Black church horror

Originally posted by CaptFritz
Originally posted by skinneej

I’m predictable? I don’t think anyone here is suprised that you set your alarm clock early this morning so you could be the first to report on this topic. I’m curious as to who you think you are fooling?

To be fair, I posted a thread about the shootings a few minutes before this one. Why are you always so confrontational with people on this site?

Charleston City Papers Best Guide of 2014

I was going to mention that,but skinny would twist it all around the axle.
Originally posted by Edistodaniel

Do you feel like the bad guy? I didn’t imply you were being insensitive, just normally I’m willing to go 30 days of you</font id=“red”> picking apart everything for the fun</font id=“red”> of it, because we both like to argue. Seems inappropriate this time when I step back and think about it.

I do not feel like a bad guy. I'm comfortable with my reason for being here. But, I think it's clear (again) that you are implying something by what I highlighted in bold. If you don't think that is an attack on me, you are not being honest. It's as simple as that.

Again, I am posting on this topic because I am sick of seeing people wallow in the mud like happy pigs whenever they get a chance to point out a “hate crime” or “racial issue”.

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Edistodaniel

Do you feel like the bad guy? I didn’t imply you were being insensitive, just normally I’m willing to go 30 days of you</font id=“red”> picking apart everything for the fun</font id=“red”> of it, because we both like to argue. Seems inappropriate this time when I step back and think about it.

I do not feel like a bad guy. I'm comfortable with my reason for being here. But, I think it's clear (again) that you are implying something by what I highlighted in bold. If you don't think that is an attack on me, you are not being honest. It's as simple as that.

Again, I am posting on this topic because I am sick of seeing people wallow in the mud like happy pigs whenever they get a chance to point out a “hate crime” or “racial issue”.

No, that wasn't an implication, that was a factual statement. You never give up in arguments and pick apart everything. Hence the highlighting of a small part of the statement. That's clear, and I don't think it's insulting honestly. 99% of the time I'm all for it.

fun of it = my fun. I enjoy arguing with you usually.

Originally posted by Edistodaniel
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Edistodaniel

Do you feel like the bad guy? I didn’t imply you were being insensitive, just normally I’m willing to go 30 days of you</font id=“red”> picking apart everything for the fun</font id=“red”> of it, because we both like to argue. Seems inappropriate this time when I step back and think about it.

I do not feel like a bad guy. I'm comfortable with my reason for being here. But, I think it's clear (again) that you are implying something by what I highlighted in bold. If you don't think that is an attack on me, you are not being honest. It's as simple as that.

Again, I am posting on this topic because I am sick of seeing people wallow in the mud like happy pigs whenever they get a chance to point out a “hate crime” or “racial issue”.

No, that wasn't an implication, that was a factual statement. You never give up in arguments and pick apart everything. Hence the highlighting of a small part of the statement. That's clear, and I don't think it's insulting honestly. 99% of the time I'm all for it.

fun of it = my fun. I enjoy arguing with you usually.

This topic is not fun for me.

Again, “race baiting” and “stirring the racial” pot actually disgusts me. It’s tearing the country a part. It’s escalating. It’s getting worse. Someon

Obama is going to milk it for everything he can too. Racial division and gun control. He’s all over it. More gun control can fix this problem, right? If one good man in that church had a weapon, he could have fixed this problem. More gun control can’t fix it.

President Obama on Thursday linked gun control to the Charleston church shooting in his first statement on Thursday, saying the nation needed to ?come to grips? with the issue in the wake of the massacre that killed nine people.

?At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn?t happen in other places with this kind of frequency,? Obama said. ?And it is in our power to do something about it.?

Obama?s Justice Department is investigating the mass shooting as a hate crime. But as the president addressed the tragedy in the White House briefing room, he also turned to politics – trying to focus the national conversation not just on race and violence, but gun laws.

Once again, the president said, someone who wanted to do harm ?had no trouble getting their hands on a gun.? The man arrested in the killings, Dylann Roof, reportedly received a .45-caliber pistol from his father for his 21st birthday in April.

Despite his raising the issue, Obama seemed aware of the challenge of passing any gun control measures in the current environment, saying ?politics? in Washington ?foreclose a lot of those avenues right now.?

Speaking after previous mass shootings, Obama has on several occasions said more gun laws could help prevent such violence.

After the shooting at the Sandy Hook, Conn., Elementary School in 2012, the Obama administration launched a push with pro-gun control allies in Congress to pass new gun and background

I just ordered another 1,000 rounds while I still can.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I think you’re going to see this bring out the best of us in Charleston, not the worst. This isn’t Baltimore or Ferguson.

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

I think you’re going to see this bring out the best of us in Charleston, not the worst. This isn’t Baltimore or Ferguson.

