2017 CharlestonFishing.com annual oyster roast

Originally posted by striperskiff

Sorry if I missed it buried in the previous posts, but I’m assuming there will again be an area set aside for people to bring fishin stuff to sell?

it has not been set in stone, but I think a lot of people liked it so here goes…

CF oyster roast swap shop…if you have something you’d like to see about selling (or even giving away) we’ll set aside a couple of picnic tables to set your stuff up on…one of the past years I had a little coffee can with a slit cut in the top for people to drop their money in…basically we’re talking about things maybe $5-$20 or so…all honor system…Paul has sold quite a few bottom jigs like this and it is a good place to get rid of some old outdoors stuff maybe you don’t use, or somebody else might be able to use…just make sure you bring a box or something to put your goods in and that your name is clearly marked on it…questions or suggestions?

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Been looking forward to this for a long time, but we gotta bow out of this one. Just got a call from my Mom and they had to put my Dad in the hospital so I’m headed to Alabama shortly. They think he had a light stroke. He will be 90 in a couple months.

Originally posted by WallyB

Been looking forward to this for a long time, but we gotta bow out of this one. Just got a call from my Mom and they had to put my Dad in the hospital so I’m headed to Alabama shortly. They think he had a light stroke. He will be 90 in a couple months.

10-4 thanks for the head’s up and speedy recovery to your father…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Originally posted by Bonzo72
Originally posted by striperskiff

Sorry if I missed it buried in the previous posts, but I’m assuming there will again be an area set aside for people to bring fishin stuff to sell?

it has not been set in stone, but I think a lot of people liked it so here goes…

CF oyster roast swap shop…if you have something you’d like to see about selling (or even giving away) we’ll set aside a couple of picnic tables to set your stuff up on…one of the past years I had a little coffee can with a slit cut in the top for people to drop their money in…basically we’re talking about things maybe $5-$20 or so…all honor system…Paul has sold quite a few bottom jigs like this and it is a good place to get rid of some old outdoors stuff maybe you don’t use, or somebody else might be able to use…just make sure you bring a box or something to put your goods in and that your name is clearly marked on it…questions or suggestions?

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Sounds good. I have a box of small toe tags around somewhere that I’ll bring and leave on the table for prices and names.

'07 198 DLX Carolina Skiff
DF90 Suzuki

Originally posted by Bonzo72
Originally posted by cofcfishing

Just a quick request for those attending, C of C is hold a cereal drive for Homecoming to give to the local food bank. It would be really appreciated if you could bring a box of unopened cereal or two.

Connor, how many from CofC do you think will show up? and please do mention that this is a CF.com member supported function so if they wanna bring a bag of chips or some cookies or something that would be awesome…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Oh, I only mentioned the oyster roast to a couple guys I fish with and told them to bring food if they come. Figured those that wanted to get some good karma points could donate some cereal since we are collecting it all this week.

“When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.” - Thomas Paine

Bonzo: do you have a list of last minute needs?

22 Sea Hunt

Dito the last minute needs? Pretty sure I’m coming now - can bring whatever or just pitch in on oysters again?

J Ford

could someone bring some paper plates, napkins, paper towels? I’ve got some but sophish has come down with the flu so I told her to stay in bed and we’d cover it…also, if anybody has a couple pieces of firewood please throw in your car and bring…you can bring some cash for oysters, but right now our head count is only around 50 and we’ve had about 10 bushels vouched for…Paul will bring 15 bushels so if we are still hungry then somebody else can buy another bushel…thanks for the input everybody…I’ll go ahead and say it now…the weather is looking GREAT!

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Originally posted by Bonzo72

could someone bring some paper plates, napkins, paper towels? I’ve got some but sophish has come down with the flu so I told her to stay in bed and we’d cover it…also, if anybody has a couple pieces of firewood please throw in your car and bring…you can bring some cash for oysters, but right now our head count is only around 50 and we’ve had about 10 bushels vouched for…Paul will bring 15 bushels so if we are still hungry then somebody else can buy another bushel…thanks for the input everybody…I’ll go ahead and say it now…the weather is looking GREAT!

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Ill have some fire wood.

dont jinx us on the weather :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Bonzo72

could someone bring some paper plates, napkins, paper towels? I’ve got some but sophish has come down with the flu so I told her to stay in bed and we’d cover it…also, if anybody has a couple pieces of firewood please throw in your car and bring…you can bring some cash for oysters, but right now our head count is only around 50 and we’ve had about 10 bushels vouched for…Paul will bring 15 bushels so if we are still hungry then somebody else can buy another bushel…thanks for the input everybody…I’ll go ahead and say it now…the weather is looking GREAT!

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

I got a pack of paper towels from Sams/case of Cokes/Hand wipes/Kool Aid Packs/Some Crack/ Couple of sticks of firewood…

Sorry been out of the loop a little. I have a good amount of fire wood I will bring. I may need some starter stuff to get it going.

Originally posted by mdaddy
Originally posted by Bonzo72

could someone bring some paper plates, napkins, paper towels? I’ve got some but sophish has come down with the flu so I told her to stay in bed and we’d cover it…also, if anybody has a couple pieces of firewood please throw in your car and bring…you can bring some cash for oysters, but right now our head count is only around 50 and we’ve had about 10 bushels vouched for…Paul will bring 15 bushels so if we are still hungry then somebody else can buy another bushel…thanks for the input everybody…I’ll go ahead and say it now…the weather is looking GREAT!

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

I got a pack of paper towels from Sams/case of Cokes/Hand wipes/Kool Aid Packs/Some Crack</font id=“size5”></font id=“red”>/ Couple of sticks of firewood…

i didnt know it was that kind of party

Originally posted by WallyB

Been looking forward to this for a long time, but we gotta bow out of this one. Just got a call from my Mom and they had to put my Dad in the hospital so I’m headed to Alabama shortly. They think he had a light stroke. He will be 90 in a couple months.

Hope your Dad gets better. See you the next time.

I’ve got some fat lighter to start the fire…hand wipes AND some crack…yea, this is turning into another kinda party!

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Carl, we’ll bring some paper plates and paper towels. Anything else?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by DFreedom

Carl, we’ll bring some paper plates and paper towels. Anything else?

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

thanks Doug…lemme check my list tomorrow and advise…I think we’re pretty good…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Been on the fence about committing to coming.
Put me down for two adults and two kids.
Snacks and a load of cereal.

I don’t always Tell the Truth,
But when I do I exaggerate

Originally posted by otter

Been on the fence about committing to coming.
Put me down for two adults and two kids.
Snacks and a load of cereal.

awesome! got you down and thanks!!

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

ok everybody we’ve had a slight hiccup for tomorrow and need a little help…first, Paul (sellsfish) needs some prayers as they had a family emergency this afternoon…he will still bring the oysters and knives to the park in the morning but he will not be able to stay or leave the tables, oyster barrels, cocktail sauce, etc…slight chance he can make it back, but we can’t bet on that…SOOOOOOOOOO, I need to see if somebody can bring cocktail sauce (or ketchup and horseradish) and saltine crackers…I’ve got small cups we can serve it in…Paul will leave plenty of oyster knives, but if you have your own you might wanna bring them…I’ll have buckets for shells and will haul them to the oyster recycle place…we’ll have to use the park’s tables to eat on…it will be a little messier than normal so maybe bring a hand towel or two as well…Paul said to please pass along his disappointment in not being able to be there as this will be the first one he’s missed…I think we all understand and wish him and his family the best…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

I’ll bring some cocktail sauce.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson