bgf also can teach some to help you in the future. Some good groundwork(seed) has been laid, my ONLY admonishment, and encouragement would be to take a LITTLE tougher stand against religious behaviour, and religious teaching.

I believe my ULTRA tough stand was a turn off that some will not pardon ever. That is understandable, and your demeanor would have been a better starting place for me, that is just not me.

My demeanor is the John the Baptist, Apostle Paul, gruff demeanour, due to my past experiences, and hurts with the denominational churches.

Rarely few ever experience that type persecution, you probably never will, but I would remind all of you of a couple of Jesus’ scriptures:

“BEWARE when ALL men speak well of you”, and " You shall be HATED of All nations for my name’s sake".

You are a ‘loving’ , good soul, and that too is valuable, plus your desire and effort to learn the word says a lot for you.

You can gain some “works of righteousness” here to build your robe in Heaven later. I will stick around to help ,if you like, for awhile.

I actually have much better results with brothers like you, than any group I work with, because of your patience with my overbearing aggression.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

<hr height="1
Almost forgot the most important ingredient. Naked Ladies...


</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

I like your thinking. You I might could be a student of :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
Almost forgot the most important ingredient. Naked Ladies...


</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

I like your thinking. You I might could be a student of :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I am starting to pick up, what you are putting down…

Goes like this:

Naked Ladies in the Swamp drinking moonshine while heating up the “popcorn” until it POPS.

Dang CL, you da man…


I am starting to pick up, what you are putting down.

I’m smelling what you’re stepping in also, RBF :smiley:

I was wondering if Jesus walked around teaching the word of God under a fake name and called people jerks who didn’t agree with his fishing advice? I think not.

I think that if you’re going to call people names in public, you should have enough BBs to state your real name behind your accusations. I bet Jesus did. What say the preacher man to that? I’ll take it in a PM or email if you don’t want it public. I won’t share it. Send me your real name and number, Mac Daddy. You might not like what I say, but you’ll know who said it.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper/ AKA Jerk

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

RBF, you got it man :smiley:

I was wondering if Jesus walked around teaching the word of God under a fake name and called people jerks who didn’t agree with his fishing advice? I think not.

I think that if you’re going to call people names in public, you should have enough BBs to state your real name behind your accusations. I bet Jesus did. What say the preacher man to that? I’ll take it in a PM or email if you don’t want it public. I won’t share it. Send me your real name and number Mac Daddy.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper/ AKA Jerk

It has been tried numorous times to get information from MD. Ain’t gonna happen.

In the end, we should worry about what we can control.

Your not a jerk CL, that’s my job in this theater…


Thank you RBF. You and SurfFishLife, I can have reasonable discussions with and learn something from. I’m not opposed to that at all. I’d also bet that if I asked you your name in private, you would tell me. I’m still waiting to hear from big mac. My offer to him has been open for a month. No response.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

In the end, we should worry about what we can control.

Yep, you are correct about that :sunglasses:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

My name is Tonto Goldstein, but my friends call me Bubba. (Punch line to a joke.)

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

I remember that joke :smiley::smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper