Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

Originally posted by poke salad
Originally posted by 7cs

I just think its funny a gay rights supporter calls himself poke salad.

don't tell a lie because you don't agree,not the Christian thing to do.I'd question how your mind is programmed with that comment.

Aww PS, nothing personal. I dont know you, just cracking a joke. Dont get butt hurt.

And you didn't even ask if we were going to install Cracker Larry 2.0 into a chimp or orangutan!!!

I read about that! They are saying that we can upload our entire brain into a database and then download into something else’s brain after our time ends, and live forever. I’m a little skeptical, and getting tired anyway. Yall let me know how that works out for you.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by 7cs
Originally posted by poke salad
Originally posted by 7cs

I just think its funny a gay rights supporter calls himself poke salad.

don't tell a lie because you don't agree,not the Christian thing to do.I'd question how your mind is programmed with that comment.

Aww PS, nothing personal. I dont know you, just cracking a joke. Dont get butt hurt.

Butt hurt…lol…I bet poke salad gets butt hurt on a regular basis…

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Originally posted by jisuho
Yeah, that's not really true... And Judaism has been around for over 4000+ years now. Islam, Buddism, and Hinduism in it's modern form are all pretty young comparatively. Islam is a knock off of the Bible that didn't come into concept until 700 AD. Note that a lot of archaeology supports Biblical history whereas there is direct evidence against the claims of Islam (specifically their claims around Mecca and such).

The Romans and Greeks were happy to give up their gods because they knew that they were fairy tales.

You only say this because this is what you conceptualize in your head as a logical argument, but if you actually did some research you would see that the Bible is a lot more historical than you think.

Also note that Islam recognizes pretty much all of the prophets in the Bible (they even acknowledge that Jesus is real). So, that’s about 4 BILLION people today who understand Jesus to be a legit historical figure.

There is more written evidence that Jesus existed than there is for Napoleon. Just something to think about…

Thank you for quickly validating my point. I knew it wouldn’t take long.


Just remember, Jisuho, it’s easy for you Godless heathens to throw arrows, but the truth is, you are not prepared for the agony that awaits you. The good news for you is that it’s not too late if you will change your immoral and aimless ways…

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

[i]Originally posted by Warbler

Just remember, Jisuho, it’s easy for you Godless heathens to throw arrows, but the truth is, you are not prepared for the agony that awaits you. The good news for you is that it’s not too late if you will change your immoral and aimless ways…

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

now we’re getting somewhere.

it’s 830 and mac hasn’t posted in nearly 3 hours. past his bedtime? wife took the wifi password away?

what’s the over/under on the timing of his next post and the word count?

Originally posted by PeaPod

this one’ll poof soon

If it does, I promise it won’t be because I deleted it.

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by 7cs

I just think its funny a gay rights supporter calls himself poke salad.

I nominate this for post of the year!!! Well played sir!!! Well played!!!

yes that was okie dokie…

Edit… just read the rest of the posts… Poke salad, come on that was funny if not true. If true then it was still funny. :smiley:

Originally posted by mac daddy

No one has guessed who poofed the thread yet, should be obvious by now.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Mac, I’m slow some times… no it is not obvious to me. Spill the beans.

If it was you, why? You alluded to Gotcha, you think, or know this?

Originally posted by jisuho
Yeah, that's not really true... And Judaism has been around for over 4000+ years now. Islam, Buddism, and Hinduism in it's modern form are all pretty young comparatively. Islam is a knock off of the Bible that didn't come into concept until 700 AD. Note that a lot of archaeology supports Biblical history whereas there is direct evidence against the claims of Islam (specifically their claims around Mecca and such).

The Romans and Greeks were happy to give up their gods because they knew that they were fairy tales.

You only say this because this is what you conceptualize in your head as a logical argument, but if you actually did some research you would see that the Bible is a lot more historical than you think.

Also note that Islam recognizes pretty much all of the prophets in the Bible (they even acknowledge that Jesus is real). So, that’s about 4 BILLION people today who understand Jesus to be a legit historical figure.

There is more written evidence that Jesus existed than there is for Napoleon. Just something to think about…

Thank you for quickly validating my point. I knew it wouldn’t take long.


Actually I think you validated my point. Atheists don't like to do their homework. They just argue about what "feels right". They just woke up one morning and say, "Hey 4000 years of history can't be right because I have this thought in my head and I am smarter than the millions of people who couldn't disprove the Bible in the past. Sir Isaac Newton couldn't figure out what I could about religion. I am enlightened". Again, you didn't offer any e
Originally posted by poke salad
Originally posted by 7cs

I just think its funny a gay rights supporter calls himself poke salad.

don't tell a lie because you don't agree,not the Christian thing to do.I'd question how your mind is programmed with that comment.
What was it that he lied about?
Originally posted by mac daddy

Fred made 2 posts and quit, Larry quit, Skinneej quit, more than coincidence.

It is my understanding Gotcha represents administration on the Christian threads, when he says poof, it happens.

Someone has shut down this thread also. We’ll see what goes from here on.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Mac, I'm sorry to sound harsh with you, but you should repent of trying to spread false rumors like that and your other comments, especially while trying to promote yourself as a Christian teacher--not to mention your obscene misbehavior in that destructive thread.

I did not have your thread “poofed”; nor do I “represent administration” or any “good ole boy” network. I have not even discussed your thread with the administration, much less asked for a “poof” of it. Your “discernment” is way off, which was one of your primary problems in your thread, along with pride and a lack of understanding.

