Hold my beer…
Dog Gonit!
Hair or whiskers trigger?
wow. Accidents can happen so quickly. No question that mom had some quick reflexes!!
Dayum Bo! That’s not a good situation! Only got a double barrel too. Needs more Ted Nugent with maybe Dick Cheney for backup if things go real bad?!?
That would be OTC!
My nails are longer, and require two hits.
Back in the day when all the lumber companies had parties. They would have a lot of contests also. I almost always won a shingle nailing contest.
Occasionally i strap on my apron and run a panel or 2 of paper just to keep them boys on their toes.
Framing nailing not so good. Sore fingers purple fingernails and a time or 2 nail comes off .
That’s hard to watch! Daggum DIY’ers. I did something not near like that a few years ago trying to top out a dead dogwood. Fell about 8 feet, landed square on my back, knocked the breath out of me. It was a good ladder but it let me down. Wife heard the impact from inside the house. She was on a walker then, came shuffling out, “Harold, Harold?” “What are you doing?” Flat on my back, still trying to get my breath back, trying to figure out what just happened. Got the top cut off though without hitting the house.
Prolly a lot of us have, used to trim back woods edges to keep limbs from raking the paint off tractor or combine had a 40’ ladder maxed out on a gum tree limb about 10’ out from the tree, climbed up and top of limb was just under the plastic ladder end caps, 16” homelite cut thru limb which relieves the overhang weight making the limb go to top of the ladder but just enough plastic skin left not to fall the ladder and for me to ease down like a shaking gun shy dog after a shot.
Crab line got slack one day after I had moved it which I hate to do cuz I wasn’t catching crabs and it PO’s me when I have to move it, pull up the 35 lb lead weight give the boat a throttle nudge, hold on till it tightens, let go and the tip end of the clip hook gets caught on my wedding band, so I’m hung over the outboard while waiting for my ring finger to go overboard because I can’t reach the control, I guess the lord felt sorry for me because the hook somehow slip off the ring. No more crabbing that day, picked up my gear, about an hour back home, into the shop, bolt cutters to the ring and a sore finger for a while.
Just plain stupid stuff
Daggum. Wedding Bands can be dangerous!