Intelligent Design

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by SurfFishLife

So even if Genesis isn’t scientifically accurate - and it would be easy to understand why it isn’t -

I always find it funny when humans try to squeeze God down to their understanding of the capabilities of a mortal! Just the notion greatly diminishes the power of God.

Trust me… The God that created the entire universe and everything in it, could help Noah get a few stupid animals on a boat…

God could put a million elephants on the tip of a pencil if he wanted to. You and I might not understand how or why in our limited capacity, but then again, I still have trouble explaining quantum mechanics, curved space, black holes, and the special theory of relativity. All of these concepts are fully accepted by most of science, yet couldn’t have even been imagined before Einstein. What will we learn about God’s creation tomorrow?

Einstein showed us that objects that move close to the speed of light change in dimension and even experience less time than slower moving objects. This means that for a set of twins, you take one and put him in a theoretical rocket that travels close to the speed of light and run him far enough, he will retain his youth as the other gets gray hair. This is an incredibly weird concept and barely understood by most of the planet, but people constantly try to rationalize God, the CREATOR OF LIGHT, as if he were a mere mortal…

But now you are speculating - and that’s just fine. You have surpassed the word of the bible, and you are using personal judgement. And that’s what it all boils down to

Yes, but a person’s beliefs are often their convictions as well. While there are parts of the Bible that I don’t understand or can’t explain very well, there is much more that is straightforward and easily understood. One part that is very straightforward is that we are commanded to deliver the good news of Jesus to those who haven’t heard it. Even if they find it offensive. If I raise my political beliefs or social beliefs above my beliefs about God, then guess what I just made an idol? I think you make a good political and social point, but politics and society aren’t the highest authority for me.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Skinneej: You are absolutely correct.

Q: The loaves and fishes?

A: Matthew 19:26

“The God that created the entire universe and everything in it, could help Noah get a few stupid animals on a boat”…

A: Matthew 19:26

illigitimi non-carborundum . . .

Originally posted by Bottom Scratcher

Skinneej: You are absolutely correct.

Q: The loaves and fishes?

A: Matthew 19:26

“The God that created the entire universe and everything in it, could help Noah get a few stupid animals on a boat”…

A: Matthew 19:26

illigitimi non-carborundum . . .

Good verse!
Originally posted by jughed

But now you are speculating - and that’s just fine. You have surpassed the word of the bible, and you are using personal judgement. And that’s what it all boils down to in the end.

Why do we need to discuss this? Because people need to be reminded that their beliefs are just that - beliefs. And their personal beliefs don’t need to be in public schools, to run the government, to dictate what the gays can or can’t do… or claim that nobody else can have morals or be good in any way, or go door to door selling beliefs to those that don’t want it, or to claim others are lost or close minded…

I am not saying you - but some on this site need to understand the above, in a big way.

How am I speculating and "surpass[ing] the word of the Bible"? As Bottom Scratcher pointed out, the Bible very clearly says that God can do ALL things. Even if they seem physically impossible for human understanding.
Because people need to be reminded that their beliefs are just that - beliefs

Beliefs that are TRUE are not “just beliefs”… What if you told me, “Hey the sun rises in the day and sets at night”, and I said, “Well, that’s just YOUR belief and it’s just a belief”. You would think I am crazy.

Christians don’t adopt God because he is the best choice among a buffet of religions. Christians have faith in God because they KNOW him to be real, just like you know that the sun came out this weekend. Just because you choose NOT to believe in the truth, doesn’t make it fiction.

The stuff you typed above basically says to a Christian, "Hey if I do not believe the sun comes up tomo

I will continue to quote the word more than opinion.

Collosians 1:26-- Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages, and from generations, but now IS MADE MANIFEST to HIS SAINTS(only, imo).

Luke 8:10-- And He(Jesus) said, unto you it is given to KNOW the MYSTERIES OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD: but to OTHERS IN PARABLES.

Speaking of mysteries, the “forming” of Adam, rather than creating, as used in reference to man on the 6th day, and the fact that in Hebrew the two were different, begs to give explanation of the races.

If not, someone give some scriptures concerning the origin of races, other than evolution, please.

God gives His saints SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE through the Holy Spirit, called revelation, understanding, discernment, etc., we just need to be receptive, and TEST the spirit, to ascertain it is NOT the unholy spirit.

We are to be LIKE JESUS, He amazed everyone in the Jewish Temple with His SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE, we can also, for a witness, or testimony to the unbelievers.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by mac daddy

If not, someone give some scriptures concerning the origin of races, other than evolution, please.

Genesis 11

We must be careful, not to comment on subjects we have not done extensive study on, especially concerning the Hebrew and Greek definitions that are often mis-translated in OUR Bible.

