Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

Originally posted by poke salad
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by poke salad
Originally posted by 7cs

I just think its funny a gay rights supporter calls himself poke salad.

don't tell a lie because you don't agree,not the Christian thing to do.I'd question how your mind is programmed with that comment.
What was it that he lied about?
Refering to me as one who supports gay rights.

What I find disturbing is you condone his actions,and you are a new parent?

Personally, I don't care what you find disturbing, but thanks for letting me know (I guess).

I’m not sure how you think me asking a question constitutes me “condoning his actions”, but I guess it makes sense in your head! Good thing I don’t answer to you!!!

Also, just to clarify, are you saying that you do NOT support “gay rights”?

Originally posted by xman
Actually I think you validated my point. Atheists don't like to do their homework. They just argue about what "feels right". They just woke up one morning and say, "Hey 4000 years of history can't be right because I have this thought in my head and I am smarter than the millions of people who couldn't disprove the Bible in the past. Sir Isaac Newton couldn't figure out what I could about religion. I am enlightened". Again, you didn't offer any evidence that your point was valid, no points of argument other than personal opinion, etc. I gave you a ton of points you could research.

There have literally been millions of man hours and billions of dollars trying to prove\disprove the Bible, and yet, here it is, still the number one selling book of all time, still more historical documentation than any other book in history, still the book that has withstood the test of time more than any other, a book that has a central figure (Jesus) who has more believers than any other figure in history, yet YOU have it figured out… Oh, if only we were all as smart as you sly little atheists!!!

By the way, just so you know, not looking at the facts and “going with your gut” isn’t some new investigative technique. Making arguments based on emotion and not on logic has been around for a long time. It’s not new, or effective for that matter.

How many folks on here putting down atheists/agnostics have ever read a book that actually makes scientific cases against religion (not just Jesus/Christianity, but all religion)? Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, the list goes on and on and on. There are hundreds and hundreds of scien

Originally posted by jisuho

Going with my gut? Really? Is that the best you have? You are continuing to prove my point that Christians think they are the only way. You truly don’t understand agnostics. We are skeptics, we look for answers, we look for understanding, we seek answers, real answers be they harsh or comforting. We do our homework. We don’t just read a book that makes us feel better about life and then say " Well, that’s is all I need. Everything else is false." That is Christianity. You need to look into history yourself and do so with an open mind.

To the best selling book of all time, sure I agree with that. But if you will consider history rationally you will realize that there were no printing presses during ancient times. If they had one back then and could have printed books with their beliefs, their gods, their morals all would have been put on paper, bound up, and distributed long before the bible.

I have not once tried to disprove the bible. It tells a story of a belief system. It provides a good story and set a basis for morals in order to bring order to a harsh and chaotic world back then. I have no problem with that. But reason, knowledge and rationalization guide me.

And Warbler, please save your televangelist babble for the weak minded. I am not aimless, I know my place and go with purpose and confidence through life. Morals? I would bet I have better morals than many child molesting priests, or money grubbing so-called ministers. So you can cease the hell fire and brimstone preaching to me.


You are so adrift you don’t even realize it. Just remember, you still have the ability to avoid your chosen agony. I will continue to pray for you.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by 7cs

I just think its funny a gay rights supporter calls himself poke salad.

I nominate this for post of the year!!! Well played sir!!! Well played!!!
you didn't ask a question,you made an unnecessary comment.

Wow! Is Warbler, an alias for mac daddy:question: They kind of sound like the same mouth speaking! Warbler showed up on the site first, a few months ago and then mac daddy, makes a reappearance. Was Warbler a test run:question:

Warbler you better back off the drag a little

Come on man. I went to public school. I also went to a liberal arts college. I've heard many of the arguments before. I have yet to find a deal breaker... Again, BILLIONS of people over THOUSANDS of years KNOW that Jesus was a real person. Modern day atheists can come up with any trendy theories that they want, but it doesn't erase thousands of years of history.

That being said, I like my risk/reward potential better than yours, so I am not convinced that there is any reason for me to spend too much time on the topic.

I also went to public school (and a few land grant universities), I was also an altar boy growing up (at my parents insistence), so what?

I could also state that BILLIONS of people over THOUSANDS of years have held agnostic/atheistic points of view, granted not as many as religious folks. Second, these books and studies are not “trendy theories”. They look at the evidence at hand and explain to the best of their ability through scientific means. Just because you (or billions of others) don’t believe them doesn’t make them any more false (or true). Science examines, and re-examines, and re-examines.

