Intelligent Design

Yep, big boat [:0]

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by mac daddy

Did every race have a male and female on the ark???
Answer: God told Adam, “take two of EVERY FLESH”. The world wasn’t very populated then.

How many people were on the ark???
Answer: Only 8 Adam souls(Jewish), plus however many mankind souls were on there.

What are you implying here? There is no support for this to mean 2 people from every race. God told Noah to bring his family on board which would cover the human category.
Originally posted by Cracker Larry

Yep, big boat [:0]

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

You never answered my inquiry. How big were the loaves of bread and 2 fish that Jesus fed 5000 people with?
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by mac daddy

Did every race have a male and female on the ark???
Answer: God told Adam, “take two of EVERY FLESH”. The world wasn’t very populated then.

How many people were on the ark???
Answer: Only 8 Adam souls(Jewish), plus however many mankind souls were on there.

What are you implying here? There is no support for this to mean 2 people from every race. God told Noah to bring his family on board which would cover the human category.

Perhaps some folks were considered chattel during these times. Seems to reason, since we a a Country have done so ourselves.

Definitions and interpretations…



Originally posted by mac daddy

jughed, answer to your questions:

Was Adam the first man???
Answer: No. As explained before, man was ‘created’ on the 6 thday, MALE AND FEMALE.

Adam was ‘FORMED’ after the 7th day, MALE ONLY. Explains the races, where. Cain took a wife, and Adam was a Jew.

Did every race have a male and female on the ark???
Answer: God told Adam, “take two of EVERY FLESH”. The world wasn’t very populated then.

How many people were on the ark???
Answer: Only 8 Adam souls(Jewish), plus however many mankind souls were on there.

Why no mention of other races being there???
Answer: The Bible FOCUSED only on the Jewish people at that time, because they were the “chosen” race by God first. When they worshipped idols and turned their back on God so long, He FINALLY, after many warnings, and allowing them to go into slavery twice, gave up on them temporally.

He has promised to restore their nation and their favor with Him in the end time, soon. After all that, then He began to focus on other nations, and races. He gave STRICT RULES to NOT mix with other races, but they ignored that too, so He accepted non-Jewish people called Gentiles, into His fold too.

There is where the Christians come in to play, and many other religions.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Where in the bible are any of the other people on the ark mentioned?

The population was estimated to be in the millions at the time of the flood.

If the bible only focused on the Jewish people of the time - then there is no biblical basis for any conversation about the rest of the world. To assume that god grabbed people and creatures from around the world and placed them on the Ark, then replaced them in the exact spots after the flood is pure speculation.

And you are sayi

Originally posted by jughed
Originally posted by mac daddy

jughed, answer to your questions:

Was Adam the first man???
Answer: No. As explained before, man was ‘created’ on the 6 thday, MALE AND FEMALE.

Adam was ‘FORMED’ after the 7th day, MALE ONLY. Explains the races, where. Cain took a wife, and Adam was a Jew.

Did every race have a male and female on the ark???
Answer: God told Adam, “take two of EVERY FLESH”. The world wasn’t very populated then.

How many people were on the ark???
Answer: Only 8 Adam souls(Jewish), plus however many mankind souls were on there.

Why no mention of other races being there???
Answer: The Bible FOCUSED only on the Jewish people at that time, because they were the “chosen” race by God first. When they worshipped idols and turned their back on God so long, He FINALLY, after many warnings, and allowing them to go into slavery twice, gave up on them temporally.

He has promised to restore their nation and their favor with Him in the end time, soon. After all that, then He began to focus on other nations, and races. He gave STRICT RULES to NOT mix with other races, but they ignored that too, so He accepted non-Jewish people called Gentiles, into His fold too.

There is where the Christians come in to play, and many other religions.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Where in the bible are any of the other people on the ark mentioned?

The population was estimated to be in the millions at the time of the flood.

