Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

Originally posted by mac daddy

Over the top, maybe??? Getting interesting indeed.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Just know Mac, that I will not ask admin to delete this. What I say I mean. Prove me wrong and I will accept I made a mistake. I make a lot of those. I am only human and subject to error. I saw a lot today that give my heart joy… Got a Wild Goose that actually has 9 babies. Most I’ve ever seen. God is Great, Beer is good, and people are crazy!

Gotcha, yours was a most grateful reply. Thank you. I was almost fooled to think you had a hand in Mac’s “poof”.

Originally posted by mac daddy

Slow down, Fred. Andy stated right on this thread that I DID NOT ask him to delete that thread, on your thread.

I also DID NOT EVER say I knew the week or season. I said “God did not say we would not know the week or season”, no mention that I or anyone else knew for positive.

There was plenty reason for the thread to go away, I apologized, and repented God for my part in offending any and all brothers involved.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

No Mac, you stated that you were going to and Andy was Pro-active from your reply. Careful for what you ask for. :wink: Talk is cheap, action is where it’s at.

Andy admitted he did not have permission to delete the thread, I was leaving time to change my mind, or for the thread to change course, not making a rash decision should be commended, not criticized. Andy was man enough to admit he made a rash decision without permission, that restored my respect for Andy as a man, and my actions concerning the thread should restore respect for myself as well.

I have only respected you, Fred, unlike many others who lost my respect.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

So, to say to someone as you have said, “you will burn in eternal hell” is incorrect. Also, the word eternal by definition means having duration, as an age; only the word forever means without end. Eternal, eternity, end, all mean limited duration of time.

By what definition? "Eternal" means "Lasting forever without end or beginning"... There is nothing temporal about "eternity".
Originally posted by mac daddy

Therefore, bodies are DESTROYED BY FIRE in the lake of fire in Revelation, NOT to burn forever.

Revelation 20:10 says. "And the devil that deceived them(nations) was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where THE beast and THE false prophet are, and shall be TORMENTED day and night for ever and ever.

ONLY those three will be TORMENTED forever, and ever, others will be DESTROYED BY FIRE, also, this is covered in the Old Testament.

Check out Revelation 14, 9-12… It refers to worshippers of the beast. Also note in v11 it says, “And the smoke of their torment goes up for ever and ever”


This seems to directly contradict what you are claiming…

Smoke goes up forever always, NEVER disintegrates, only dissipates, or spreads thin enough to not be visible, still there.

I will give the eternal definition later, talking about Bible definition, not dictionary necessarily, talking Greek and Hebrew, and translations.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Jason, check it Strong’s, duration, not endless, EXCEPT for God’s abilities, and powers.

I will be back tomorrow, past my ‘old man’ bedtime, can’t concentrate. You’ll do well checking it out, as usual.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I wish topics would just get locked instead of deleted. When a “crazy thread” gets deleted, the “crazies” are protecteD and their nonsense goes away. If it is just locked and put in to a “hall of fame” there can be no forgetting.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

[quote]Originally posted by CaptFritz

I wish topics would just get locked instead of deleted. When a “crazy thread” gets deleted, the “crazies” are protecteD and their nonsense goes away. If it is just locked and put in to a “hall of fame” there can be no forgetting.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Careful what you wish for. I remember a few that would not be so good for your bestest guide award:sunglasses:

adjective: eternal

lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning.
"the secret of eternal youth"
synonyms:	everlasting, never-ending, endless, perpetual, undying, immortal, abiding, permanent, enduring, infinite, boundless, timeless; amaranthine

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Warbler, your 601 & 712 did not come from Strong’s concordance, which reference is that definition from?

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

mac, I will have to see more evidence about hell not being a “forever” punishment. To be honest, sometimes it is confusing hearing about “eternal life” vs “death” vs “heaven” vs “hell”, etc. I’ve often wondered (still researching and building the account in my mind) if an unbeliever simply “perishes” (no afterlife), but you are the first person I have heard preach the message that hell is not an “forever” punishment. If you read Mark 9 v 38-50 seems to allude to “forever”. Verse 42 especially referring to the fact that you would be better off with a heavy millstone around your neck and cast into the sea. Surely that would imply “death”. But why would “death” be better than hell if hell wasn’t for anyone but the 3 you mention? Why would Jesus say, [paraphrase] “If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life crippled, than, having your two hands, to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire”? If the fire was merely the fire pit where dead bodies are burned, why would it be described as “unquenchable”? If the bodies were merely thrown into a pit to decay, why would Jesus refer to a “worm that never dies”? Surely if you were dead and destroyed, you wouldn’t care about a “worm that never dies”. But for those who believe that there is an eternal punishment, a worm that never dies is a gruesome thought!

Skinneej: Great posts!

After spending about 40 years of my life in the “desert” of atheism God still loved me to the point of reaching to me at my darkest hour. To me, that was an act of His love. Did I deserve His attention? Absolutely not. Even after I committed my life to Him (in a courtroom in Pasadena, CA), I sat for weeks in church (literally sitting on my hands every time the pastor did an “alter call”) - I was a “hard case”. After I publicly committed my life to Yeshua in church were my struggles over? Nope again. Only a few weeks later, my wife of ten years died in my arms in church - at age 38.

Have I been “perfect” since? Absolutely not (just ask the Admiral). However I can say, I am a “work in progress”. Some areas progress ok, others I might need an electron microscope to find miniscule progress on my part. Nevertheless, I am making progress.

