Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

Originally posted by mac daddy

How adept, edaniel, at least my transparent side is FAR more apparent than the rest here, who want to STILL be THE opinion that counts, my opinion is to quote scriptures, and interpret best I can, with the help of God, through the Holy Spirit, according to John 14:26.

I believe, even the possibility of missing some interpretations is far better than KNOWING a lot of interpretations are missed, without a doubt.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

So, basically, what you are saying is that when you want someone else’s opinion on something, you’ll give it to them…super.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by poke salad


P&C claims Christians opposition to same sex marriage is the cause for driving people away from religion,among others.Many examples of that right here on this site.

No wonder it went poof,just because someone doesn’t agree, doesnt mean they shall burn up in some hell.

Who cares? Honestly, I won't lose any sleep over it. Christianity isn't about picking and choosing what you want to believe, and\or if it suits your lifestyle. If someone believes that God defined marriage between a man and a woman, then the P&C sure as heck is not going to be what changes their mind.

In 20 years from now, you guys are going to be upset because adultery will be the new trend like it is in France and you won’t be happy with Christians that won’t accept adultery as “tolerance” to other people’s choices.

You can argue this point all you want. All it shows is that you don’t understand “Christianity”. “Christianity” is about loving God and putting him before yourself, not modifying God to fit your own fleshly desires.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

I was in the process of working my way through this thread when I came upon Skinnee’s response to Bolb salad. The highlighted statement pretty-much sums it up. We’re supposed to be living for Christ, not the other way around. CONTINUOUSLY engaging in actions clearly prohibited by the Book without conviction, struggle or the need to repent (i.e. h0m0$exual!ty, alcoholism, gossip, etc.) is the exact opposite of “Christian” living. Just because someone doesn’t want

I thought poly ball was Bolbie, now it’s poke salad.

No way warbler and me are same, period. I used to be called Gotcha, we saw how that worked out. Unless God is giving insight, it ain’t correct, usually.

Back to catching up, trolling even worked on Andy admin, and Gotcha. Warbler you are the MASTER troller, taught me well. That is why fritz brought you over here, he had to pull out all the stops to keep up with me and the Lord, God.

Still falling short of the Father, the atheists are too.

I wanted to attack the ‘church country club boys’, but warbler just can’t get enough bullying. ‘Mr. Bully’, another nickname for the MD gang, along with ‘swamp worshipper’, gang members have to have nicknames.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Jesus Christ.

That’s all you got, Slack???

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by SLACK_LINE

Jesus Christ.

You rang???

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Originally posted by Warbler
Originally posted by SLACK_LINE

Jesus Christ.

You rang???

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Dang it! Wrong login…meant to post that as “Mac daddy”…

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…


Originally posted by mac daddy

I thought poly ball was Bolbie, now it’s poke salad.

For some reason, this statement reminded me of this skit…


“Back to catching up, trolling even worked on Andy admin, and Gotcha.” – Mac Daddy

I don’t know what this means unless you’re confessing to being a troll. Honestly, I’ve thought that Warbler was a prankster all along, but you? I thought you were sincere–way off and in the flesh, but sincere.

“I wanted to attack the ‘church country club boys’, but warbler just can’t get enough bullying.” – Mac Daddy

You admit that you came here to “attack” people, but you are complaining because some folks gave you some resistance?

Since the administration told you that he deleted the thread at your own request, you probably need to ask for forgiveness for trying to promote a false conspiracy theory about people here.

Now, please stop mentioning my name until you’re ready to repent of this nonsense. Thank you.

Take care.

Gotcha Covered,
Lee Strickland
Strickland Marine Insurance Agency, Inc.
843-795-1000 / 800-446-1862

Originally posted by gotchacovered

“Back to catching up, trolling even worked on Andy admin, and Gotcha.” – Mac Daddy

I don’t know what this means unless you’re confessing to being a troll. Honestly, I’ve thought that Warbler was a prankster all along, but you? I thought you were sincere–way off and in the flesh, but sincere.

“I wanted to attack the ‘church country club boys’, but warbler just can’t get enough bullying.” – Mac Daddy

You admit that you came here to “attack” people, but you are complaining because some folks gave you some resistance?

Since the administration told you that he deleted the thread at your own request, you probably need to ask for forgiveness for trying to promote a false conspiracy theory about people here.

Now, please stop mentioning my name until you’re ready to repent of this nonsense. Thank you.

Take care.

Gotcha Covered,
Lee Strickland
Strickland Marine Insurance Agency, Inc.
843-795-1000 / 800-446-1862

Only in the sense that I make extreme comments at times to high-light the point, but my bottom line is serious. We all communicate in different ways, and maybe my message gets diluted b/c of my harsh comments at times, but I don’t think I’m a prankster in the sense you are alleging.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Over the top, maybe??? Getting interesting indeed.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”


I have no argument on that (whether you’re for real or not), really. I was not speaking definitively. I was only voicing my perception from some of your posts. That perception persists, but my perceptions are subject to error, and I honestly haven’t read all that many posts in these outlandish threads of late, so I’ll just be agnostic on that point. :smiley:

I mostly just wanted your opponent to know that he is mistaken more often than not when he presumes to know what other people think or believe–particularly in my case. That’s not just true with him, though. Assuming to know what is on someone else’s mind is generally a losing proposition for most anyone.