Chapter 11:1-- And the whole earth was of one language and one speech, not one birthright, necessarily. Before the flood, chapter 6:4, there were giants in the earth, verse 7: I, God, will destroy man from the face of the earth. THAT tells us He DID destroy the impure man, but not the pure man. Look closely here, God said He would destroy MAN, but He DID NOT destroy ALL mankind. He only referred in the word to 8 souls of Adam’s family. He called them LIVING SOULS in other places in the word, He also called other souls who lived DEAD SOULS.


Be back later, got to go now.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Intelligent Design?

How to approach this question “scientifically” . . .

This is a two part discussion.

  1. If you go to the website & poke around, NASA claims the universe (as we presently know it) is approximately 13.5 billion years old.

If you accept that number, the next question is: how many seconds are there in 13.5 billion years?

For those who like to examine “the facts” under their personal “microscopes” (which is fine, you are not supposed to believe a word I say anyway), you better have a BIG calculator for the answer.

The answer, (in scientific notation because the number is so large) is about 10 to 18th power. Or, the number 10 with 18 zeros after the ten. A BIG number - the number of seconds in 13.5 billion years. Remember that number - 10 to the 18th - the number of seconds in 13.5 billion years.

So where is this going, and what does this possibly have to do with evolution or intelligent design?

  1. One day, a few years ago, when my family was still homeschooling our kids, I came home (no one was home at the time), and found hundreds of black and white beads scattered all over our kitchen floor. I figured the admiral (my wife) had taken our “■■■■■” to the local library for some research. In her absence, I decided to pick up the beads. Instead of putting the beads into bags, I decided to put the beads on a string - sort of a “necklace” of black and white beads. 347 beads later, I was done.


After looking at the now completed necklace, I noticed that there seemed to be a pattern to the random beads on the string. The last merit badge in my old Boy Scout days was my most difficult - the Communications Merit Badge. In the “old days” I had to not only build my own telegraph key, but I had to memorize the Morse Code and send & receive a Morse coded message in a certain amount of time.

Looking at my necklace, the pattern of beads seemed to be spelling something in Morse code: . . = “I”, - . = “N”, and so on . . .
When I was all done, I n

funny,they mention 347 black and white beads,morse code…

Arguments for intelligent design give as much support for aliens in the Prometheus movie as they do God. Fact of the matter is the universe is inconceivably big, with an equally inconceivable number of possible places for life to arise. That’s easier to quantify to me then arbitrarily coming up with statistics like 10^650. We don’t know how DNA was formed, so attempting to quantify it statistically is just silly.

Originally posted by poke salad

funny,they mention 347 black and white beads,morse code…

What's even funnier, is you think he was speaking about his own personal story and not illustrating a point!
Originally posted by Edistodaniel

Arguments for intelligent design give as much support for aliens in the Prometheus movie as they do God.

Exactly! Again, as I have mentioned, these videos were not about God per se… They just open up the door to the discussion. Atheists believe that everything around you was from RANDOM mutation over millions of years. Key word RANDOM… So, they refuse to even acknowledge that a discussion about God is worthy of their time. But what if you can prove that RANDOM is statistically impossible and only purposeful action created the universe? It might not convince them that there is a God, but it certainly makes the argument more “scientific” for them. If they want to believe it was aliens, then so be it. But acknowledging that there is a “designer” or “creator” is a huge step in the opposite direction of Darwinism.

Fact of the matter is the universe is inconceivably big, with an equally inconceivable number of possible places for life to arise.

Not really as many “possible” places as you might think. That’s what video #3 was about. It focuses on Earth itself, the properties of physics like gravity, milky ways, even the position of the earth with respect to it’s position in the milky way, and you can see that it’s still an incredibly small (statistically impossible) that there is even a CHANCE for life… Getting the right elements is one thing, but what about the right size planet (implications on gravity), the right size moon, the thin crust, perfect distance away from the sun, the right size sun, etc.) What you begin to see unfold is that for every l

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by SurfFishLife

So even if Genesis isn’t scientifically accurate - and it would be easy to understand why it isn’t -

I always find it funny when humans try to squeeze God down to their understanding of the capabilities of a mortal! Just the notion greatly diminishes the power of God.

Trust me… The God that created the entire universe and everything in it, could help Noah get a few stupid animals on a boat…

God could put a million elephants on the tip of a pencil if he wanted to. You and I might not understand how or why in our limited capacity, but then again, I still have trouble explaining quantum mechanics, curved space, black holes, and the special theory of relativity. All of these concepts are fully accepted by most of science, yet couldn’t have even been imagined before Einstein. What will we learn about God’s creation tomorrow?

