Does any one know of a class or program that can properly educate my wife on backing a trailer… I have tried but she says I am an asshole… Probably true… But anyways I want her to learn this important lowcountry skill but I feel I can not teach her…
By the way she has a touch of oppositional defiance…
quote: I have tried but she says I am an asshole.... Probably true...
If I had a dollar for every time my wife has called me that…
I’ve taught my wife to sail, handle a boat and back a trailer, and to shoot pistols, rifles and shotguns, and how to fight. She always resists everything I have to say though and it’s a struggle. She’s finally learning I’m not stupid, but it took 40 years It’s very difficult for a husband to teach his wife. Too much egos involved on both sides. Get a woman who knows how to teach her.
My wife has been shooting since she has known me, 1973 or so. But when she wanted to start carrying a handgun every day, I enrolled her in a defensive firearm class with both men and women instructors who weren’t me. For some reason she will take advice from them better than she will from me, even though it’s the same advice.
Does any one know of a class or program that can properly educate my wife on backing a trailer… I have tried but she says I am an asshole… Probably true… But anyways I want her to learn this important lowcountry skill but I feel I can not teach her…
By the way she has a touch of oppositional defiance…
-Albemarle 248xf “Chella”
-Dolphin 18BC Pro
-Miscellaneous boats
“Everybody dances when shotgun sings” Stewart and Winfield
I haven't laughed so hard in a while...Thanks.
My dad was a bomber pilot in WWII and my mom, sister, and me had to get out of the car when he backed the boat trailer down our driveway...which was straighter than a ruler. It was a swear fest and I have tears from laughing so hard about your comment. It's not just women. Thanks for the gut bust.
I learned on a farm tractor and a hay wagon! You have use a different technique when the front axle on the trailer turns! On a regular non- steerable trailer like a boat trailer I learned in the Army! If you can back up a Jeep trailer your good! Those things will cut and jackknife on a dime, with that short tongue and length! It just takes practice:wink:
quote: I have tried but she says I am an asshole.... Probably true...
If I had a dollar for every time my wife has called me that…
I’ve taught my wife to sail, handle a boat and back a trailer, and to shoot pistols, rifles and shotguns, and how to fight. She always resists everything I have to say though and it’s a struggle. She’s finally learning I’m not stupid, but it took 40 years It’s very difficult for a husband to teach his wife. Too much egos involved on both sides. Get a woman who knows how to teach her.
My wife has been shooting since she has known me, 1973 or so. But when she wanted to start carrying a handgun every day, I enrolled her in a defensive firearm class with both men and women instructors who weren’t me. For some reason she will take advice from them better than she will from me, even though it’s the same advice.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
Wow! Your words described our situation perfectly... Even the firearms part. So... I have about twenty years to go!
-Albemarle 248xf “Chella”
-Dolphin 18BC Pro
-Miscellaneous boats
“Everybody dances when shotgun sings” Stewart and Winfield
You’ll know you’ve reached the promised land, when she finally admits that you were right about something/anything! You can show her how to do something and tell her it’s the easy way to do it! You’ll get blowback and she will tell you that’s not the way she does it! Later on, you’ll see her doing it your way, when she thinks you’re not looking:wink:
This is very hard to admit but I cant back a boat trailer or any trailer I have fished most of my life . When I went with my brother I would ask if I could try and he will say , Bill we dont have all day . This was when the landing was clear of others . Almost every time I go with someone they back the trailer , get the boat off and park the truck .
I learned on a farm tractor and a hay wagon! You have use a different technique when the front axle on the trailer turns! On a regular non- steerable trailer like a boat trailer I learned in the Army! If you can back up a Jeep trailer your good! Those things will cut and jackknife on a dime, with that short tongue and length! It just takes practice:wink:
Use a hitch on the front of the tractor to “back” them. much easier. Had to back loaded corn wagon off some scales last week after finding some dude broke down, dang near cut my butt.
“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”
here is a pretty easy way for her to get a grip on backing. have her put her hands on the bottom of the steering wheel and then turn the wheel in the direction that she wants it to go. for the right; turn the wheel to the right/for the left; just the opposite. might make it a little easier on her but you will still probably be an a-hole to her. ha ha ha.
When I found my date could back a boat trailer I married her, That was 47 years ago! After we married she quit fishing and even boat rideing. Now she’s alergic to the sun. O well it to late to start over with another one!!!
X2 on coolbreeze’s method and one thing that my dad always said “they put a mirror on this car for a reason, use it”. It will be easier if she learns to use the mirrors instead of turning around to see the trailer.
Guys its much easier faster and more precise to let the wife drop you off at the ramp (let her drive it around or tie it off depending on the tide a boat traffic) and pick you up and let you put it on yourself. This has bothered me for years.
Guys its much easier faster and more precise to let the wife drop you off at the ramp (let her drive it around or tie it off depending on the tide a boat traffic) and pick you up and let you put it on yourself. This has bothered me for years. You can back it up much easier and faster.
My wife saw me laughing at this topic this morning. She said, "What if she doesn’t want to learn how to back a boat trailer? Ever think about that? No argument from me cause I know my wife can’t back a car …much less a trailer. I didn’t marry her cause of that…or her cooking.
May be easier to train her to drive the boat onto the trailer instead.
This! I can back down and be in and out in about a minute. It took her a few tries to get everything down when loading the boat, but now, I don’t even worry about it. It makes her feel better that I trust her driving the boat, also. Win, win…