Gotcha Covered,
Lee Strickland
Strickland Marine Insurance Agency, Inc.
843-795-1000 / 800-446-1862

It took some trolling to get your answer, Fred, but I got it.

Now, if we can do some discussion, let’s have the questions FINALLY, and Fred said.the other thread was interesting.

So, what would you like to know Fred or anyone else who has some serious discussion in mind???

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by PeaPod
Originally posted by SurfFishLife
Originally posted by skinneejBlack Bart and myself will make sure to put your brain in a jar and bring you back in a few decades. The future is going to look scary though... Taco Bell will be the only restaurant, Mountain Dew will be the only beverage, and Bayliner will be the only boat manufacturer. Scary times ahead!!!

Totally off topic and random: Do you know why there is no playground at Taco Bell?

It’s hard to have fun when you are about to s@#$ in your pants.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

why do you need a playground to shat your pants?

this site is getting more confusing and frustrating by the day.

I dang sure agree with ya.

Double D.

Originally posted by mac daddy

It took some trolling to get your answer, Fred, but I got it.

Now, if we can do some discussion, let’s have the questions FINALLY, and Fred said.the other thread was interesting.

So, what would you like to know Fred or anyone else who has some serious discussion in mind???

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Mac Daddy, I would like to know what you think will happen to the heathens on this and other threads? Will they burn in hell? Thanks.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Skinne says internet trolling was so 2004

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Well, warbler, only God gets to make those decisions, you nor me have any say in that matter.

We also have no authority to promise people that is going to happen to them, for several reasons. The major reason being until ALL the breath has gone for the last time from a body, God has promised to allow anyone to REPENT(change their ways of sinning, and show remorse), and NOT burn in the lake of fire, NOT hell.

The Jehovah’s witnesses have that teaching correct, hell In the Bible is defined as “the place of the dead”, or grave, in most places. It also is defined as a pit, and another place as the garbage heap outside Jerusalem in Jesus’ day, where bodies of people who had no tomb were burned with the garbage.

That instance is the originator of the connection between hell(the grave) and burning in hell in a pit outside Jerusalem, called Gehenna.

Matthew 10:28. Says "And fear not them which kill the body, but are NOT able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to DESTROY both soul and body in hell.(Gehenna, the burning pit then outside Jerusalem)

Therefore, bodies are DESTROYED BY FIRE in the lake of fire in Revelation, NOT to burn forever.

Revelation 20:10 says. "And the devil that deceived them(nations) was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where THE beast and THE false prophet are, and shall be TORMENTED day and night for ever and ever.

ONLY those three will be TORMENTED forever, and ever, others will be DESTROYED BY FIRE, also, this is covered in the Old Testament.

So, to say to someone as you have said, “you will burn in eternal hell” is incorrect. Also, the word eternal by definition means having duration, as an age; only the word forever means without end. Eternal, eternity, end, all mean limited duration of time.

So. The subject of “the end time prophecies”, means the end of THIS AGE ONLY, as Fred mentioned in the other thread correctly.

Hope that answers your question about hell fire.

Edit: That Matthew 10:28 scripture does tell us what MAY, MAY,

Originally posted by mac daddy

It took some trolling to get your answer, Fred, but I got it.

Now, if we can do some discussion, let’s have the questions FINALLY, and Fred said.the other thread was interesting.

So, what would you like to know Fred or anyone else who has some serious discussion in mind???

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Mac, I,m done with you at this point. I really put some serious comments in on “your” thread. You side tracked, back tracked, and then asked admin to delete all you did:question::question::question::question::question::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Any credibility you had at trying to bring GOD into an off topic thread took a flying leap into poof ville.

You clearly stated that you knew the season and week, but when I mentioned the Millennium you just went with it and stated that I was a prize pupil and got your message… not so.

Just so you know, next year I will color Easter eggs with my Grandchildren and instill the love of GOD in them.

and don’t mention anything about PTS disorder to me!!! Get over it I have! besides I can’t get any help because my annual income is too high… thanks obuma and clinton. Because of him I’ll pay $80,000 in the next 10 years for my wife’s health care… thanks to all the dumb idiots that voted for obuma… really I mean that… dumb idiots that voted for a white raised black man that has no past records… just some deleted records of him smoking dope and being a member of the black panthers…:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::face_with_head_bandage: yes piss on obuma…

Slow down, Fred. Andy stated right on this thread that I DID NOT ask him to delete that thread, on your thread.

I also DID NOT EVER say I knew the week or season. I said “God did not say we would not know the week or season”, no mention that I or anyone else knew for positive.

There was plenty reason for the thread to go away, I apologized, and repented God for my part in offending any and all brothers involved.

I’m very sorry the Ressurection Day thread had no influence on your future, many people were benefited by that information, hopefully you can be happy for them.

I won’t comment on your rant against the president, I have had some too, but your PTSD comment was overboard, especially from a military man proud of his service to his country, and I feel certain you do have compassion for veterans who deal with PTSD every July 4th, and January 1,st from fireworks.

47 years for me, and still suffer on those and other dates of fireworks discharges.

I hope you will reconsider your decision concerning me, and I pray God will bless you and your family fully.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”