ByeDon needed to free up some federal prison room for the domestic terrorist Drumpf loyalist getting convicted for the January 6th insurrection…
This administration actually traded one of the World’s most notorious Gun dealers, Viktor Bout, for a woman that hates America. This administration is all up about Gun and Gun control, but let a man (Viktor Bout) go back home to continue his arms deals with Terrorists. How many people has this man killed or been the reason they were killed? Wonder why this isn’t in the Main Steam media about him… he was a major in the GRU, an officer in the Soviet Air Forces, and he graduated from a Soviet military intelligence training program as an operative of the KGB.
The Media said Trump was in bed with Russia???! Nope they should have said Biden.
The moose limb Kenyan did the same thing who you think did it this time for another America hater
Haha, Drumpf released 5,000 taliban prisoners…
I see a laughy face that I can not ignore from the Worst member ever to be allowed to stay a member on this site. I can only wonder what it is the POS is laughing about? Griner aside, it would not matter who we got back as a prisoner… War hero, another criminal, someone that just got a bum deal… We should have NEVER traded anyone for Victor Bout! There is no telling how many people VIctor is responsible for killing! And now the scum bag is free to do it again with the blessings of his Former KGB buddy, Putin. Again, you would think this would be a Bipartisan discussion on how irresponsible this administration is.
Many Americans would rather keep their heads up there butts (our local trolls for sure) and believe we made a good trade using Victor Bout after being found guilty of conspiracy to kill Americans and US officials, delivering anti-aircraft missiles and aiding a terrorist organisations. These same people are in the class of those that believe 7&8 year olds need to be taught sex education. sick SOB’s. Really.
This happens when you illegally install a pedophile aka the Big Guy
Putin is laughing so hard at Biden. The WOAT Biden knew that we had Putins buddy that was responsible for so many deaths in many countries. Putin really wanted Bout back and offered to exchange a spy that was working for us of a foul dissident that hates America. Putin knew who the WOAT would take. Trump would have told Putin to kiss his a $$ and held out for a better deal. We need a president that’s not made of jello. A president that our enemy’s fear and our Allies fear a little. That would be Trump. Biden will probably give Griner a cabinet position next door to the one with the red heels and moustache
Where is all the proof for all these allegations?
Read the real news Bob. Even CNN is not happy with this stupid swap
This is what you call proof? Come on man, you spout off with this crap just because you don’t like By-Don.
Read bays last post. He is known for posting trurh
Now that is funny. Not one of y’all has posted anything truthful.
What does the idiom Cry-Baby mean?
one who cries or complains easily or often
Only your opinion. Please list 1 false post Bay has made You can’t because Bay researches and only posts facts. Are you proud of what Biden has done ? I have asked you to post one tangible thing Biden has done with no reply from you
Where’s the truth in this?
This happens when you illegally install a pedophile aka the Big Guy
Looks like an honest post to me ! Also looks like the truth!
Here ya’ go, Bib.
Straight from the horses mouth…
“America is losing its Christian values, it’s families…no longer the model country that ppl look to as an example”
“Christian” values has been for a long time about authority, grooming children, etc. However, these same “Christians” point to hollywood to deflect…
Christian values have changed many times over the centuries, and many times it wasn’t good…
Jesus is great, his so called “followers” are mostly hypocrites. child sex abusers, closet homosexuals, adulterers, thieves/charlatans…
After Major Investigation, Southern Baptists Confront… | News & Reporting | Christianity Today
Honesty doesn’t mean truthful… Ignorant folks are often honest…
The Difference Between Honesty and Truth | Psychology Today
Honesty: Expressing your feelings and opinions accurately.
Truth: Accurate representation of reality.