The dog and I hit it saturday from 5-930, found a nice bar at low tide then went back at 5 for a day of surf fishing. As usual Grace had a blast, and it was fun for me as well. It was overcast with some light rain periodically -perfect. We used some big mullet cut for bait. The big mullet are nice with a high fat content and fish love them. We used large chunks. The tally of the day was a few whiting, a few blues, a ray, a small shark and seven reds. One of the reds was pretty big and real fat, thought I had a shark on , dont know the exact size but it wasnt too far off from 40 :smiley: Three of the reds were photographed and bagged within 17 minutes of each other. Note Grace stomping bait in the trough and running them down, she does this for hours. Beware bait fish Grace is hot on your trail.Picture # 1 and two are the same fish.

…i don’t like you very much right now…</font id=“size1”>

Especially when I have been 120miles from Charleston, 2 blocks off the beach though, can here and see it from the front porch. Not a rod-n-reel in sight. Slaving away on a remodel job. :frowning_face:

That was a great day of fishing right there!!!

YOU</font id=“size5”>…are the man!


Thank you MR. PARKER.

Freakin awesome man! What island were you on? You don’t have to specify spot obviously.

Papajohick look up Bulls Island, take the ferry bring poles, walk to beach its beautiful out there, pretty good spot.

Originally posted by runbabyrun

Papajohick look up Bulls Island, take the ferry bring poles, walk to beach its beautiful out there, pretty good spot.


Bet it is quite too.

Always wanted to fish Bulls. I would have to go alone, don’t think the wife can make the hike.

Bulls is a alternative. I just noticed the ferry is 40$. Its a good looking spot though I walked the beach for a childrens field trip and it had some big bars and looked really good.

It is a hike though, just have to time it right with tides , but it looks good, but kids had no problem hiking it , I checked previously and they said no problem bring the cart and poles.

I have been wanting to try Bulls but the ferry fee has kind of put me off. Don’t think the wife would be too happy me spedmong that money when she would say I can fish on any of our other islands for free…

Papa also check into Capers island some people camp out there or I believe they have boats that run out there out of Isle of palms marina. Getting a pass to wild dunes is also a possibility and theres a huge point off Wild dunes that may be good if you find bars. Cape Romain has been a long time spot that many a red have been pulled off there- need experianced boat driver for that and have to boat, buts its do-able , tricky but do-able. If you have someone that knows area and knows what they are doing. Good luck Papa.

Thanks appreciate it. good luck to you as well

awesome, congrats!

Very nice! Question: do reds prefer day or night better? Hadn’t thought about it till I saw the pics. Thanks

Dont know had luck in both times- and bad luck in both times, if u night fish go before dark so you can read the beach -find the sand bars, holes on the beach and troughs otherwise you are casting blindly and that doesnt work so good, allot easier to do during daylight .

What do you do on the beach at night? Seems kind of dark and creepy.

Johnau, it is kind of creepy, generally I just like to sit in the DARK and sharpen my filet knife, it gets kind of lonely too if you ever want to go just let me know and I promise to bring you back in one piece:imp:


Serious question - when fishing the incoming tide, how far back do you set your rods? The other evening I felt like I was having to reel in and move my rods back every 10 minutes.

Also how often do you reel in and check your bait?

Incoming or outgoing I am usually moving my rods often. Mostly because people are dumb and don’t pay attention but also because I don’t need to take up the whole beach with a line out 20-30 feet from the water. Also if I stay near the water it’s faster to bring fish in, get it off the hook, take picture and get it back in the water without unnecessary delay. Incoming tide though I won’t move until the water is making my rod holder loose in the sand

Don’t reel in, just move the rod back. Depends on tide and topography. If you can find a good ledge to set up on that is steep you can sometimes set polls for 2+ hours on a weak tide.

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