Yaay, a response from admin. Good to know there is an actual human involved and that there may be some attempt to revive this site. I have met many great folks here, made friends, learned a lot and seen the best and worst side of people here. I hope the site can eventually be restored to its former glory before it is too late. Thanks for the information.
"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?
…as an example. You posted, went to the top of the slick Homepage, got only two responses in the forum section, but if you look you have almost 1000 hits on that post. Those clicks aren’t coming from forum posters, this is painfully obvious.
I guess what I am saying is that forum participant numbers are certainly down, most likely a lot more than the 90% you suggest too, but I am not so sure 90% of the clicking audience has been lost as evidenced by the 1000 or so hits on your Reds Chewing thread that are generated from the slick homepage, and not from forum participation. You have to hand it to Chris, it’s brilliant really. I wish I’d thought of it, it’s applicable across a ton of dead forums truth be told.
And one more thing, from what I can tell the advertisers don’t see the forums much at all , they are only shown and are interested in the clicks that the slick homepage produces. I am sure if they knew what a douschbag RBF and crew were they would pull the plug toot sweet. They, but RBF in particular, are bad for business. They don’t fish or hunt except for the fishing and hunting they do here in the forums section to stroke their self aggrandized egos.
If the current forum participants really want to make a difference they should continue to Shun the ringleader RBF and the others, you know who
EF, you came back and proclaimed yourself: EF – Head Administrator
Then you became: The Poser Formally Known as EF
Then: EF – On Double Secret Probation
Now: Just EF
I typically keep my comments in the political forum where they belong… And yes, I do fish as much as possible and hunt occasionally on my 2 pine plantations in Horry county…
Reality is you have the temperament of a young teenage girl, and I am sure Admin sees you for just that…
You have claimed so far:
The site’s new function is the problem
RBF and a few others are the problem
A sponsor here Gotcha Covered/Lee Strickland was the problem and that was the start of the downfall of the site
That Admin is pimping people out here for “clicks” and members should be compensated for their reports and contributions and that is a problem
That Admin is selling members’ information and that is a problem
You sure do seem to find a lot of fault in everything on this site…
I have a novel idea EF, since you enjoy bad mouthing the site, and denigrating it so often… Why don’t you just offer to buy it, make it your own site, and then you can banded who you don’t like… Come on EF, pony up and make Admin a huge money offer and see if they will take it…
Also, name one time I have ever cursed at any member… You have done so several times via acronyms, and words the site has blocked out most of the letters…
“If the current forum participants really want to make a difference they should continue to Shun the ringleader RBF and the others, you know who they are, we all do. Just don’t engage them, simply treat them like the leaches they are just like their friends in real life have done. I know, I know, much like a pestering dog dick knat they will get a well deserved swatting occasionally, but simply move away from the fleabag and carry on.”
Amen Brother. Don’t feed the trolls and they’ll starve.
"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?
All the CENSORSHIP</font id=“size6”> going on with FB TWITTER GOOGLE YAHOO
Essentially free speech is silenced.
CF allows the free exchange of ideas…It never censored talk of HCQ/COVID/ELECTION ANOMALIES…
The site even allows fools to argue endlessly…if you are inclined to waste you’re time reading it…
</font id=“size5”>
IF CF wants to make a buck off a picture of Harrolds fush or my pig handing me tools…good on them.
I give up my claim by putting said picture on
THEIR WEBSITE…OUR WEBSITE…that “they” pay for…and “we” don’t.
If you want to go to tin cans and a string to communicate…keep it up.
Thank GOD there is a site on the internet that ALLOWS UNFETTERED SPEECH
</font id=“size5”>
A rare thing these days.
Thanks CF for a FREE site to communicate with like minded FREE peeps. I read for years while Skinny argued with a fence post…Cracker Larry offered sage advice…BONZO was BONZO…
mdaddy, I agree with most of your assessment. However, what is happening with businesses/corporations isn’t “censorship.” It is simply their right to decide with whom the wish to allow to use THEIR platform… This isn’t the government attempting to stifle 1st amendment rights…
With regards to CFC and them posting/featuring people with pictures and their content/experiences… I fully support the CFC team/owners with THEIR efforts… No one is forcing anyone to post anything here… Share if you wish…
Also, the notion of members being “compensated” with some “sweet feed” is ridiculous… Reality is there are several members who aren’t sponsors that “pimp” their products, personal youtube channels, etc. here for FREE… Harold has his product link in his signature line as well as Optiker with his Eye Strike business… I don’t see them or many others listed as official sponsors paying for the advertisement and clicks they get for free… Seems rather “liberal” to me the new and old CFC owners allowing it without being compensated in return…
Anyhoo… Spot on assessment IMO, and thanks for putting much of this nonsense into a mature and rational perspective…