The point is, that the real, absolute truth, is probably out there to be found, if we are willing to keep looking outside of religious texts. The moment we quit looking, is the moment we fail.

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

Edisto D, kind of like Sweet and Sour Sauce, sept Warbler, is starting to taste a little more sour!

I’ll get another big bag started :smiley:

Swamp Worshiper
Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Thanks for praying for me warbler, I feel better now and my donation is in the mail. I reckon I have had enough (again) so I will leave it to you folks. But, as a lost soul, I might come back and have some more fun.

skinneej, mac daddy, surf, gotcha and the rest (warbler included), I meant no disrespect in my comments , want to make that clear (except maybe the above one, it just popped out and I couldn’t stop it). Just trying to point out possibilities.

And I took no notion of disrespect from y’all. You all are passionate about the subject, that is clear. We can all still get along. As living proof, after 27+ years I am still married to a devout Catholic.



Originally posted by jisuho

Thanks for praying for me warbler, I feel better now and my donation is in the mail. I reckon I have had enough (again) so I will leave it to you folks. But, as a lost soul, I might come back and have some more fun.

skinneej, mac daddy, surf, gotcha and the rest (warbler included), I meant no disrespect in my comments , want to make that clear (except maybe the above one, it just popped out and I couldn’t stop it). Just trying to point out possibilities.

And I took no notion of disrespect from y’all. You all are passionate about the subject, that is clear. We can all still get along. As living proof, after 27+ years I am still married to a devout Catholic.



No offense taken jisuho! Everyone is entitled to believe what they want to believe. If you ever want to sincerely talk about this stuff in further detail, you know how to send me a PM! I cannot give you perfect answers, but my door is open to assist any way that I can. I hope my words do not offend you either. My main point was that "gut feeling" isn't enough. And I hope that you take the time to research such an important topic.

Just remember, Christians are reminded about other points of view on a daily basis. As a matter of fact, many would claim to be “under attack” nowadays. So, it’s loud and clear! We live in a very educated society, with access to information that no other culture has ever had access to before.

Anyway, not trying to take a parting shot, but just a response to your comment about other “possibilities”. Some of us are very analytical and have given it a lot of thought. The reality of it is that EVEN Mac Daddy’s point is pretty much to challenge the “typical” Christian train of thought. He is even going as far as saying, "Hey, as Christians, even you should

Warbler is trolling, guys; like I was quite a bit, to spark interest, and to get answers. Trolling is a VERY effective tool on humans, same as fish.

Now my answer to Fred’s question of who deleted the thread. I NEVER said I asked admin to delete the thread, I said I was GOING TO ask Andy to delete the thread.

I figured wait through the weekend, see how the thread went anyway. Some half read even the end of the thread, saying I SAID I had asked for deletion.

I STILL believe the Christian side complained, which gives me less respect for administration, imo they caved in to dissenters. ie: the ‘good ole boys’, who act more superior than me, because they refuse to listen to anyone other than their tradition teachers, who do like Gotcha said, stick to the safer “basic” stuff they like to use as CONTROL AGENTS for their own agenda.

Then, I’m the only one who has an agenda to be the final word, according to the other side attackers, different from the dark side attackers.

So, attacks from both sides made that thread VERY interesting indeed.

Obviously, the reason for the reads and posts, because people LOVE confrontation and violence, just look at the popular TV shows and movies.

That thirst will be quenched VERY soon, by both Christs, but one scripture will ring true: “Every knee WILL bow, and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord”, by the “remnant” that is left surviving, AFTER THE TRIBULATION PERIOD.

“Few there be who enter”, will be the remnant(definition=scrap), which describes the TRUE BELIEVERS, scrap, as the word says: “the FOOLISHNESS of this world”.

THAT, folks, is THE WORD OF TRUTH, it will not be the ‘good ole boys’ clubs, or the greedy, or the number counters, (11,000 reads Impressed them, not me, I don’t really see the fascination with crowds and numbers, Jesus did not like the crowds, and numbers, Peter did, on the day of Pentecost, but Peter showed his flesh as we all do sometimes.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by xman
Come on man. I went to public school. I also went to a liberal arts college. I've heard many of the arguments before. I have yet to find a deal breaker... Again, BILLIONS of people over THOUSANDS of years KNOW that Jesus was a real person. Modern day atheists can come up with any trendy theories that they want, but it doesn't erase thousands of years of history.

That being said, I like my risk/reward potential better than yours, so I am not convinced that there is any reason for me to spend too much time on the topic.

I also went to public school (and a few land grant universities), I was also an altar boy growing up (at my parents insistence), so what?

I could also state that BILLIONS of people over THOUSANDS of years have held agnostic/atheistic points of view, granted not as many as religious folks. Second, these books and studies are not “trendy theories”. They look at the evidence at hand and explain to the best of their ability through scientific means. Just because you (or billions of others) don’t believe them doesn’t make them any more false (or true). Science examines, and re-examines, and re-examines.

The point is, that the real, absolute truth, is probably out there to be found, if we are willing to keep looking outside of religious texts. The moment we quit looking, is the moment we fail.

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

I mentioned public school since you seemed to suggest that I had not been presented "other evidence" before. That's what the public school system is all about. It's hell bent on removing the "God theory" and replacing it with
Originally posted by mac daddy

Warbler is trolling, guys; like I was quite a bit, to spark interest, and to get answers.

So we can set the record straight. I deleted the thread because I saw where MacDaddy said he was going to ask me to delete it. Nobody complained about it, I thought that was your wish MacDaddy. If I was mistaken well then my bad. I read through some of the postings, just to make sure things were ok and saw where you posted that. Have at it, there is no great conspiracy here to be tracked down.

How adept, edaniel, at least my transparent side is FAR more apparent than the rest here, who want to STILL be THE opinion that counts, my opinion is to quote scriptures, and interpret best I can, with the help of God, through the Holy Spirit, according to John 14:26.

I believe, even the possibility of missing some interpretations is far better than KNOWING a lot of interpretations are missed, without a doubt.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”


Gotta love statistics. We all can use them to say pretty much what ever we want. I did a quick search and found polls/research indicating 850,000 million non-religious people worldwide (almost 1 billion just in todays population). I’m not stating that is correct, but there are quite a few around, and the number has been shown to be increasing.

I hope I didn’t imply all scientists are non-religious, I certainly know better than that. Here are a few screwy and contradicting stats to go along with that.

A survey based on a self-selected sample of biological and physical scientists of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States found that 7% believed in the existence of God, 72.2% did not, and 20.8% were agnostic or had doubts. The study performed has been criticized, however, for defining God as “a God one may pray to in expectation of receiving an answer.”

In 1916, 1,000 leading American scientists were randomly chosen from American Men of Science and 41.8% believed God existed, 41.5% disbelieved, and 16.7% had doubts/did not know; however when the study was replicated 80 years later using American Men and Women of Science in 1996, results were very much the same with 39.3% believing God exists, 45.3% disbelieved, and 14.5% had doubts/did not know. However, the NAS study and the AM&WS studies have been criticized for leaving room for ambiguity in the questions.

Statistical data on Nobel prize winners in science between 1901 and 2000 revealed that atheists, agnostics, and freethinkers have won 7.1% of the prizes in chemistry, 8.9% in medicine, and 4.7% in physics; while Christians have won a total of 72.5% of the prizes in chemistry, 65.3% in physics, 62% in medicine and Jews have won 17.3% of the prizes in chemistry, 26.2% in medicine, and 25.9% in physics.

How about the study indicating only 0.07% of US Federal inmates identified themselves as atheists? What does that say about the other 99.03%? Nothing really, just another stupid statistic…

We all have to keep sear

Originally posted by poke salad

“you guys” are you a yankee Mac?

around here we call it y’all

Speaking of conviction, this is quite possibly the first time I’ve ever agreed with poke salad/Bolbie. You’re a regular Winston Churchill, Mac!..

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

Originally posted by mac daddy

Warbler is trolling, guys; like I was quite a bit, to spark interest, and to get answers. Trolling is a VERY effective tool on humans, same as fish.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

So now anyone who disagrees with you is trolling? You’re a piece of work…

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Originally posted by Apickett

So we can set the record straight. I deleted the thread because I saw where MacDaddy said he was going to ask me to delete it. Nobody complained about it, I thought that was your wish MacDaddy. If I was mistaken well then my bad. I read through some of the postings, just to make sure things were ok and saw where you posted that. Have at it, there is no great conspiracy here to be tracked down.

Oh, there IS a conspiracy! Don’t believe me? Just ask MacDaddy—he’ll tell you ALL about it!

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…