Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

Thank you RBF. You and SurfFishLife, I can have reasonable discussions with and learn something from. I’m not opposed to that at all. I’d also bet that if I asked you your name in private, you would tell me. I’m still waiting to hear from big mac. My offer to him has been open for a month. No response.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper


I would be more than willing to share my full name on the public forum.

However, due to the many naked ladies of the past, I refuse. I am wise enough to know some could be viewing. Last thing I need is an old love come crawling up my back steps upsetting my Basset Hound, and Wife if they get that loving feeling again, and try to break and enter. I do have that affect on certain women.

Them ole’ Wateree Queens are a mess, and best to be left back home in the red clay banks partying on pontoons. Typically, wearing the daisy dukes and bikini top. Clothing is definitely optional to them gals…


RBF, you sure don’t want the necked lady’s from your past sneaking up on you wearing them Daisy Dukes! Then and Now!

Wait for it.

Wait for it.

Wait for it.


Originally posted by Easy

RBF, you sure don’t want the necked lady’s from your past sneaking up on you wearing them Daisy Dukes! Then and Now!

Wait for it.

Wait for it.

Wait for it.


Well, in my mind they look just like this:



RBF, that’s what is called (Your remembered perfect past):stuck_out_tongue::wink::smiley:

Originally posted by Easy

RBF, that’s what is called (Your remembered perfect past):stuck_out_tongue::wink::smiley:

Not perfect, but the past.

My goal each and everyday, is to advance the ball a little further, to make a great, but not perfect, future. I’ll leave the perfect thing to the Maker.

You folks are the salt of the Earth, and each and everyone has a contribution to the debate. Never believe that you don’t. Now you may receive a friendly reminder that you have over stepped the boundries from other participants.

Other than that, it should be all good.


He’s on my Ignore List!

Originally posted by Easy

He’s on my Ignore List!

That’s one person. Many others have contributed to this thread.

I ignore no one. No one gets to me that much. If they are making a threat to me and my family, I’ll leave the site.

Judo: Maximun Efficiency and Minimal Effort.


I like your altitude RBF and Larry. But then again, I am just a student. Everyone can contribute and all are welcome. REAL men can discuss and disagree without having to have a ‘winner’. Sometimes we get it right.

Where did we ever land on the Mac Daddy in Vietnam issue? Did he ever give us his unit and year?

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Originally posted by Warbler

Where did we ever land on the Mac Daddy in Vietnam issue? Did he ever give us his unit and year?

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…



Originally posted by bgf

I like your altitude RBF and Larry. But then again, I am just a student. Everyone can contribute and all are welcome. REAL men can discuss and disagree without having to have a ‘winner’. Sometimes we get it right.

CL and I both know about the altitudes Moonshine can take a person.

I look at it as Southern Communion…

We just happen to use Popcorn and Moonshine vs. Bread and Wine.

Same result, different ingredients.


Originally posted by bgf

I like your altitude RBF and Larry. But then again, I am just a student. Everyone can contribute and all are welcome. REAL men can discuss and disagree without having to have a ‘winner’. Sometimes we get it right.

Your not just a student. I am not a teacher. Teaching is in everyday life. What we NEED are Leaders, not teachers.

The streets are full of teachers, one must decide to be an example and a Leader by representing Christ which many times results in turning the other cheek.

Christ was in all practical terms beaten to death. He stood by the Father, and pain, for our past and future Sins.

I live my life simply, I look at things simply.

Life really is simple, we make it complex to our own detriment.



Originally posted by bgf


If you believe, you can do. Simple as that.


Yep…servant leadership.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Originally posted by SurfFishLife

Yep…servant leadership.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

-Maya Angelou

To me Christ is about a feeling, not the literal Word of the Bible.

Most can read, few can feel.

I hope each and everyone knows the option is there… Just take it, and feel for yourself.


I said “we’ll see shortly”, how the thread goes.

Can’t be gone two days, until all hell breaks loose.

“We don’t need teachers”

“Moonshine for Southern communion”

“Christ was in all practical terms beaten to death for our sins, past AND FUTURE”

SFL, the man I recommended to teach, went along with all this, and talk of naked women, too. Teachers, teaching, etc. are mentioned 178 times in the word of God, and we DON’T NEED TEACHERS:

Hebrews 5:12: For when for the first time you OUGHT to be TEACHERS, you have NEED that one TEACH YOU again, which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and NOT of strong meat.

