Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

Revelation 16:15–Behold, I come as a thief.(because believers WILL think I am already come) Blessed he that watcheth, AND keepeth his garments(spiritual), lest he walk NAKED(inHeaven), and they see his SHAME.

Matthew 11:24-- But I say unto you, that it shall be MORE TOLERABLE for the land(or people) of Sodom in the day of judgement, THAN FOR THEE.

There ARE levels of judgement, and torment, as written in the word , there are (3) Heavenly levels in the air also, as Paul records “the third Heaven”. Believing God does not have favor, favorites, anointed ones,ELECT ones, CHOSEN ONES, etc. Is to believe a lie.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Amen and pass the moonshine :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
AKA Jerk

SFL, the man I recommended to teach, went along with all this and talk of naked women, too.

MacDaddy, I’ll ask you to retract your statement that I went along with this (don’t need teachers, moonshine, salvation for future sins, naked women). I didn’t accept the teaching recommendation if you’ll recall. No one appointed me to be the new CF Savior. And it isn’t my job to correct every statement that I disagree with. I’m available for anyone that would honestly like my advice or opinion on a specific issue though. But I’m not going to get in an internet pissing match over every little comment that I don’t like.

There is a difference between telling and teaching. Larry can tell me how to build a beautiful boat from scratch. But even if he doesn’t leave out a single detail in telling me how, I still won’t be a able to build a beautiful boat with just information. In order for Larry to teach me to build a beautiful boat, we will have to work together. And I will have to make lots of mistakes and learn from them. He will have to be a patient teacher and I will have to be a diligent student. This is teaching.

Teachers need credibility. A student won’t pay as much attention to a teacher that they don’t deem credible. A teacher should have excellent communication skills. The best advice I ever received about communication is “Don’t communicate so that you will be understood; communicate so that you can’t possibly be misunderstood.” I don’t achieve this but it’s my goal.

As I mentioned, I am willing to share my advice and knowledge with anyone that asks. I’ll even share some when I’m not asked. I won’t have all the answers, and I’ll probably be wrong sometimes. But I have a decent understanding of what is contained in God’s Word, and I can locate much of it fairly quickly. I would really love it if I had a chance to know about a half-dozen of the guys here personally (as in eye-to-eye, in the same room) and we could get together weekly to learn more about what is contained in God’s Word. We could all l

Something to think about: If you claim to be a Muslim, you should follow the Qur’an. If you claim to be a Jew, you should follow the Torah. If you claim to be a Christian, you should follow the Holy Bible. If you claim to be a Christian but decide for yourself what God is like and what he wants for your life instead of consulting the Bible, then you are making God into your own image and that is backwards.

One of the common sayings that is popular is that “God just wants us to be happy.” Well, maybe he wants YOU to be happy, I don’t know. But the guy that God appointed to write a huge portion of the New Testament and preach salvation to the Gentiles (Paul) said this: “I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was pelted with stones, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my fellow Jews, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false believers. I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked.”</font id=“blue”> How many of us would be happy with this? I don’t think most of us will have to endure anything like Paul experienced, but it helps make my point that we can’t assume that “God just wants us to be happy”, or “the safest place to be is in the will of God.” If God allowed this to happen to Paul…

Something to ponder. Are you created in God’s image, or are you creating God in your image?

p.s. I think God DOES want us to be happy, but he doesn’t want our circumstances to dictate whether we are happy or not.
If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

great STUFF!! I also wish you lived (a lot) closer.

SFL, to answer your request , I will retract the items you didn’t specifically agree to, but you did agree to RBF’s statement referring to needing leaders, and not teachers. I will give scriptures to answer the request for retraction.

1-- Ephesians 5:11–And have NOT fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather REPROVE THEM.

2-- Ephesians 5:12–For it is a shame even to SPEAK of those things which are done of them in secret.

“My silence doesn’t equate to approval, or going along”, you can decide for yourself.

RBF also said quote “To me, Christ is about a feeling, NOT the literal WORD of the Bible”.

I would personally consider your definition of teacher to be man’s definition.

When Jesus taught His disciples, He criticized them several times for their lack of faith, their not reading the scriptures, and not understanding His message after so long teaching. He entrusted to them to give them the hidden mysteries, while being required to speak in parables to the other followers.

Biblical teaching is far different imo than any other teaching, because the teacher is held to a higher level of requirement than any other teacher, plus, the material is life and death. Even those who are not teachers, but have received teaching and/or learning are ordered by the word to share and teach unbelievers the word.

Matthew 28:19–Go ye therefore, and TEACH ALL NATIONS.

That is for all disciples of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. So, we have a responsibility, whether we want it or not, AND instructions how to do our ministry whether we want to minister or not, we can’t choose to teach only those who ask, we must spread the word whenever possible. Exception being “casting our pearl before swine”, but we must judge in that case who ARE swine!!!###

I will be out this evening until late, see you late tonight, my brother in the Lord.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Back home, good post you made, brother.

You are so right about the “God just wants us to be happy” teaching, one worse imo is “God is ONLY love, and not wrath”.

He is going to end this age with vengeance for His saints who have been persecuted. The next age, the 1,000 year reign, will be the kings and PRIESTS teaching, before the devil being loosed, and the judgement day.

The reign will be a time of love and mercy, then temptation, judgement with wrath and rewards mixed, then the THIRD earth age with the new Heaven and new earth starting the third earth age.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by bgf

great STUFF!! I also wish you lived (a lot) closer.

