constitutional carry laws

Getting my booster Friday.

The vaccine is another lie for the greater good . Even tho it is still in the experimental stage the Gov officials like Fauci that reap donations from the vaccine companies all the way up to the “big guy”. It is important to help them. The best thing that can be done to prepare for a hurricane is to get vaccinated It’s for the greater good so lieing is ok


the info was readily out there a few months ago. We are being manipulated into getting information or lack of it from our Government and media sources. Ask an older Military Member that has undergone Biological Warfare Training and been made to suit up. We were told the best thing to use in a jam before we got our suits on was a rag soaked down in water so much so that we would could barely breath through it and pray no virus landed on your skin prior to suiting up. These people so scared that they mask up in a car all alone is really sad. Fearmongering at it’s finest.

There were some better reports out there. I should have saved them. So much censorship going on through the WWW.

When I’ve got some Boredom time being stuck on hold I’ll do some more digging. If you google You will not find anything negative on masks… or I doubt it.

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I love it when I see someone riding down the road in the car by themselves wearing a mask…
Wife says they have them on to keep them from licking the windows.

Hammered… wording in a search helps some…

Mom had to have Cardioversion Couple of weeks ago. We Brothers got together to go with her. I’m sitting with them getting mom administered and my middle brother gets all upset that I don’t have on a mask. I said bro, we all just road in the same vehicle together! Well the Hospital won’t let you be in here. I just said I’ll cross that bridge when they say something to me. Mom’s getting her thing done and we are all in the waiting room and my bro takes off his mask while we are reminiscing on Dad. I ask him what about your mask? It doesn’t even phase him how much grief he gave me earlier. Love my brother to pieces… sad their are so many like him out there.

The hardcore democrats are easily spotted. They are the ones wearing masks!

would you be getting the booster if Trump was still in office and Harris and Biden were still saying it needed to pass experimental stages first?

answer me though, how oh how did Biden keep you from getting Covid? Vaccine was already out before he was sworn in and more people have died under his administration from Covid than Trump. Please explain…

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I was practically pushed into getting the fake vaccine by the VA after The “big guy” took office. We were told that the protection was solid and dependable. But masks were still demanded.? And then of course I contracted covid. I know many other veterans that went thru the exact Same thing. The vaccine is bull. An experimental stage

He is definitely one of the sheep.He’d jump on the first train to Auschwitz if the government told him to.Don’t question the establishment,that’s a threat to democracy.haha haha


Booster shot number 23?

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It’s like I said before, If Fauci or Brandon told Bob and the like to stick their finger in their butt and lick it daily to prevent infection, their breath would smell like poo poo. :poop:

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It’s like I said before, If Fauci or Brandon told Bob and the like to stick their finger in their butt and lick it daily to prevent infection, their breath would smell like poo poo. :poop:

I was told by my primary care provider that I had to get the booster or I would lose my benefits. I told him no problem I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. He has since retired and of course I have no proof he said this. I still wonder what kick backs some got from the vaccine.

I also wonder why the VA insisted on jabbing the q tip so far up your nose to test for covid. Gave me a heck of a nose bleed on one… Blood thinners and a nose bleed make a mess. Why was this done and why in such a forceful manner? I call b.s. a throat swab would have detected it or at bare minimum a gentle hand up the nose.

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Remember, they are from the government and they are here to help.

Appointment at the VA in Charleston Tuesday.

What time? I’ve got an 0845 and 1000 @ Ralph Johnson on the 8th as well.

Publix has been donating stuff and last time I was there I got a delicious loaf of Italian Bread. They had all kinds of fresh bakery goods. Keep your eyes open for the cart going around.

Thought I was going to do a stress test. But it looks like they’re just going to do a CAT scan with contrast.
Nothing to eat 4 hours prior, no big deal. No caffeine 12 hours prior, no big deal.
No nicotine 12 hours prior, not good.

Hopefully I’ll be back in Walterboro by then. Hope all turns out well!!

I quit smoking about 30 years ago. Once in a while with my son on the boat I’ll sneak one from him. I will buy a pack of chew occasionally. Got to keep the worms away.

⁰WELLLLL, the truth comes out, tail wagging the dog story.

You said the vaccine was dangerous and unproven when President Trump recommended it, but with Bi xing recommendations you take the shots PLUS the booster???

SIR FAUCI approved the vaccine for President Trump too, BUTTTT it takes the BIGGEST lying party ever to convince some people, HOW???


Wife reminded me I got a 0945 with the belly doctor Tuesday.

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