Who pushed it over the edge? talking about poof

Originally posted by mac daddy

Andy admitted he did not have permission to delete the thread, I was leaving time to change my mind, or for the thread to change course, not making a rash decision should be commended, not criticized. Andy was man enough to admit he made a rash decision without permission, that restored my respect for Andy as a man, and my actions concerning the thread should restore respect for myself as well.

I have only respected you, Fred, unlike many others who lost my respect.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

That is not true. We all read your post. You clearly said that you were going to ask Andy to delete the thread because you and God considered the thread an abomination and wanted it gone. Andy was being gracious by telling you that he only thought that post was a request. Mostly, it was obvious that he posted here to stop your not-so-sane conspiracy theory about "good ole boys". It was crystal clear. As for "permission", the owner of this site does not need your permission or anyone else's to clean up what he sees as a mess.

Andy did man up, though. Now it’s your turn. Man up, apologize for trying to spread a false rumor about who got your thread deleted and confess that Andy came on here and proved you wrong. You say you’re a Christian teacher. Well, teach by example.

Gotcha Covered,
Lee Strickland
Strickland Marine Insurance Agency, Inc.
843-795-1000 / 800-446-1862

Gotcha, you’re over the top, I only said “it is my understanding”, I never accused anyone.

I have NOT replied or retaliated to all your unmerciful attacks, so as not to offend a brother, but you have done everything in your power to offend me.

You are the one who needs to repent for false accusations against me, I didn’t accuse anyone, nor did I say I asked Andy to delete the thread.

Now, YOU let it die, as you recommended I do, and I DID let it die.

I have never complained or asked for an apology from you for your un-Christian like behavior, so get off my case in return respect, please.
Stop asking.for an apology like a child, I did apologize for the entire thread, you KNOW THAT.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Mac Daddy,

You made a clear, repeated attempt to spread a false rumor and need to admit that you were wrong for your own sake, not mine.

Do you honestly think that you have “refrained…so as not to offend a brother” by suggesting that some of us are false believers, that we conspired to “poof” you, and railing off at people like Moses on a rampage? I’m not offended, but I think you’re wrong.

I have not made any “attacks” on you, much less any unmerciful ones, nor have I been “un-Christian” to you or done anything to wilfully “offend” you. You simply get offended easily and seem to see people who disagree with you as enemies (that’s a merciful understatement.) Others and I have been decidedly merciful to you. I tried multiple times to reach out to you and bring you to reason. I am only stating the truth and trying to get you to do the right thing.

I did not make any false accusation against you. I accurately cited what you said and did. You tried to spread a false rumor, said you were going to ask Andy to delete the other thread because it was an “abomination”, but now deny both. You say you’re a Christian authority. You should man up for your error.

You came back here slurring people over nothing and expressly admitted you intended to “attack” certain people. You tried over and over again to spread a false rumor, but now that Andy definitively proved that you were wrong, you want to “let it die” instead of just saying, “Guys, I was out of line and obviously wrong. Sorry.” It says more than you think.

Sure, I’ll let that go–as long as you don’t pretend that Andy defied your “permission” and that you did nothing wrong. :smiley:

I never saw any admission or apology from you for your false-rumor attempt.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I am not asking for your apology. I don’t need one. I am telling you that if you call yourself a Christian teacher, it is self-defeating to refuse to confess an error as big and venomous as the one you made here when you were definitely proven wr

Good enough, Gotcha, we’ll drop the incident, and bury the hatchets.

I am fine with that.

Have a good evening, sir.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Normally I let this kind of stuff go as, what you think really has little to no bearing on my life, but Mac your statements above do not match with anything you have said in the past. You said I made a rash decision. I did not do anything rash, you said you were going to ask me to remove it, I saw that and assumed you wanted it removed. There was nothing rash in my behavior. You also accused (excuse me, said “In your opinion”) me of deleting it because I “Caved” again not accurate in the least. Here are your words from this very thread:

“I STILL believe the Christian side complained, which gives me less respect for administration, imo they caved in to dissenters. ie: the ‘good ole boys’, who act more superior than me, because they refuse to listen to anyone other than their tradition teachers, who do like Gotcha said, stick to the safer “basic” stuff they like to use as CONTROL AGENTS for their own agenda.”

You don’t really need to reply because I will not comment on this again. On a lighter note, I always get a kick out of people that refer to themselves in the third person. You should have been a professional athlete. Sorry to interrupt the thread again. Carry on.

On to the topic at hand, skinneej, you asked me to not forget the rich man and Lazarus story, Luke 16:22-24.

Verse 24 says he is tormented in flames currently, and the smoke goes up forever and ever.

Good evidence, but there are plenty verses leading to other conclusions also. The Bible says paraphrasing here, scripture proves scripture, so I believe we need to take the many verses of a subject, and make a conclusion, also, we must make room, of course, for spiritual interpretation in some cases rather than physical or literal.