That’s what I am hoping. Show the rest of the country how decent people respond. Extend a hand to someone that’s hurting, send flowers, send a casserole, pray with them…something. Just let them know you care. I don’t even live there, nor do I know any of the victims but I feel like I need to grieve with the community.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

I think you’re going to see this bring out the best of us in Charleston, not the worst. This isn’t Baltimore or Ferguson.

I will agree with that on the local scale. But this is national news... Check out the twitter feed that was posted earlier. Some of the comments are just unbelievable...

From Geronimo:

That being said, even though our public response might be nice and rosy, you can still see a lot of hateful tension on local social media.

We can blame Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and the media for this. All this race bating they’ve been doing has pushed another nut over the edge. Yes this guy has mental issues. You would have to have mental problems to hate someone for the color of their skin. Now we know whats coming. All whites are racist and we need to take everyone’s guns. I think I will go buy a few extra rounds myself… Its a sad day for SC.

Out of towners will be the instigators if it goes bad. Black Lives Matter is having a meeting in Marion Square at 5 today, and then marching to “places where white supremacy still exists.” Any of yall that work downtown or go through it better head home a little early today, because I wouldn’t be surprised if they shut down the bridge.

Larry you knew one of the first things puked out of obumas mouth
would be gun control is at fault instead of the sicko pulling the trigger!!!


When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

I just ordered another 1,000 rounds while I still can.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

That’s it! Go ahead an incite panic buying so the supply begins to disappear, making the price sky rocket. The consumer is responsible for panic buying, not the industry.

Earn it everyday

If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.

Never shoot a large caliber man with a small caliber bullet.

That's it! Go ahead an incite panic buying so the supply begins to disappear, making the price sky rocket.

Right. Me buying 1,000 rounds of ammo is going to create a panic buy. My wife and I go through 1,000 rounds of 9mm a month. I was running a little low anyway, and the wife told me last week we needed to order some more. This just gave me some incentive to do it today :smiley:

FWIW, I could have bought a pallet of 50,000. Didn’t figure on needing that much right away though.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

It’s not how much you buy or can buy (thanks for not bragging). It’s the “while I still can” mentality that leads to panic buying. The only people that get the short end of that stick is the consumer.

Call it what you will but don’t then be one of the many that share the “while we still can” mentality asking “why can’t we find ammo” or “why has ammo gone up so much in price.”

FWIW, you can never have enough ammo and should never run “a little low.”

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
That's it! Go ahead an incite panic buying so the supply begins to disappear, making the price sky rocket.

Right. Me buying 1,000 rounds of ammo is going to create a panic buy. My wife and I go through 1,000 rounds of 9mm a month. I was running a little low anyway, and the wife told me last week we needed to order some more. This just gave me some incentive to do it today :smiley:

FWIW, I could have bought a pallet of 50,000. Didn’t figure on needing that much right away though.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Do you reload your own boolits?

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

If you think you need to arm yourself for this tragedy, you’re out of touch.

Seems like there are some common reactions on this site: This isn’t an act of racism, it’s an act of insanity; This doesn’t mean all white people are racist, it’s just one sick asshole; You can’t ascribe the actions of a few to an entire race, ethnicity, or religion, you have to look at each actor individually – and that person is probably insane; This isn’t a symptom of systemic racism in this country, it’s an isolated incident; It’s not a crime against anyone because of their skin color, it’s a crime against humanity – all of us.

I’m sure the reactions on this site would be the same if some of those towel head fellows shot some white cartoonists… right?

Originally posted by Fred67

When a religion is so extreme that it’s followers think the killing of cartoonists and innocent people in the area is required, I think the world needs to come together as a community and put a stop to it.

It’s already to the point that people are scared to speak out. Living on fear is no life. There is no way to stop the deranged individuals that just murder for their own reasons, but those that murder in the name of Islam can be addressed.

< Evil is simply the absence of God >

Originally posted by mcvlbound

The design of Islam is to spread Sharia Law throughout the world. Even peaceful Muslims are obligated to further that cause. If you hear a Muslim say that spreading Sharia Law is not their goal, you cannot believe them because they are encouraged by the Koran to lie to “infidels” to fool them.
In other words the peaceful Muslim wants the same thing as the radical violent Muslim, and that is Islamic Law over all countries.
Just because they go about

Do you reload your own boolits?

No, not usually, but I can spell bullets :smiley: I can reload them too if needed, just can’t do it for $.17 a round that I can buy them for right now. Cost me about $.305 each to reload :wink:

Sorry, this is drifting way off topic. I feel very bad for everyone involved in this tragedy. One nutcase can stir up the entire country that didn’t need much stirring. Sad stuff for sure:roll_eyes:

Seems like there are some common reactions on this site: This isn't an act of racism, it's an act of insanity;

I agree completely.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

If you think you need to arm yourself for this tragedy, you’re out of touch.

I don’t see where anyone implied or insinuated that.

No matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets, or how far you fall…you are never out of the fight.