Einstein showed us that objects that move close to the speed of light change in dimension and even experience less time than slower moving objects. This means that for a set of twins, you take one and put him in a theoretical rocket that travels close to the speed of light and run him far enough, he will retain his youth as the other gets gray hair. This is an incredibly weird concept and barely understood by most of the planet, but people constantly try to rationalize God, the CREATOR OF LIGHT, as if he were a mere mortal…

Time is very hard to grasp at any level beyond the way that we experience it. I think that’s why the 6 days of creation in Genesis cannot be taken literally.
Your e

Another interesting point that the video brings up is how precise a full solar eclipse is… We take this for granted, but we have a near perfect eclipse. When the moon covers the sun, only a sliver of the sun remains around the edge of the moon. Why is this important? That’s how we have measured the composition of the sun from spectral analysis of the sun’s corona which is only visible and measurable during a full solar eclipse. Because just the perfect amount of light can sneak out from behind the moon. If the moon were any larger or closer to the earth, it would cover the corona. If it was any further away or smaller, it would let too much light in. In other words, it’s the exact perfect size and distance from both the earth and the sun to get a very precise phenomenon.

But here is the kicker, of all the other planets in the solar system and elsewhere in our galaxy, we are the ONLY planet to have such precise full solar eclipses…

Thus the only planet that has pefect full solar eclipses, just happens to be the ONLY planet with observers… Hmmmm… RANDOM, RIGHT???

Originally posted by mcvlbound

Time is very hard to grasp at any level beyond the way that we experience it. I think that’s why the 6 days of creation in Genesis cannot be taken literally.
Your example of a child in a space ship travelling at the speed of light not aging is not exactly accurate. The child in the spaceship at a speed close to lightspeed will actually experience a slower time, but will not detect it as being so. In theory the child will age normally, but for less time.
At lightspeed time stops, so at close to light speed it is very slow.
The child in the spaceship will have felt they’ve experienced a short trip in space, say 30 minutes. If he or she is wearing a watch it will appear to run normally showing 30 minutes elapsing. However upon landing and departing the spacecraft they will find that many years of earth time has passed. That is weird, but in theory true.

If the soul is composed of light it’s timeless. Souls long dead may feel as though they have just passed. Souls recently dead may have not yet even reached an awareness of their death.

If Christ ascended into heaven as light, up to now he may have had enough time to clean up, have a good meal, and get some rest. To our perception of time He has been gone for 2,000 years, but that assumes that Christ still travels in our time zone.

I don't think you explanation was any different from mine, though maybe more elaborate.

Anyway, my point was not to go into a full discussion on the special theory of relativity, to say that humans have a bad habit of trying to think “inside the box”, and it takes thousands of years for someone like Einstein to come along, who thinks outside of the box and come up with explanations for physical aspects of the universe that some people can hardly fathom. Yet, we try to expla

Heck, I don’t even know how fast I am moving right now… I just rolled in my desk chair about 2mph to the left. But considering the fact that I am sitting on an Earth spinning at 1000 miles per hour, which is rotating around the sun at 66,000 mph, which is travelling around the galaxy at 483,000 mph, in which the galaxy is understood to be rotating in space around 515,000 mph… Anyway, all I know is that I am pretty fast…

Oh yeah, throw that into the fact that scientists can put watches on a commercial airplane (500 mph), fly it around the world a few days and show that when the plane lands, it’s seconds behind the control watch on the ground.

Anyway, my point is, how long is “day” anyway? I guess it depends on from who’s perspective it is from. Note that even the satellites in our own orbit have to use time corrections because of the special theory of relativity concepts.

Bottom line, sometime’s it’s hard to quantify the Earth by how fat an elephant’s ass is…

I don’t know much and am not big on scriptures, but when I get up in the morning before daylight, the first thing I do is go sit outside and watch the swamp wake up. Spent most of my life on the water and in the swamps. I don’t see any way that all this could happen without some intelligent design. I thank God every morning for everything He made and thank Him for another day on the green side of the grass, before I go inside and pour a cup of coffee.

When it comes to the Ark and the bread and fish, I’ve got my doubts, but I’ve got no doubt about who created this world.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by jughed

But now you are speculating - and that’s just fine. You have surpassed the word of the bible, and you are using personal judgement. And that’s what it all boils down to in the end.

Why do we need to discuss this? Because people need to be reminded that their beliefs are just that - beliefs. And their personal beliefs don’t need to be in public schools, to run the government, to dictate what the gays can or can’t do… or claim that nobody else can have morals or be good in any way, or go door to door selling beliefs to those that don’t want it, or to claim others are lost or close minded…

I am not saying you - but some on this site need to understand the above, in a big way.

How am I speculating and "surpass[ing] the word of the Bible"? As Bottom Scratcher pointed out, the Bible very clearly says that God can do ALL things. Even if they seem physically impossible for human understanding.
Because people need to be reminded that their beliefs are just that - beliefs

Beliefs that are TRUE are not “just beliefs”… What if you told me, “Hey the sun rises in the day and sets at night”, and I said, “Well, that’s just YOUR belief and it’s just a belief”. You would think I am crazy.

Christians don’t adopt God because he is the best choice among a buffet of religions. Christians have faith in God because they KNOW him to be real, just like you know that the sun came out this weekend. Just because you c

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

I don’t know much

Larry, if you don’t know much then I am a Certified D.A.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.