So, maybe the need for milk has made my teaching meat of no effect, likely answer.

The communion slander comes under “coarse jesting”, but maybe that is legalistic, expecting the word to be obeyed, when it is unknown.

Christ dieing for our FUTURE sins, not repented for, is calling the word a lie, just as saying we need no teachers is calling it a lie.

Just watching, and waiting “to see”.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

I said “we’ll see shortly”, how the thread goes.

Can’t be gone two days, until all hell breaks loose.

“We don’t need teachers”

“Moonshine for Southern communion”

“Christ was in all practical terms beaten to death for our sins, past AND FUTURE”

SFL, the man I recommended to teach, went along with all this, and talk of naked women, too. Teachers, teaching, etc. are mentioned 178 times in the word of God, and we DON’T NEED TEACHERS:

Hebrews 5:12: For when for the first time you OUGHT to be TEACHERS, you have NEED that one TEACH YOU again, which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and NOT of strong meat.

So, maybe the need for milk has made my teaching meat of no effect, likely answer.

The communion slander comes under “coarse jesting”, but maybe that is legalistic, expecting the word to be obeyed, when it is unknown.

Christ dieing for our FUTURE sins, not repented for, is calling the word a lie, just as saying we need no teachers is calling it a lie.

Just watching, and waiting “to see”.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Are you the CF.com spiritual Au Pair?

Good to have you back Mac…

Looking forward to the debate!


Originally posted by mac daddy

I said “we’ll see shortly”, how the thread goes.

Can’t be gone two days, until all hell breaks loose.

“We don’t need teachers”

“Moonshine for Southern communion”

“Christ was in all practical terms beaten to death for our sins, past AND FUTURE”

SFL, the man I recommended to teach, went along with all this, and talk of naked women, too. Teachers, teaching, etc. are mentioned 178 times in the word of God, and we DON’T NEED TEACHERS:

Hebrews 5:12: For when for the first time you OUGHT to be TEACHERS, you have NEED that one TEACH YOU again, which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and NOT of strong meat.

So, maybe the need for milk has made my teaching meat of no effect, likely answer.

The communion slander comes under “coarse jesting”, but maybe that is legalistic, expecting the word to be obeyed, when it is unknown.

Christ dieing for our FUTURE sins, not repented for, is calling the word a lie, just as saying we need no teachers is calling it a lie.

Just watching, and waiting “to see”.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

James 2:13
For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment!

Act accordingly my Brother.


Originally posted by mac daddy

May be, my brother, I tried both methods; concentrated on Matthew 24 more than anything.

The reason I listed all those topics was to try(troll) to find at least one someone would want to discuss. When I received NO interest in any of those subjects, it’s time to move on imo.

I am going to suggest you handful of brothers start some threads on BASIC doctrine, which is your cup of tea, and then move on to higher teaching later.

You, SurfFishlife, will be a perfect teacher for the basics of the Bible, and Fred, Larry, bgf, RWL, and others will make good students.

RWL,and bgf also can teach some to help you in the future. Some good groundwork(seed) has been laid, my ONLY admonishment, and encouragement would be to take a LITTLE tougher stand against religious behaviour, and religious teaching.

I believe my ULTRA tough stand was a turn off that some will not pardon ever. That is understandable, and your demeanor would have been a better starting place for me, that is just not me.

My demeanor is the John the Baptist, Apostle Paul, gruff demeanour, due to my past experiences, and hurts with the denominational churches.

Rarely few ever experience that type persecution, you probably never will, but I would remind all of you of a couple of Jesus’ scriptures:

“BEWARE when ALL men speak well of you”, and " You shall be HATED of All nations for my name’s sake".

You are a ‘loving’ , good soul, and that too is valuable, plus your desire and effort to learn the word says a lot for you.

You can gain some “works of righteousness” here to build your robe in Heaven later. I will stick around to help ,if you like, for awhile.

I actually have much better results with brothers like you, than any group I work with, because of your patience with my overbearing aggression.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

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