That being said, I only find one place in the word that says "tormented for ever explicitly, Revelation 20:10, and that involves the three most wicked characters in the tribulation period.

Hell(sheol in Hebrew) in the OT was never considered anything other than a place of the dead and decaying of the body, in the lowest region of the earth.

Through the NT God is said to be a “consuming fire”, and John 3:16 says sinners “perish”, believers have everlasting(forever), not eternal life. Eternal can have time periods, and also can be indefinite, various uses.

I have a/c problems with my truck taking my attention today and tomorrow, will continue later.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Verse of the Day:

There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

Proverbs 6: 16-19

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Originally posted by mac daddy

Good enough, Gotcha, we’ll drop the incident, and bury the hatchets.

I am fine with that.

Have a good evening, sir.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I commend you for this response. Thank you.

However, please understand that I truly never held a hatchet regarding to you. I’ve never been your enemy or held bad feelings or intentions toward you. I just disagree with some of your actions, opinions, and postures and believe they should be countered at times. The same will be true going forward. I appreciate your willingness to take on the same approach.

With that being said, please also understand that if I believe you are promoting error on an important Biblical matter or are being unfair with someone in a way that matters enough, I may post rebuttals. I’m not going to avoid disagreement if I think it’s important. It is not personal.

Where practical and apropos, I prefer to first attempt to reason privately, giving space for discretion, which I did with you here. If that doesn’t work or I think the comments are just over the top, I might post something to counter apparent wayward momentum. Again, it’s not personal.

Please don’t ever misinterpret that as me having a personal hatchet for you or anyone else. Everyone has opinions.

Thanks in advance for understanding.

Gotcha Covered,
Lee Strickland
Strickland Marine Insurance Agency, Inc.
843-795-1000 / 800-446-1862

Originally posted by skinneej

Bottom, thanks for sharing your testimony… Mine is a little different and only “exciting” to me I think, but I will tell it anyway. I “officially” accepted Jesus as my savior when I was 14. I’ve always believed in God, and I’ve always believed in heaven and hell. That being said, I would probably have been considered “disobedient” and continued to live in sin. I always saw the world as one big playground to indulge in my own Earthly pleasures (and I did just that). I remember trying to read the Bible when I was in my teens and just struggled in it, primarily because I thought it was boring at that time. I only tried to read it because I felt that I “should”, not because I genuinely wanted to. I gave little thought to God on a day to day basis, but a lot of thought to me!

Then, things changed when I had a daughter. She’s 14 months now. I know it sounds “cliche”, but that’s what happened. Obviously I never truly understood the love of a parent to a child until I had one of my own. Also, my daughter does not have any health issues that I know about, and I have close friends whose children are facing some serious complications. I think that it was then I was struck with the gravity of my blessings. I made a promise to God that I would do everything I could to lead my little girl to him, and I think that is when I really started to see the change in my own life. As funny as it sounds, I think that promise was what opened up the door to the Holy Spirit. Suddenly, I had this burning passion to know the truth, and over the past year, I have spent more time reading the Bible and researching Biblical topics on the internet than I have over all the rest of my years combined. There are times where I just can’t put it down. Not anymore because I felt that I should, but because I have a true passion to know more about God! At some point, I

Originally posted by RWL Good testimony skinnej and a very common one as far as how people find God. I fear that there are a lot of proclaimed Christians out there that fall in the same category as you were in between 14 and having your daughter skinnej. I was one of them for a long time also. We believed in Jesus and said He was our Savior, but we didn't really mean it in our hearts. IMO, you were not truly saved until that moment you speak of after your daughter was born. Same I wasn't until I was humbly brought to my knees and no longer could "do it" on my own after years of always being able to do whatever was needed to live. After that moment, we changed and began to show fruit and started actually "seeing" others for what they truly are, God's creation and the flaws we all have. We become a lot more compassionate for others. I am very glad you posted it because need to read it over and over.

For all the Christians out there, if you proclaim that you are saved and accepted Jesus as your Savior and you have not changed your ways or at a minimum feel a sense of guilt or wrongdoing when you continue your sin (whatever that may be), you don’t feel a desire to read God’s word, the way you see people has not changed, and in general do not produce any “fruit” in the name of the Lord, then you may want to step back and take a long good look at yourself and ask yourself some hard questions about whether you SINCERELY meant that Jesus is your Savior and it wasn’t just lip service. IMO, if your really meant it, then you WILL experience those things I listed.

Great testimonies from skineej and Bottom Scratcher. And a great response from you RWL. Jesus was my Savior for a lot of years before He became my Lord.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Mac Daddy, I hope your a/c got fixed on your truck.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Mac daddy has left the building, with Elvis. Both are checking out in disgust, after being harassed by fans, kooks, and good ole boys.

