Easter Sunday or Ressurection Day, WHICH??????

You’re very welcome, MacDaddy, and thank you, too.

I am honestly impressed by your ability to accept correction so graciously. That takes humility and a good disposition. I have always known this side of you and respect it. Others have yet to learn it.

Thanks for posting an interesting thread. Take care.

Gotcha Covered,
Lee Strickland
Strickland Marine Insurance Agency, Inc.
843-795-1000 / 800-446-1862

Originally posted by gotchacovered

You’re very welcome, MacDaddy, and thank you, too.

I am honestly impressed by your ability to accept correction so graciously. That takes humility and a good disposition. I have always known this side of you and respect it. Others have yet to learn it.

Thanks for posting an interesting thread. Take care.

Seems most on this site do not like when a person has a strong conviction in the extreme conservative / or religious direction.

Mac, you have your ways, I have mine, and others have theirs.

When it comes to religion I’ve learned that the worst things Christians can do is criticize other Christians (Baptists against Catholic is a good example) ways of worship. Jesus died for our sins and taught love others and do what you can to help others. I struggle when it comes to arrogant people that go out of their way to stifle the word of GOD. I think it is mostly because they are scared and need company in sin.

Fascinating discussion. Regarding the practical aspects of shunning the pagan traditions such as Easter egg hunting and candy and eating good food with family, it seems that such strict adherence is in such minority that it will allow others to single you out, severely limiting social and community opportunities. How do we counteract that? How do we ensure our kids do not grow up as outsiders?

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

Originally posted by Warbler

Fascinating discussion. Regarding the practical aspects of shunning the pagan traditions such as Easter egg hunting and candy and eating good food with family, it seems that such strict adherence is in such minority that it will allow others to single you out, severely limiting social and community opportunities. How do we counteract that? How do we ensure our kids do not grow up as outsiders?

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

I believe God’s words tells us that what you just described is exactly what will happen to true believers and keep getting worse as we near the Second Coming. We will be persecuted for our beliefs by this world. I would rather me and my family have eternal life with God in Heaven than to have some finite amount of years hear on Earth trying to “fit in” and not be “outsiders”.

Thanks Lee. I wasn’t so much worried about what others might think or be inconvenienced by my decisions. I just try to do what I think will be good in God’s eyes. Don’t always succeed, but do try and ask Him to be stronger. I just like hearing how other Christians handle certain situations.

2x what RWL said. “Outsiders” IS what God’s word says we MUST be(separate) from the world. We must use discernment in how much separation we are celebrating.

BUT, if we don’t start now, when Antichrist comes we will be ‘swept’ right into the deception and ‘unknowingly’ take the mark, same as we unknowingly celebrated a pagan holiday.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I celebrated the pagan Easter last Sunday with the pagan half of the family, and will celebrate the Resurrection this Sunday with the Eastern Orthodox side of the family.

Capt. Larry Teuton
lteuton at aol dot com

“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose

Originally posted by RWL

Thanks Lee. I wasn’t so much worried about what others might think or be inconvenienced by my decisions. I just try to do what I think will be good in God’s eyes. Don’t always succeed, but do try and ask Him to be stronger. I just like hearing how other Christians handle certain situations.

No problem, RWL.

Please don’t take my comments the wrong way. I was reflecting on social pressure that I believe we all encounter in such decisions. I wasn’t singling you out or intending to imply that you were worried about such things yourself. It’s obvious that you are a man who cares a lot about his faith and values.

A perfect example of what I was referencing is what Warbler posted–where he asked about how we deal with being marginalized by those who don’t agree with our Spiritual beliefs and decisions. You answered him aptly, citing that taking one’s stand for his faith without compromise or concern for the social costs is exactly what Jesus called people to do. If Jesus had capitulated to such fear of man or a desire to fit in, He would not have been Crucified, and we would not be here talking about the Resurrection.

Gotcha Covered,
Lee Strickland
Strickland Marine Insurance Agency, Inc.
843-795-1000 / 800-446-1862

Originally posted by Warbler

Fascinating discussion. Regarding the practical aspects of shunning the pagan traditions such as Easter egg hunting and candy and eating good food with family, it seems that such strict adherence is in such minority that it will allow others to single you out, severely limiting social and community opportunities. How do we counteract that? How do we ensure our kids do not grow up as outsiders?

Next time you come in, come heavy, or not at all…

First, with all due respect, no one said anything about candy or "eating good food with family" being a problem at all. That's all good and has nothing to do with this.

Otherwise, excellent question.

The answer is either that we don’t or that we simply surround ourselves with fellow believers with either similar convictions or enough respect for others that they respect our choice to follow our convictions and don’t ostracize of for it.

The New Testament makes it clear that to be called to be a Christian is to be called to be an outsider. In fact, it uses the phrase “peculiar people” to describe what we are to be. Jesus and His Disciples were a very small minority in Ancient Judea–outsiders who were not only limited socially, but murdered for their unwillingness to compromise their “strict adherence”.

The Bible teaches that if we allow our fidelity to our convictions toward God to be manipulated by such concerns, we are off track and missing one of the must fundamental points of the faith. This does not pertain just to this particular topic but to fidelity to the faith and Godward convictions in general. God said that He wants us hot or cold and that we have to put Him ahead of the friendship of the world–even ahead of family.