According to your own post at the end of that shameful thread, you had the thread deleted yourself. You posted that you were asking administration to delete the thread because you “and God” considered it an “abomination”. You said that you prayed and that “God told” you that He was never in that thread, which is why it failed. Skinneej posted that he saw it. Ask him.

Mac, people who truly meant only to help sincerely tried to tell you from the very beginning what you said God eventually told you in your prayer later in the thread–that He wasn’t in the thread, so it failed–but you would not listen and appeared to resent those who tried to help, seeming to rail away at practically everyone who disagreed in the slightest with you, Christian and unchristian alike, as deceived or devil followers.

Now, you’re back here, apparentl

Lee, I couldn’t have put that better if I worked at it. Thank you.

“The Swamp Worshiper”
Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Going with my gut? Really? Is that the best you have? You are continuing to prove my point that Christians think they are the only way. You truly don’t understand agnostics. We are skeptics, we look for answers, we look for understanding, we seek answers, real answers be they harsh or comforting. We do our homework. We don’t just read a book that makes us feel better about life and then say " Well, that’s is all I need. Everything else is false." That is Christianity. You need to look into history yourself and do so with an open mind.

To the best selling book of all time, sure I agree with that. But if you will consider history rationally you will realize that there were no printing presses during ancient times. If they had one back then and could have printed books with their beliefs, their gods, their morals all would have been put on paper, bound up, and distributed long before the bible.

I have not once tried to disprove the bible. It tells a story of a belief system. It provides a good story and set a basis for morals in order to bring order to a harsh and chaotic world back then. I have no problem with that. But reason, knowledge and rationalization guide me.

And Warbler, please save your televangelist babble for the weak minded. I am not aimless, I know my place and go with purpose and confidence through life. Morals? I would bet I have better morals than many child molesting priests, or money grubbing so-called ministers. So you can cease the hell fire and brimstone preaching to me.


Originally posted by skinneejBlack Bart and myself will make sure to put your brain in a jar and bring you back in a few decades. The future is going to look scary though... Taco Bell will be the only restaurant, Mountain Dew will be the only beverage, and Bayliner will be the only boat manufacturer. Scary times ahead!!!

Totally off topic and random: Do you know why there is no playground at Taco Bell?

It’s hard to have fun when you are about to s@#$ in your pants.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Lee, that was dead-on. I wish I could communicate as well as you.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Originally posted by SurfFishLife
Originally posted by skinneejBlack Bart and myself will make sure to put your brain in a jar and bring you back in a few decades. The future is going to look scary though... Taco Bell will be the only restaurant, Mountain Dew will be the only beverage, and Bayliner will be the only boat manufacturer. Scary times ahead!!!

Totally off topic and random: Do you know why there is no playground at Taco Bell?

It’s hard to have fun when you are about to s@#$ in your pants.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

why do you need a playground to shat your pants?

this site is getting more confusing and frustrating by the day.

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by poke salad
Originally posted by 7cs

I just think its funny a gay rights supporter calls himself poke salad.

don't tell a lie because you don't agree,not the Christian thing to do.I'd question how your mind is programmed with that comment.
What was it that he lied about?
Refering to me as one who supports gay rights.

What I find disturbing is you condone his actions,and you are a new parent?

Originally posted by gotchacovered
Originally posted by mac daddy

Fred made 2 posts and quit, Larry quit, Skinneej quit, more than coincidence.

It is my understanding Gotcha represents administration on the Christian threads, when he says poof, it happens.

Someone has shut down this thread also. We’ll see what goes from here on.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

even the guys who respect our faith the least were relatively mild and easy with you. I was honestly impressed by their restraint. They could have been a lot harsher.
The truth
Actually I think you validated my point. Atheists don't like to do their homework. They just argue about what "feels right". They just woke up one morning and say, "Hey 4000 years of history can't be right because I have this thought in my head and I am smarter than the millions of people who couldn't disprove the Bible in the past. Sir Isaac Newton couldn't figure out what I could about religion. I am enlightened". Again, you didn't offer any evidence that your point was valid, no points of argument other than personal opinion, etc. I gave you a ton of points you could research.

There have literally been millions of man hours and billions of dollars trying to prove\disprove the Bible, and yet, here it is, still the number one selling book of all time, still more historical documentation than any other book in history, still the book that has withstood the test of time more than any other, a book that has a central figure (Jesus) who has more believers than any other figure in history, yet YOU have it figured out… Oh, if only we were all as smart as you sly little atheists!!!

By the way, just so you know, not looking at the facts and “going with your gut” isn’t some new investigative technique. Making arguments based on emotion and not on logic has been around for a long time. It’s not new, or effective for that matter.

How many folks on here putting down atheists/agnostics have ever read a book that actually makes scientific cases against religion (not just Jesus/Christianity, but all religion)? Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, the list goes on and on and on. There are hundreds and hundreds of scientifically based books in this vein, with many thousands (millions?) of hours of research involved, documented, open for verification and re-analysis by others.

Actually xman, I do respect atheists/agnostics search for the truth, more than MOST CHRISTIANS, searching/studying is a lost art for most people in general.

For that reason, I thought a study discussion would be welcomed by at least a small crowd, didn’t expect many, of course.

Oh well, my dogs still love me, to the end I hope. Taking them for a walk and to pray some more.

Have fun guys, and lighten up…

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”