Yankees still invading

Posted this on another topic. Figured it would be good for some off topic discussion. Gentlemen, be gentlemen.

Andy, not trying to slurr anyone. Just healthy discussion.

Yankees. I’ve worked in the northeast enough to see how bad it is up there. What’s even worse is west of there. New Englanders are actually some pretty chill folks. Go a little west of there and you find the miserable people. I think I’ve nailed It down to a few states. Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Southern Michigan. Also northern W. Virginia and western Pennsylvania. They call that the rust belt and wow, what a miserable place with miserable people. Not a blanket statement, because there are exceptions. The problem that we face is when they come here to muddy our water after they have polluted theirs. Don’t have a problem with them bringing their dollars here but d@mnation, leave the awful politics up there. If you want to move here to be happy, fine. Just be happy with your southern blessing and get the d@mnable Yankee chip off of your shoulder. The answer is NO. If you “came” here at any point in time you’re not a f’ing native, local or anything else that looks cool on your bumper sticker. You’re a transplant, a migrant, a halfback, or long term snowbird. Do not destroy our ground and home with the ideals, politics, and attitudes with which you destroyed yours.

Matthew K. Mizell
Columbia, SC
Sea Pro 190CC
Johnson 115 4-Stroke

It is statistical really. There are just as many good people and jack wads in both places based on percentage. There just happen to many more Yankees in Yankeeville so you see more of them and interact with more of them.

All of the places you mention have beautiful places and beautiful people. The south doesn’t have a lock on that.

Honestly , the reason most of us come this way is your proximity to the equator, nothing more.


I have family both from Ohio and from everywhere in the South. Both of my parents are from the South, as is all of their ancestry as far back as we can trace it into the early 1800’s. But unfortunately they decided to follow my Dad’s work into Ohio, where I was born, but we moved when I was 2 into south Texas and then back to the Carolinas, so I was born to Southerners, and raised in the South (the years we were in Texas count twice!!).

But my wife and most of her family are from Ohio, and I have some of the best in-laws of anyone I’ve ever met. They now live in the upstate, and my mother-in-law cleaned up a condo complex as the homeowners president, and the value of those condoes has nearly doubled over the past decade because of the renovations they’ve done and the drastic improvement of the quality of life (way reduced crime).

There are indeed some of them that move down that bring many gifts and talents with them. They just don’t understand sweet tea. I can forgive that one.

… The Cross of Christ is the anvil upon which the hammer of evil wore itself out.

One thing I would like to add is that in the North we learn about the “Civil War” in the South my children learned about the war of “Northern Aggression”.

My family landed in Rhode Island in the early 1600’s.

I’m an American. Not a northerner, transplant, yankee, etc…You can call me whatever but I’m an American. You might think at some point with what has gone on in the world in the last 100 years and certainly the last 13 or so when I watched the World Trade Centers fall in person, that that would be more important.


Nobody can help where they came from, only how they behave.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by Courtland

It is statistical really. There are just as many good people and jack wads in both places based on percentage. There just happen to many more Yankees in Yankeeville so you see more of them and interact with more of them.

All of the places you mention have beautiful places and beautiful people. The south doesn’t have a lock on that.

Honestly , the reason most of us come this way is your proximity to the equator, nothing more.


Agreed. There are some good folks and beautiful places in both regions.

Matthew K. Mizell
Columbia, SC
Sea Pro 190CC
Johnson 115 4-Stroke

My family has been in Charleston since 1685. To this day, I have no family outside of SC that I know of.

I fully welcome people from anywhere to move to Charleston. Charleston isn’t Pyongyang, mysterious and closed to outsiders. It’s an open, friendly and hospitable place.

Just don’t try to make Charleston like wherever you came from (whether that’s China or the UK or the US Northeast). If you like China or the UK or the US Northeast better, it’s best to stay there.

I’ve traveled and lived elsewhere. I practiced the above when I was there. I just ask that people that come live in Charleston practice the same.

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”

I come from PA around this “rust belt” you speak of. I honestly do not know why you think people around there were miserable, unless you were wearing an Eagles or worse yet a Ravens jacket in that area.

We never locked our doors and left keys in our trucks. It was never a problem to help a neighbor or stranded motorist in the mountains. When it was hay bailing time all the guys got together to stack bails and help out.

Since I have lived here, I was in my first ever car accident when someone hit me and I was robbed 2 times on James Island. I was almost killed on my motorcycle by someone texting while driving at 26/526. They had a big ol’ “Native” sticker on their suv.

Don’t get me wrong, I love it here and this lifestyle suites me more than snow and mountains but its not the “Yankee” invasion making things crappy. Its a$$holes and they come from all parts of the world, not North of an imaginary line.

Hydra-Sports 22 Bay Sport
225 Rude

Like I said. There are exceptions. One thing that I’ve learned about working all over the US is that there are good folks and plain out @ssholes no matter where you go. Here, there, and everywhere else.

You can find good ole boys driving 4x4 trucks in t-shirts with a keg on the tailgate in pretty much every state in the union, yet when presented with that image, our precious media always seems to tag that to southern white trash. That does annoy me as it should any good southerner whether or not you a a fifth generation landowner or a second generation transplant. We all got here from somewhere at some time. This was not the point of my first post.