I can say, that the more time I spend in His Word, the more I understand about Him and the more I can try to straighten out my wayward path.

In a way, Yeshua pointed some of this out in Luke: Luke 16:31 “And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.”

Read the context of this verse. We all have choices to make. To live by that river in Egypt: Denial, or to begin asking questions.

illigitimi non-carborundum . . .

Bottom, thanks for sharing your testimony… Mine is a little different and only “exciting” to me I think, but I will tell it anyway. I “officially” accepted Jesus as my savior when I was 14. I’ve always believed in God, and I’ve always believed in heaven and hell. That being said, I would probably have been considered “disobedient” and continued to live in sin. I always saw the world as one big playground to indulge in my own Earthly pleasures (and I did just that). I remember trying to read the Bible when I was in my teens and just struggled in it, primarily because I thought it was boring at that time. I only tried to read it because I felt that I “should”, not because I genuinely wanted to. I gave little thought to God on a day to day basis, but a lot of thought to me!

Then, things changed when I had a daughter. She’s 14 months now. I know it sounds “cliche”, but that’s what happened. Obviously I never truly understood the love of a parent to a child until I had one of my own. Also, my daughter does not have any health issues that I know about, and I have close friends whose children are facing some serious complications. I think that it was then I was struck with the gravity of my blessings. I made a promise to God that I would do everything I could to lead my little girl to him, and I think that is when I really started to see the change in my own life. As funny as it sounds, I think that promise was what opened up the door to the Holy Spirit. Suddenly, I had this burning passion to know the truth, and over the past year, I have spent more time reading the Bible and researching Biblical topics on the internet than I have over all the rest of my years combined. There are times where I just can’t put it down. Not anymore because I felt that I should, but because I have a true passion to know more about God! At some point, I will complete the entire Bible and start to read it again!!!

I have new passion to live a life more pleasing to God. I honestly think about God multiple times a d

WONDERFUL TESTIMONIES, they are better than ANY teaching or discussion imo

Reminds me of Revelation 12:11, They(tribulation saints) overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of THEIR testimony, AND the loving NOT of their lives to the end. ie: Give testimonies and DON’T love this life more than you love God and His rewards. I TRULY believe testimony is THE #1 thing that has been removed from church services. You guys would have loved churches in the 50’s, when we had testimonies almost every service, can u imagine how wonderful that would be???
I certainly do miss that, and baptisms monthly, so powerful.
Tear shedding salvation conversions monthly or so, at the ALTAR!!!###
People didn’t care much about joining the church, they wanted to join Jesus.

There are STILL churches like that, but VERY few, usually house churches, which is how we started AND where we will end, to hide from government persecution of TRUE BELIEVERS. Nominal Christians can still worship by government control then, but not TRUE BELIEVERS who refuse to worship the government way, taking a mark of belief in the system, in order for them and their families to survive, they(many believers too) will sacrifice their salvation, at least temporarily, for survival, according to the word.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Now, skinneej, to answer your questions: the Mark scriptures you g
Greek word for hell there is ge-ena, which in Jesus’ day was a burning, never unquenchable fire, where the worm of death, and destruction NEVER DIED, just burned 24/7. Thus, an example of the burning lake of fire, the unquenchable, never dieing part, I believe, means no reprieve, or redemption, or repentance.

I will give my support for this position, after laying a foundation for our study here.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Greek word for hell there is ge-ena,

Well, I’ve been married to a Greek lady and her family (they are a set:smiley:) for 42 years, and the Greek word for Hell is #954;#972;#955;#945;#963;#951; :wink:

Edit: sorry but Greek characters don’t work here. I’ll try again.

Sorry, that didn’t work either, but it is not “ge-ena” and it is spelled in the Greek alphabet and not in English:wink: Do a google translate search, I can say it but I can’t type it.

Here, I’ll make that easier…https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=translate+english+to+greek

Kolasi is the closest spelling in English that I can get. I have a Greek tutor standing over my shoulder if you want to argue Greek. I’ve learned not to :smiley:

Great posts from everyone. Lets just keep it light.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by mac daddy

Now, skinneej, to answer your questions: the Mark scriptures you g
Greek word for hell there is ge-ena, which in Jesus’ day was a burning, never unquenchable fire, where the worm of death, and destruction NEVER DIED, just burned 24/7. Thus, an example of the burning lake of fire, the unquenchable, never dieing part, I believe, means no reprieve, or redemption, or repentance.

I will give my support for this position, after laying a foundation for our study here.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Also do not forget to include the story of Lazurus and the Rich Man!
Originally posted by Cracker Larry
Greek word for hell there is ge-ena,

Well, I’ve been married to a Greek lady and her family (they are a set:smiley:) for 42 years, and the Greek word for Hell is #954;#972;#955;#945;#963;#951; :wink:

Edit: sorry but Greek characters don’t work here. I’ll try again.

Sorry, that didn’t work either, but it is not “ge-ena” and it is spelled in the Greek alphabet and not in English:wink: Do a google translate search, I can say it but I can’t type it.

Here, I’ll make that easier…https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=translate+english+to+greek

Kolasi is the closest spelling in English that I can get. I have a Greek tutor standing over my shoulder if you want to argue Greek. I’ve learned not to :smiley:

Great posts from everyone. Lets just keep it light.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

I think he was given a phonetic representation of "Gehenna". That is a word you will get some Google hits on.

Gehenna is the Hebrew according to my source, and Geena the Greek.
Of course, that is the transliteration, NOT translation.
“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”