If the bible only focused on the Jewish people of the time - then there is no biblical basis for any conversation about the rest of the world. To assume that god grabbed p

You never answered my inquiry. How big were the loaves of bread and 2 fish that Jesus fed 5000 people with?

3 of these should do it…

And 2 of these…


Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Cracker Larry

Yep, big boat [:0]

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

You never answered my inquiry. How big were the loaves of bread and 2 fish that Jesus fed 5000 people with?

This is the very reason why no to argue. Religion is called faith, not fact. Anytime you engage in an arguement, this logic fallacy will prevail.

It is best to accept, and enjoy the life you have with Him. The rest of this stuff will drive you crazy (sorry MD).


Originally posted by Cracker Larry
You never answered my inquiry. How big were the loaves of bread and 2 fish that Jesus fed 5000 people with?

3 of these should do it…

And 2 of these…


Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Not sure about the loaf thing, but there was no over fishing back in those days. Some could have been huge…


Originally posted by jughed

I can give 100’s of examples that poke holes in the entire concept of the Ark and its premise that all modern life originated from the Ark, from animals, birds and humans…

No you can't.
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by jughed

I can give 100’s of examples that poke holes in the entire concept of the Ark and its premise that all modern life originated from the Ark, from animals, birds and humans…

No you can't.


Let’s start with stating 99 out of the 100. Item by item, then we can collectively decide whether they are worthy and valid. It is abstract to focus on 100 points of contention. Start one by one and let’s review. Could be excellent for learning.

We shall call it poking 99 holes in the Ark. Let’s see if it floats, or sinks.

Fair enough?


Originally posted by skinneej

Certainly MD, anyone can add to this thread. It’s taken quite a turn though…

The original intent was to introduce a very interesting video. One interesting thing about the video is that they do not really talk about God. They just open up the idea of Darwin’s evolution vs an “Architect”. Is that “Architect” God, aliens, future humans, etc? The video does not really address that point. It just leaves that open for discussion and it tries to show that the cosmos seems to have been architected by a designer. Thus, it doesn’t turn it into a standoff between athiests and Christians. If you are a Christian, I think it gives you the tools to defend the position as God as the Creator of the Universe. If you are not a Christian, at least it opens up the discussion to a very interesting topic (someone\something designed the universe).

That makes more sense, I really wasn’t sure where you were going with this.

I love science and factual evidence, even more so when it helps explain God and creation.

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth

Thanks. I still have issues even with Churches that speak of satan in God’s house. I have always struggled with recognizing satan in Church. Makes him seem relevant and worthy. I believe we should not even dignify him with reponses. He’ll be there and we all know. Stealing time from talking about God vs. talking about satan seems wrong to me.

Again, just my 2 cents and not meant to stir anything.


I don’t think recognizing Satan is giving him dignity, just giving followers the truth that Satan is the prince of the air and everywhere doing all he can to drag people away from God. To be informed is better than sticking your head in the sand.

Originally posted by mac daddy


Mcvlbound: “sons of God” in Genesis 6 refers to the “fallen Angels” mixing with the daughters of men, thus the REASON for the flood was to eliminate these impure bred giants called “Geber” in Hebrew. That is the reason God said Noah had a PERFECT GENERATION, and was an upright man. The story is also in the NT in the book of Jude, just before Revelation, verse 6 or so I believe, only 1 chapter in the book of Jude.

I kind of think Greek Mythology covers a lot of the “fallen” angles breeding with humans and creating monsters. If you believe the Bible you can not deny that this happened before the great flood. Never had much response in Sunday School when I asked about this as a kid.

Fred, you or someone has stated before you didn’t get answers in sunday school, or church when trying to learn the word of God. HOW SAD THAT IS!!!###

But, normally, only 1/3 to 1/2 of the word is taught, because the rest is “controversial”, or offensive, or “of the devil”.

The fallen Angels stories are soooo important to creation, the age before this age, and the FINAL BATTLE in Heaven, Revelation 12:7-9, will be between the fallen Angels, satan, and Michael the arch angel with God’s Angels.

