Black church horror

If you think you need to arm yourself for this tragedy, you're out of touch.

Well, I’ve never been unarmed since 1970 and don’t plan on changing anything today. Is that out of touch?

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Sir Spear, as you have pointed out, racism is very alive in this country, but if this is the act of the every day bigot, then why are these massacres not happening every day Anyone who can walk into a church and massacre 9 people in cold blood is a psychopath. PERIOD!!!

NOBODY on this thread has denied the existence of racism. Some of us just refuse to act like sheep and bow down to worship the media and give into the hate peddling and race baiting that is destroying the country.

Disassociate with others, lack of work ethic, no job, no drivers license, no relationship with parents, feeling of superiority, lack of emotion, no concern for the lives of others, violent, lack of remorse…

Can you guys still not see the pattern?

Sadly I think these incidents will continue to happen, maybe not here necessarily, but somewhere. I don’t really see any real recourse where you can feel 100 percent safe anywhere in our time

Prayers for those families. Several of the kids that work for me were close to several of the deceased.

Just sadness is all I can express, no need to label this for me

“mr keys”

The state of mind of this type individual is the same type that would choose to burn his home with his kids in it just because he wouldn’t want his ex to raise them, or drive a car into the ocean with his kids in the back, or strap his infant to a car seat and throw them off into a stream. Unspeakable acts happen all the time form mentally disturbed, unbalanced individuals. You can’t blame racism and blanket say that any other white can relate to his racism in America anymore than I could relate you to the father who drowned his daughter in the river just because you are a dad. To ever bring racism, white people in general, or the GOP into this discussion is despicable, disgusting, and I am ashamed to be associated with anyone that would even consider bringing that topic to this. Shame on anyone who does.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

NO QUESTION in my mind to act out this horrible plan requires some psychological problems.

However, his patches on his jacket show he has had some people influence his thinking in the very wrong direction.

I was raised (5) miles from the home of the Grand Dragon of the KKK of N. C.

OBVIOUSLY, I saw firsthand hatred for black people, but, I played on occasion with some black children, and felt sadness, rather than hate, for their plight. This was in the 1950’s, LONG before the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

So, I saw how FAMILY influence of prejudice at an early age, can affect one’s life forever, and WILL grow, if not contained.

Fortunately for me, I was raised by a Christian mother and grandmother, who taught STRONGLY against prejudices, including against the poor.

This Dylan kid has had, apparently, (21) years of hatred festering in his soul, and heart, or maybe some bad experiences at school, or otherwise, with someone(s) of the black race, we don’t know, but, his roommate knowing his plans, and not revealing them, is very questionable.

These type situations are pretty common, and unfortunately, they don’t seem to get much attention, even when they are revealed.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

NO QUESTION in my mind to act out this horrible plan requires some psychological problems.

However, his patches on his jacket show he has had some people influence his thinking in the very wrong direction.

I was raised (5) miles from the home of the Grand Dragon of the KKK of N. C.

OBVIOUSLY, I saw firsthand hatred for black people, but, I played on occasion with some black children, and felt sadness, rather than hate, for their plight. This was in the 1950’s, LONG before the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

So, I saw how FAMILY influence of prejudice at an early age, can affect one’s life forever, and WILL grow, if not contained.

Fortunately for me, I was raised by a Christian mother and grandmother, who taught STRONGLY against prejudices, including against the poor.

This Dylan kid has had, apparently, (21) years of hatred festering in his soul, and heart, or maybe some bad experiences at school, or otherwise, with someone(s) of the black race, we don’t know, but, his roommate knowing his plans, and not revealing them, is very questionable.

These type situations are pretty common, and unfortunately, they don’t seem to get much attention, even when they are revealed.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Well said

Sorry, Geronimo, but we can’t ignore the obvious evidence of this case, as much ad we certainly would like to say “just imbalanced”, this case has too much evidence the other direction to ignore.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Even the title of this thread is somewhat racist IMO.

Black church horror

It’s not a “black” church, I saw the pictures, it looked white to me. It’s a church of God. Period. The congregation may be predominately black, but they welcomed that white nut case to come in and join them.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

Even the title of this thread is somewhat racist IMO.

Black church horror

It’s not a “black” church, I saw the pictures, it looked white to me. It’s a church of God. Period. The congregation may be predominately black, but they welcomed that white nut case to come in and join them.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

This is what I find so compelling and telling at the same time. You know that when he showed up to the church that something was wrong with him, but they didn't shun him or try to get him to leave. Then the monster decided to repay their kindness by killing as many of them as he could... God help us all:roll_eyes:

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

Read for Helter Skelter

What pisses me off is that the media fuels the racism. Headline on “White suspect confesses to shootings at black church.” The words white & black could have easily been omitted. Granted, the young man has problems, and it was a hate crime, but why does the media have to fuel the fire. A troubled kid killed 9 people in a church. That’s what needs to be focused on.

I’ve said it many times, WTF is wrong with people?? I still think Rodney King said it best, (whether he believed or not) “Can’t we all just get along?”

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

It IS very fortunate that most of us do get along, at least to speak to one another anyway.