Thanks. I believe that I am where I’m supposed to be for now but I’ve always felt like there is a piece of my heart in SC even though I’ve never lived there. Spent a lot of weekends there and always wanted to move there. Who knows where I’ll end up? Maybe SC, maybe FL, maybe TX, maybe right here in Jericho. Hopefully not back in Atlanta. I know the Lord has me on a path and I can see the immediate next step but not sure where he will eventually lead me.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Hey guys, I’ve avoided this completely, I’m a newish member and nobody knows me, but can someone tell me “chapter and verse” where the rapture is sited in the bible?

If this has been discussed already,forgive me, as A backslid Methodist, I’ve always wonderered.:question:

Originally posted by mckee16

Hey guys, I’ve avoided this completely, I’m a newish member and nobody knows me, but can someone tell me “chapter and verse” where the rapture is sited in the bible?

If this has been discussed already,forgive me, as A backslid Methodist, I’ve always wonderered.:question:

Look through this thread at MacDaddy’s posts. He has covered all of them I think.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Welcome, McKee 16, don’t avoid this thread, especially since no one knows you, even better reason.

As long as you are polite, you will be treated politely.

                                      THE RAPTURE

Depending on WHO you believe, or what denominational doctrine you believe, will determine your opinion on the Rapture.

Most like 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, which uses the term “caught up” in the KJV translation. BUT, go back to verses 13&14, it says they have ALREADY resurrected.

Non-denominational churches like 2 THessalonians chapter 2, start at verse 1 with the words “gathering together”, then it says that the “son of perdition”(satan) MUST BE REVEALED before the gathering together.

I personally, like Revelation 14:14-20, where Jesus “harvests” the saints with a sickle, so to speak metaphorically. The angels harvest the wicked with a sickle. All this comes AFTER Jesus gathers His 144,000 servants from the EARTH, who have the name of God in their foreheads, same chapter.

If you look back several pages here, I had a debate on the Rapture, which gives the general opinions of theologians on the subject.

This subject was not even in church doctrine until 1830, which should give much suspicious thought, at the least.

There is no mention of Rapture in the four gospels that I know of at all.

The book of Revelation only lists the harvest of saints in chapter 14, as given earlier.

Most of the information on this event is pure speculation, when stated as happening BEFORE the tribulation period.

First case, 1 Thessalonians, they are already gone, second case, 2 THessalonians, satan must be first revealed, third case, Revelation, is the END of tribulation, before the beginning of the GREAT TRIBULATION(second 3 1/2 years), AFTER satan is revealed, according to 2 THessalonians, chapter 2.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

A couple more items on the rapture:

Matthew 24:22–For the ELECT’s sake, those days shall be shortened. The elect will be here for the tribulation period. ie- they can’t be here and gone, also, we can’t get new bodies twice(1THessalonians 4:16-17 & 1Corinthians 15:51-52).

Matthew 25:31–Holy Angels return with Christ, NOT saints, as is taught in rapture doctrine, that we will return with Christ, after being raptured.

How in the world can we have 16,306 reads, and so few replies???###

Come on, guys!!!###
“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

How in the world can we have 16,306 reads, and so few replies???###

Come on, guys!!!###

I think it’s because an online forum isn’t a very good place to discuss eschatological theology. I typically come to the forum to take a mental break, and I think that’s probably true of the majority of the fine folks on this site. Typing 200+ words on a deep subject, plus rebuttals and explanations is work, not a break. Plus the discussion that has taken place keeps going round and round. Most of the people that have participated are either a) pre-millennialists, b) post-millennialists, or c) don’t care to comment for a variety of reasons.

And I think if you offered just a tiny piece of bait you might get some nibbles. But you’ve got the whole blasted tackle box deployed in the spread plus you have the time and patience to out-type anyone that doesn’t agree with you 100%. It’s tiring. I’ve learned and benefitted from the discussion but someone else can try to out-type you now.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Those are good points, SFL; I am retired, and once a day posting as you do, is fine. I am not asking much, and I do realize this site is not the best place to minister, but that is why I love it, the challenge, and the variety.

My typing much to prove points is NOT for gratification, it is for doing my duty to God in detail, rather than just give ‘general’ answers, like many ministers do. Each person has to answer their own actions, I believe God gave me from the foundation of the world, as the word says, a detailed personna, to differentiate me from others.

That DOES NOT make me, or anyone else special, but it does make God special, because He loves those who don’t love Him, even. Special anointing is God’s promise, everyone should seek His anointing, and be ready to take the persecution attached to that anointing.

My question about the reads is, HOW can one read so much, and have no comment that is BURNING to be posted, or asked???

Just can’t humanly figure that, but I WILL know soon spiritually how it can happen.

SFL, I am very happy you have learned from the information,.others say they have too. That actually makes it all worthwhile to me, regardless of time or effort, I DON’T consider this work at all, but real pleasure.

I hope you will stay with us, you have added ENORMOUS inspiration to all of us, especially myself.

I would love to hear about your current situation in Jericho, what an OUTSTANDING example of God working His will in someone’s life!!!###
“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

This is a good time to discuss basic subjects of the Bible, like salvation, forgiveness, repentance, etc.

Answers you have always looked for can be obtained with sharing info, and seeking answers.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

OK, let’s see how the thread goes on THE most asked question I receive.

“Where are the dead loved ones at this moment”???

Who would like to know that answer first???

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

This is getting old and stale macdaddy. You have lost the crowd’s interest. It is time to stop the bible thumping, step down off the soap box, and move on.


That is very close, just giving “one last chance”, thanks, jisuho.

I would like to say I have great respect for the faith you show, in being an agnostic/atheist.

Your faith in your beliefs outweighs mine most likely.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

End times thread part duex is adjourned.

All in favor state “aye” for the record…


I didn’t react quick enough to jisuho’s charge of “Bible thumping”, what is the real definition of “Bible thumping”???

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”