Irma is not coming stop freaking out

Oh, he mad.

Not mad at all. Just think people need to learn the difference between getting a direct hit from a major hurricane and being 200 miles away “feeling the effects”

Originally posted by 23Sailfish
Originally posted by fishboy

It will turn to the west and go into southern Georgia. No need to board up, leave, or clean out the grocery store shelves. No need to fill up gas cans and get all hysterical. Please stop all the hype. Congrats to the new governor for not going crazy and blowing it or of proportion. Mark my words: we won’t see a wind gust over 50mph and we won’t get more than two inches of rain. Strong Atlantic high pressure will keep it moving west much longer than anticipated and once it turns up this way it will start to suck in cool dry air which will significantly weaken it and by the time he gets up even close to South Carolina it will be a category one or a tropical storm. I am no weatherman but I have seen these scenarios before with hurricanes and I can tell you with great confidence that most people in Charleston I won’t see more than a few tree limbs in their yard. So please stop the panic and stay home and enjoy some football this weekend. I doubt the power will go out

How’d you do in this over hyped storm?

Wind gusts were over 70mph and we got way more than 2 inches of rain. I think I read where like 40,000 people lost power… What say you?

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

I’ll requote this since you didn’t read page 2…

"Another poon d

Originally posted by fishboy

Not mad at all. Just think people need to learn the difference between getting a direct hit from a major hurricane and being 200 miles away “feeling the effects”

ride into Seaside Plantations on James Island, go down Sea Eagle Watch, to the houses on the marsh, and tell me the difference…the destroyed docks…tons of marsh grass in yards…fridges and freezers lining the curbs…garage clean outs still ongoing…PODS in driveways with salvaged belongings…you’ll definitely feel those effects…

“I am no weatherman but I have seen these scenarios before with hurricanes and I can tell you with great confidence that most people in Charleston I won’t see more than a few tree limbs in their yard”

glad you came through with no damage fishboy…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

And most people in Charleston don’t live on waterfront property#128521; I do feel sorry for those that do. But those cases are isolated. The truth is MOST people did not get more than a few tree limbs in their yard. 70 mph winds? I highly doubt it. Maybe in one of the microburst tornados. 40,000 with no power? I never lost power, and everyone I talked to who did had it back on in a few hours. The truth is these storms are over hyped days in advance to instill fear in the public to give the local economy a good boost. when u are scared you don’t think. You react. Overreact. And that’s why gas stations have no gas, grocery store shelves cleaned out, all for nothing. I have been burned so many times by the media on these storms. Sat in f******* traffic on the interstate during the Floyd evacuation, buried my dog on the side of the interstate because it took 14 hours to get to Summerville. I turned around hunkered down and rode it out. And guess what? We got a 60 mph gust downtown. Wow my dog died for nothing. I hate the media and all their blowing storms out of proportion for ratings and keeping the Harris teeter commercials rolling. If a few inches of saltwater in your garage and no electricity for a few hours ruins your life you need to grow a pair. If you can’t handle the externalities that come along with living on million dollar property you need to move to Summerville.

While I believe it took a lot of balls for fishboy to show back up here, he clearly didn’t learn anything during his leave of absence. For him to not even admit he was but to attempt to justify his comments says a lot about his character or lack there of.

God bless the “ignore” function.

Originally posted by fishboy

And most people in Charleston don’t live on waterfront property#128521; I do feel sorry for those that do. But those cases are isolated. The truth is MOST people did not get more than a few tree limbs in their yard. 70 mph winds? I highly doubt it. Maybe in one of the microburst tornados. 40,000 with no power? I never lost power, and everyone I talked to who did had it back on in a few hours. The truth is these storms are over hyped days in advance to instill fear in the public to give the local economy a good boost. when u are scared you don’t think. You react. Overreact. And that’s why gas stations have no gas, grocery store shelves cleaned out, all for nothing. I have been burned so many times by the media on these storms. Sat in f******* traffic on the interstate during the Floyd evacuation, buried my dog on the side of the interstate because it took 14 hours to get to Summerville. I turned around hunkered down and rode it out. And guess what? We got a 60 mph gust downtown. Wow my dog died for nothing. I hate the media and all their blowing storms out of proportion for ratings and keeping the Harris teeter commercials rolling. If a few inches of saltwater in your garage and no electricity for a few hours ruins your life you need to grow a pair. If you can’t handle the externalities that come along with living on million dollar property you need to move to Summerville.

Pray tell how your dog died because you evacuated?

I am really am sorry if I offended anyone who had damage. Truly. I am sure there are some people who did. But if you re-read my initial post I said at worst we could get a tropical storm and that’s what we got. We did not get hit by Irma. The keys and southwest Florida got hit. We just got the effects of being 200 miles away from where it hit. can someone please explain how I am a horrible person with no character? Did most people have nothing happen? As far as I know that’s the case. Did people in Florida and Georgia have significant damage? Absolutely and I feel terrible for them. . Can u compare what happened in Charleston to what happened in the keys? No even close.

If you are asking that question you obviously were not on 1-26 during the hurricane Floyd evacuation. No one out there was prepared to be on the interstate for that we left james island at 9:00 am and made it to the jedburg exit at 11:30 pm. People had nothing to eat, , it was hot, hundreds of people standing around in the middle of 1-26 wondering what the heck was going on. Biggest debacle in the history of this state. Many pets died that day due to overheating and lack of water. That’s what happened to mine, and it was not the only one

fishboy,sorry to hear about your dog,that’s a bummer. I think I understand where you’re coming from now. I do like the way you let everyone stew before your big comeback.You made some great arguments.You are alright fishboy.

I’m sorry about your dog too. Just curious, where did you find a shovel?

“Just a tropical storm” can mess you up, dude.

I didn’t have a shovel. We took him back into the woods off 1-26 between Summerville and jedburg. He was old and not in good health and we didn’t have any water for him. Thought we would be in Columbia in two hours. Didn’t happen am I remember it was a really hot day.

Wow, that had to be very emotional.

Biggest debacle in the history of the state? Sheeeiit

Hilton Head - unofficial shark bite capital of the world.

We lost a lot of good pets out there


Hilton Head - unofficial shark bite capital of the world.

What the hell just happened to this thread?

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Peepod, are we gonna allow this?

Fishboy made a bold prediction against the norm, against the professionals, against everything that was being reported on TV. He was wrong. Now he gives us a sob story about his dog dying because he forgot to water him… I’m going to side on the decision that Fishboy probably needs to go ahead and start another alias. He won’t live this one down. Maybe he’s STRESSRELIEF or TOPPYBLUE reincarnated. Sounds about the same.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Jeez, please not toppyblue.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?