Cool stuff around our world

Outside of North Myrtle Beach on highway 9 . There used to be a bombing range. They still occasionally find unexploded ordinances.
Oh and of course it’s called bombing range road.

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My grandfather or 1 of my uncles had a pet fox. I can’t remember which one. I don’t remember too much about it. I do remember I couldn’t play with him when my mom was around… have to go picture searching


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Bad thing about foxes are the males… They Stink!!!

Russia has had a Fox domestication experiment going on for 55 years and have produced some really neat variations and super friendly ones. Had a show on it. They are trying to duplicate the docile ones like early man did with the wolf and picking characteristics they want shape, color, disposition, etc. Many variations of colors and I believe you can get a sterile one for around $10,000. Some neat Ytube videos on them…

Pretty cool. Seen them in Cabo San Lucas.


Beautiful Souls


That big boy has done that before.

17 & Main Rd