Strange it was relegated to Greek mythology, but there is some truth in myths also, normally. Truth needs to be mixed with false to make false believable.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by Fred67

That makes more sense, I really wasn’t sure where you were going with this.

I love science and factual evidence, even more so when it helps explain God and creation.

Yes, you should watch these videos. You will greatly enjoy them. The arguments are very logical and scientific, and I think that they beat the theory of natural selection to a pulp. I don't see how anyone can watch these videos and still believe that life today happened by chance and a series of natural "mutations". If you look at the argument that they provide in an objective manner, I think it makes a pretty compelling case for a "creator".

“You don’t have to understand everything to believe in something.” - Andy Stanley

I believe the Bible, although I don’t understand all of it. As someone stated earlier, this is about FAITH, not science. The Bible is not a science textbook. Genesis is believed to have been written by Moses about 3500 years ago when there was no internet, no research libraries, no electricity, The book of Genesis was the author’s best attempt at explaining the origins of the universe, of man in general, and the Hebrew race in particular. Put yourself in the author’s place. How would you explain the origins of the universe and of life based on the information that was available in that time?

So even if Genesis isn’t scientifically accurate - and it would be easy to understand why it isn’t - it is still very insightful into the heart of man and God. And it is God that Christians worship, not the Bible. At least that’s they way it should be. Some get this backwards. The Bible helps us understand God, but it isn’t God.

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen not only because I see it but because by it I see everything else.” - C.S. Lewis

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Originally posted by SurfFishLife

So even if Genesis isn’t scientifically accurate - and it would be easy to understand why it isn’t -

I always find it funny when humans try to squeeze God down to their understanding of the capabilities of a mortal! Just the notion greatly diminishes the power of God.

Trust me… The God that created the entire universe and everything in it, could help Noah get a few stupid animals on a boat…

God could put a million elephants on the tip of a pencil if he wanted to. You and I might not understand how or why in our limited capacity, but then again, I still have trouble explaining quantum mechanics, curved space, black holes, and the special theory of relativity. All of these concepts are fully accepted by most of science, yet couldn’t have even been imagined before Einstein. What will we learn about God’s creation tomorrow?

Einstein showed us that objects that move close to the speed of light change in dimension and even experience less time than slower moving objects. This means that for a set of twins, you take one and put him in a theoretical rocket that travels close to the speed of light and run him far enough, he will retain his youth as the other gets gray hair. This is an incredibly weird concept and barely understood by most of the planet, but people constantly try to rationalize God, the CREATOR OF LIGHT, as if he were a mere mortal…

Just remember, when Jesus told his disciples to pass out 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish to 5000 people, his disciples probably looked at him as if he was crazy. And I am sure that they were amazed when they still had 12 baskets full by the end of the meal. Are we to argue the “science” behind this when the story alludes to the fact that his disciples who were actually at the event didn’t understand the science behind it?

You’ve heard the expression “faith can move mountains”… Noah and his family were the only humans that God saved, so I am guessing that his faith would have been incredibly strong!

Anyone who thinks that they can “disprove” the story of Noah, only proves that they do not understand the divinity of a miracle.

I’m not saying God couldn’t create the universe and everything in it exactly as stated in Genesis, Or that he couldn’t help Noah get all those animals on the ark. I’m just saying that maybe there are other explanations.

“I always find it funny when humans try to squeeze God down to their understanding of the capabilities of a mortal”

None of us can comprehend the infinite power and being of God. We have to try to understand Him in human terms, because that’s all we have. I think maybe that’s what Moses (or whoever wrote Genesis) was trying to do: explain God in human terms to the best of his understanding.

You’ve heard the expression “faith can move mountains”… Noah and his family were the only humans that God saved, so I am guessing that his faith would have been incredibly strong!

Noah’s faith was strong enough that God counted it as righteousness (Gen. 15:6). That’s pretty powerful faith!

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.