My first point was that if you do come here to enjoy this beautiful place, then welcome. Please don’t bring your politics with you. Please do not expect this to be like home in the north with a better climate and better property value. The pace of life here is different. Do not complain about things that are different here because they aren’t like the place you left. Obviously you left for a reason.

Simple formula: Sell House in over inflated over taxed area > Take equity to low cost low tax area and buy/build a huge house > Drive up property taxes for locals who have lived there for generations > Complain about what you don’t like > Make life miserable for everyone.

Believe it or not, even in the areas of our lovely state that thrive on tourism, there are people that live and have lived there for years and generations. Moving to live in your vacation spot may seem like a great idea, but if you want it to stay this way, recognize what makes it good to begin with and don’t come here and complain.

Matthew K. Mizell
Columbia, SC
Sea Pro 190CC
Johnson 115 4-Stroke

Originally posted by mkmizell
Originally posted by Courtland

It is statistical really. There are just as many good people and jack wads in both places based on percentage. There just happen to many more Yankees in Yankeeville so you see more of them and interact with more of them.

All of the places you mention have beautiful places and beautiful people. The south doesn’t have a lock on that.

Honestly , the reason most of us come this way is your proximity to the equator, nothing more.


Agreed. There are some good folks and beautiful places in both regions.

Matthew K. Mizell
Columbia, SC
Sea Pro 190CC
Johnson 115 4-Stroke

I didn’t realize Columbia was such a popular destination for relocation…hope they don’t ruin that treasure for you.

2014 Key West 203DFS
1987 Landau

In other words, if you want to have a nice house and life style that you can afford, don’t buy anything better than the neighbor has! If you were a Democrat or a Republican before you got to SC, you can’t be one after you arrive! Remember, leave your politics at the state line! mkmizell, did you even read what you wrote? Do you have to wait until all your neighbors buy new cars before you get your turn. Don’t step out of line now! I’ve lived all around the world and there are good people out there! The best description I think I’ve heard about the South came from a native! He called it the South’s Remembered Perfect Past. When everyone had a Plantation, wore White Linen Suits, and owned Slaves and Cotton Fields and lived in Big Houses with White Columns in front. I don’t care if you have BBQ’s and keg party’s and hunt and fish or what you do! Just invite me! You might find out that there are some things I do that you may like also!:wink:[:0]

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

Nobody can help where they came from, only how they behave.

Truth… poetry right there.

I’m beginning to think you are the most rational person on this website Cracker.

It must be miserable to have to care about bumper sticker rights and whether or not a person rightly considers themselves more than, “a transplant, a migrant, a halfback, or long term snowbird”.
South Carolina is now an attractive destination for northerners, so yawl better get used to it. When they come there and pay taxes they will voice their politics. That’s inevitable and their right. They don’t even have to buy property to do that.
Change is inevitable. You don’t have to like it, but most times you can’t stop it either.
One thing that you can always do is move away from it. The ironic thing is that’s what most of the transplants to the area are doing when they come to SC. Heck I was planning at one point to move there myself. I even bought a piece of land that I was going to build on.
However the more time I spent in the area the more I realized how much of what I wanted to get away from was headed that way, or already there, so I headed even farther south to the Big Bend of Florida. The fishing is great in both places, but the Big Bend isn’t developed and it isn’t in the spotlight.
If you ever feel the need for some old time southern charm, yawl should come on down and visit. Maybe even move down there. You won’t be able to consider yourselves “natives” anymore, but who really cares?

Be nice, don’t say bad things about Columbia when South Carolina becomes constipated Columbia is where they will stick the syringe for the enema.

People will forget what you said…
People will forget what you did…
But people will never forget how you made them feel.




Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


Big Bend is sweet. St. Marks and Carrabelle are great.

Originally posted by 23Sailfish



Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


Ha that’s funny. That would be a good test. If you went to a school where they taught you to spell you all, ya’ll, you’re a proper southerner. If they taught you to spell it yawl, you’re a proper yankee.
The ones you have to watch out for though are the ones who live in the north and the south who think that you’re an outsider if you can write it either way.

Originally posted by Redstripe

Big Bend is sweet. St. Marks and Carrabelle are great.

We are pretty much in between those two places, right outside of the little town of Panacea. That pic in my avatar I took in the St. Marks Wildlife Refuge.

Originally posted by mcvlbound
Originally posted by Redstripe

Big Bend is sweet. St. Marks and Carrabelle are great.

We are pretty much in between those two places, right outside of the little town of Panacea. That pic in my avatar I took in the St. Marks Wildlife Refuge.

Nice. I grew up down there. Dad’s big offshore boat moved back and forth between Shields and The Moorings. Flats fished mostly Turkey Point and the Marine Lab areas, some Shell Point and Live Oak Island. I really wish people, realtors and advertising, would shut the hell up about the “forgotten coast” because once more people figure it out it’s going to be not so forgotten, and ruined.

If you haven’t tried it, there is some awesome trout and red wade fishing in the refuge. Just keep an eye on your 6 for gators.

And on a side note, I could kill for some oysters some the Steam Room. Hole in the wall seafood shacks just don’t exist up here like they do in the Big Bend.

1986 Shamrock 20 Cuddy Cabin
2002 PCM 351

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

Nobody can help where they came from, only how they behave.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose


Matthew K. Mizell
Columbia, SC
Sea Pro 190CC
Johnson 115 4-Stroke