But, just getting along isn’t enough, we must have LOVE for one another to co-exist in harmony, and love is very absent in the world, sad to say.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Looks like our confederate flag in Columbia is coming back into the national spotlight in the wake of this shooting. Regardless of your feelings on the flag, it would be sort of ironic if he intended to start a race war, but it results in the confederate flag being taken down for good.

Originally posted by SirSpear

Seems like there are some common reactions on this site: This isn’t an act of racism, it’s an act of insanity; This doesn’t mean all white people are racist, it’s just one sick asshole; You can’t ascribe the actions of a few to an entire race, ethnicity, or religion, you have to look at each actor individually – and that person is probably insane; This isn’t a symptom of systemic racism in this country, it’s an isolated incident; It’s not a crime against anyone because of their skin color, it’s a crime against humanity – all of us.

I’m sure the reactions on this site would be the same if some of those towel head fellows shot some white cartoonists… right?

Originally posted by Fred67

When a religion is so extreme that it’s followers think the killing of cartoonists and innocent people in the area is required, I think the world needs to come together as a community and put a stop to it.

It’s already to the point that people are scared to speak out. Living on fear is no life. There is no way to stop the deranged individuals that just murder for their own reasons, but those that murder in the name of Islam can be addressed.

< Evil is simply the absence of God >

Originally posted by mcvlbound

The design of Islam is to spread Sharia Law throughout the world. Even peaceful Muslims are obligated to further that cause. If you hear a Muslim say that spreading Sharia Law is not their goal, you cannot believe them because they are encouraged by the Koran to lie to “infidels” to fool t

Originally posted by mac daddy

Sorry, Geronimo, but we can’t ignore the obvious evidence of this case, as much ad we certainly would like to say “just imbalanced”, this case has too much evidence the other direction to ignore.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

What evidence are you referring to Mac that you think I am missing. The root of the problem lies in this individuals evil, imbalanced mind. Whatever was the catalyst is just what the conversation will be about.

A kid shoots up a school and the conversation is about games, movies, and gun ranges, not the messed up individuals mind. A kid shoots up a church, and the topic is confederate flags on the capital, racist street names, GOP agenda, lack of parenting.

I am not ignoring the evidence, I just know it is not the root of the problem. A problem nonetheless, but the thing you can hang your hat on is all of these individuals had mental issues.

I agree that racial tensions have made tremendous strides in the last 10 years. I also believe that people like Sharpton, Pelosi, Holder, and Obama have a done lot in the other direction. I don’t hear near as many racial slurs in my life as I did 15 years ago. I think more and more kids today are growing up without seeing color. Their will always be those few stupid rednecks that think we should still be segregated, but they are a dying breed. i think in 50 years race won’t be a huge topic, but lazy entitled people will be still. White, black, yellow, green, blue, orange. Lazy entitled individuals bringing down America will be around, and their will still be those Sharptons trying to link intolerance of people that bring down society to racism.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Originally posted by mac daddy

However, his patches on his jacket show he has had some people influence his thinking in the very wrong direction.

Mac Daddy, with all due respect, I think that is a HUGE ASSUMPTION, and I would bet that it is an incorrect one. Let's be honest, who really knew what those patches were before the media reported it? I sure as heck didn't and I would be willing to bet that 99% of people did not either. I doubt someone bought those patches for him. He was hell bent on kicking off a race war. Something was seriously wrong with him. I'm guessing he spent time on the internet trying to figure out how "black people were taking over his country". I bet he came across these patches through internet research and purchased them for himself. He stated to his roommate outrage over the Trayvon Martin thing. Notice that is NOT a case where a black guy killed a white guy. So, why would he be bent out of shape about it? Isn't that what he wanted? He was bent out of shape because of the media and social fallout that came out after the incident.

So this crackpot Roof goes into a black church and shoots up a Wednesday night Bible Study killing nine of the attendees. His intent was to incite a racial war. The outcome turns out to be the exact opposite; an outpouring of sorrow, love, unity and desire to help across all racial boundaries for those affected. Prayer vigils are held across the city, the church has become a shrine for mourners black and white, and monetary donations are pouring in from corporations and individuals at an incredible rate. If this horrific act of violence has a good side, it has pulled the Charleston area together, given them new found respect for one another and shown the true character of the Holy City. I consider it a privilege to live here and be a part of this community. Maybe other troubled municipalities will stand up and take notice.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish
Yamaha 250

I saw on the news the Rhodesia patch is used by the white supremacist group, so I figured he probably had someone encourage him to the group, maybe not.

I just believe at 21, to go to that extreme would have to be a long standing issue.

To be sane enough to leave one survivor to tell the story, indicates his thinking was pretty sound; plus, waiting for an hour to carry out his plan.

The DA will probably use those things against him being insane.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

I saw on the news the Rhodesia patch is used by the white supremacist group, so I figured he probably had someone encourage him to the group, maybe not.

I just believe at 21, to go to that extreme would have to be a long standing issue.

To be sane enough to leave one survivor to tell the story, indicates his thinking was pretty sound; plus, waiting for an hour to carry out his plan.

The DA will probably use those things against him being insane.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

He is a psychopath, not a schizophrenic. Psychopath's are very meticulous planners.