Both may or may not return, depending on attitudes toward famous figures.

See ya whenever.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Good riddance.

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

Mac daddy, don’t listen to Satan. Stay here and preach and become a better man. You have MUCH room for improvement, but with my and others help, perhaps you can salvage something. Do not cower in shame and leave…that is not the way to go.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Yes it is!

Thought of the day. Pride has killed more men and more ambition than any sword.

Not aimed at anyone. Take from it what you will.


That last post was a joke concerning Elvis and famous figures, but a serious troll on the harassment, because Gotcha said I don’t know who my REAL enemy is.

Fritz was first in line, no surprise there. He has helped to make me famous for the wrong reasons.

I need to explain my intentions on the end time thread. The starting out with disagreement was to make the point of my intent to expose certain teachings I believe are incorrect, according to the word, and those who teach them.

That was an effort to HELP believers, NOT condemn them. That correcting was taken as PERSONAL correction, not scriptural correction. That got the thread off on the wrong foot, and it never recovered, primarily because I reacted to those personal attacks in an unkind manner.

Public apology, and stated repentance is enough to let that DIE.

For this thread, I did a lot of investigative trolling to get the REAL answer to who poofed the other thread. That trolling resulted in Andy admitting to deleting the thread, WITHOUT ANY INTERFERENCE.

I do owe an apology to Gotcha, Andy, and the Christian side for accusing them in my trolling. I now publicly apologize for the accusations that should not have been made personal, just as my accusations against me in the other thread should not have been made personal.

Andy referred to my speaking in the third person, that is to NOT make attacks personal, as I believe doctrinal attacks should never be personal.

As Gotcha stated, I attacked teachers, teachings, Pastors in general, and churches in general, except I did specify denominational churches, but none specifically.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

That last post was a joke concerning Elvis and famous figures, but a serious troll on the harassment, because Gotcha said I don’t know who my REAL enemy is.

Fritz was first in line, no surprise there. He has helped to make me famous for the wrong reasons.

I need to explain my intentions on the end time thread. The starting out with disagreement was to make the point of my intent to expose certain teachings I believe are incorrect, according to the word, and those who teach them.

That was an effort to HELP believers, NOT condemn them. That correcting was taken as PERSONAL correction, not scriptural correction. That got the thread off on the wrong foot, and it never recovered, primarily because I reacted to those personal attacks in an unkind manner.

Public apology, and stated repentance is enough to let that DIE.

For this thread, I did a lot of investigative trolling to get the REAL answer to who poofed the other thread. That trolling resulted in Andy admitting to deleting the thread, WITHOUT ANY INTERFERENCE.

I do owe an apology to Gotcha, Andy, and the Christian side for accusing them in my trolling. I now publicly apologize for the accusations that should not have been made personal, just as my accusations against me in the other thread should not have been made personal.

Andy referred to my speaking in the third person, that is to NOT make attacks personal, as I believe doctrinal attacks should never be personal.

As Gotcha stated, I attacked teachers, teachings, Pastors in general, and churches in general, except I did specify denominational churches, but none specifically.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I accept your apology. Thanks, Mac.

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Now to addressing Gotcha, we too got off on the wrong foot, never intended to be that way(personal). By personal I mean your opinions of railing, suggesting all dissenters were unbelievers, etc. Those comments are not general, but personal, even if they are true, still personal attacks in my opinion anyway.

My railing initially was spiritual, not personal, later I retaliated in personal manners that WAS un-Christian behavior, driven by attacks on myself.

To clarify some of my comments that I believe you misinterpreted, or however we differed.

You said it is odd I would think I know what every believer here has been taught or believes.

Answer: My ministry started in 1971 in controversy, so I have dealt with what people are taught and believe, intently, longer than many here have been alive. I can tell quickly by comments where almost every believer stands teaching wise, because there aren’t all that many different Christian teachings.

On the subject of believers, you suggest there are many believers on this thread, I don’t have any relationship with any other than you, and a little with skinneej. I am not going to assume anyone else is a believer, nor do I expect anyone to believe my claims as a believer without knowing me or my fruits. That was a large issue on the other thread, because many thought I expected to be recognized as an authority, or teacher, just because I said so. I didn’t expect that at all, thus the reason for discussion.

Every believer MUST be proven, ie: “Test every spirit”.

You asked the question, “Do you honestly believe you have refrained from offending brothers, calling them unbelievers”?

Answer. I only consider you a DEFINITE believer, all others are to be proven yet, by their fruits. So, yes I did refrain, because I did not rebutt any of your charges against me, none on that thread that I remember.

You said people are not all devil servants who disagree with you.

Answer: I only remember calling no more than 1or 2 satan servants, pretty positive of