Haven't the foggiest..

Your behind Bay!!! I believe everyone left around here knows that one and all about his “personality”. :smile:

It’s the answer to EF’s measuring stick

Can’t figure out what the metal Twitter bird is he’s holding

International Harvestor?

Got it!!! Pretty good come back Bay! I thought it was used to measure the amount of bud EF was getting from his flowering reefer.

I’ve no clue on the twitter bird.

Thread guage on the feeler gauge looking thing

What was Bay’s wooden crutch looking thing?

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What’s this used for? I thought that thing looked like a crutch also.

I have a few pair of brass knuckles somewhere around here.

I had it made for Fred as he ages he’ll lose a lot of his PSI :point_down:

Yep, can still do over the hood, have to go really bad and pinch with thumb and forefinger to maximize pressure to accomplish now. Won me $50 a little while ago.

I know he’ll appreciate it especially if he’s wearing flip flops or sandals


now what’s your twitter bird looking thingy

Its an ornamental cover for the cable that comes from a lightning rod across a roof and then down to the ground.

Its back up there now

Cool, my grandparents farm house had lightning rods don’t see many anymore

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And woodworkers about?

I feel like I should know what that knife is for. Either maybe something to do with working in a cotton mill maybe on a loom. Or something to do with tobacco.

The brass vase, bowl, cup…
Maybe some kind of trench art???!

Key way broach/cutter

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Stump knows.

EF, you must still be up north. You just don’t see those sort’s of grounding systems on Southern Houses. Or I haven’t. Pretty cool stuff. Besides if we did have them some idiot/ thief would probably yank em down for the copper.

Green Apple peelers.