Again, consider the fact that if Jesus capitulated to the concerns y

Anototherer good post Lee.

In reference to God coming before family, we need to elaborate a little.

Matthew 10:37- He that loves father or mother more than Me(Jesus) is not worthy of Me. And he that loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.

THAT is a tall order for MOST CHRISTIANS; thus we have COMPROMISE in our churches and in our nation.

THAT, FRIENDS, is the TRUTH PLAIN AND SIMPLE about Christianity and politics today.


WHICH are YOU going to do??? THINK about that subject please, please.

HOPEFULLY, this thread has opened eyes forever to get the picture of God’s plan, and cause TRUE CHRISTIANS to get ready QUICKLY for the end time prophecies and teachings according to the word of God, which includes warnings of deception to the level of “fooling the very elect”.

Since so many of you admit to not being certain of truth, or can be swayed by teachers of deception, and “no expert” opinion, you need to “check out” what you believe and teachings you are hearing, including mine, Gotcha’s, Pastors, Teachers, and all others.

IF you have no questions then you are a prime candidate to be deceived, and most likely have been deceived already.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Ok. When is Christ coming home back?

EASY ANSWER. When Father God says it is the time.

We do however, have many signs to give us the season VERY closely. That is a long, detailed, subject, covering many books of the Bible, and many verses.

IF we are TRUE BELIEVERS, we believe what the word says about the return of Jesus Christ, and we will not be surprised by His coming.

Of course, we have to be taught because we have never learned how to study, or how to interpret scripture, or how to check the Hebrew and Greek definitions of important words,
Specifics such as FINAL signs, RAPTURE, Tribulation, Antichrist, wrath of God, ‘mark’ of the beast, NOT mark of Antichrist.

I will give more information on the second coming of Jesus ChristSome say there are no signs left to be fulfilled.

2 THessalonians 2:1-12 talks about our “gathering together unto Him”, (second coming) verse three “that day shall not come except there come a falling away first, AND that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition(death, Satan’s name).”

Verse 4- Who opposeth and exalteth himself ABOVE all that is called God, or that is WORSHIPPED; so that he AS GOD, sitteth in the Temple of God, showing himself that he IS GOD.

VERY clearly, this has NOT been fullfilled, also Daniel tells us the prince of this world will make a covenant with Israel and Palestine for 7 years peace BEFORE the coming of the Lord. Plus other prophecies predicted that are yet to occur.

SO, in order, the 7 years peace covenant, broken in the middle by this prince(Antichrist), then he sits in the Temple in Jerusalem saying he IS GOD, gathers an army of 200 million soldiers and surrounds Jerusalem to attack, BUT THE WHITE HORSE MAN (Jesus) rides down from Heaven and destroys his army (Revelation 12:7-9 he Satan, will be cast out of Heaven onto earth)). Then the 1’000 year reign begins with Satan being bound for a thousand years.

Next comes the judgement day, and the new Heaven a
Coming down from Heaven we know now.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

According to Jesus in Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

So when, the gospel has reached all nations (people groups), Jesus is coming back.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

VERY GOOD surffish, but a lot more details involved, as per usual in the word.

Those details are in the OT prophets books, AND the book of Revelation. Don’t get caught up in the teaching of looking at a verse here or there, and making a conclusion; thus the saying “let scripture interpret scripture”, more than just one at a time.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

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Originally posted by mac daddy

VERY GOOD surffish, but a lot more details involved, as per usual in the word.

Those details are in the OT prophets books, AND the book of Revelation. Don’t get caught up in the teaching of looking at a verse here or there, and making a conclusion; thus the saying “let scripture interpret scripture”, more than just one at a time.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

I agree, but when a person (Jesus) predicts his own death and resurrection and gets it right, I am going to listen very closely when He tells us when He is coming back.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Originally posted by SurfFishLife

According to Jesus in Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

So when, the gospel has reached all nations (people groups), Jesus is coming back.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Seems to be way more possible for everyone on Earth to hear the message in the digital age: internet, tv, radio, airplane, automobile, etc.

SurfFishlife and skinneej: God and His Son both give us information that is God’s plan, to get us prepared for the end time deception, and to KNOW the season close enough to not be caught as a “thief in the night” appearance of The SAVIOR.

“THE WHOLE WORLD WILL BE DECEIVED”, that includes Christians; SO when we say what Jesus said in ONLY ONE place, and call that the ‘whole story’, we deceive ourselves, and ‘cut short’ the word of God.

Bottom line is: HOW will we know when the Gospel has been preached to ALL the world???

I will be back later after walking my dogs…

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

Bottom line is: HOW will we know when the Gospel has been preached to ALL the world???

Understood. I'm just saying that it's never really been possible for the entire world to hear the word before modern times, so it supports the notion that the end times are here\close.

Only the Father knows when the Son will return! Mark 13:32…

I think that you guys are saying the same thing and not realizing it. SurfFishLife can correct me if I am wrong, but he is listing one of the pre-requisites for Jesus return, not the one thing that will cause the return.

These talks are actually interesting to read from a non-churchy person. GC and i disagree on about 90% of things, but I have to respect his scholarly knowledge of the Bible.