KB2 Tranferring


Well… I can’t say I didn’t see this coming. Still sucks. Toughest part is all parties involved have valid arguments. What can you do though…as a coach you have to play the best player for the team…as a player you have to give everything you have…so you can’t really hold it against any of them. Guess we will just have to see how it plays out.

Fishing Nerd

“skilled labor isn’t cheap, cheap labor isn’t skilled”

It’s easy…all you have to do is watch the Alabama game. Forced him to make plays and how’d that work out.

Speaks volumes about his character. Just hope the locker room doesn’t split.

Brice’s rear just tightened up

The “demotion” would’ve never happened if he were the better QB for the team. “A slap in the face”??? I get that he’s upset, he’s young and he’s a competitor but kid needs to get over himself. Hell, it’s not like he earned the starting QB spot anyway. He won it by default after DW left. He says he “didn’t do nothing wrong” to lose his starting job but won’t acknowledge that Lawrence has simply played better and has been more productive for the team. The fact that he believes his personal conduct on and off the field should be enough for him to keep the starting QB spot shows you how much he wants to “earn” the job. Personally, I believe Lawrence will allow them to open the playbook more. Bryant made them too one dimensional, in my opinion.

He got out-played and the better QB won the spot, simple as that. Own it, work harder, get better and win the job back. But no, he plays the victim and quits on his teammates. He hit some adversity and took his ball and went home. That’s going to follow him for the rest of his career.

“You don’t always know where you stand till you know that you won’t run away.” ~Slipknot

Tigers are 4-0 and benched their qb.

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

“Bye Felicia”

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Have you watched the games. It was the right move. Trevor is a much better QB.

Ole Bonzo woulda rode that bench all the way to another national title if he had to…not much chance he plays on Sundays anyway so what good does it do him to go to another team and play for 53rd place in Div 1 ball?

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Originally posted by Bonzo72

Ole Bonzo woulda rode that bench all the way to another national title if he had to…not much chance he plays on Sundays anyway so what good does it do him to go to another team and play for 53rd place in Div 1 ball?

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Your question is asked and answered, he won't play on Sunday's possibly so why ride the bench when you can play somewhere else, doesn't matter if he wins or loses. Kid just wants to play.

After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

Only time will tell but I hope dabo gets burnt on this one.He thinks he’s something.

Originally posted by sman

Only time will tell but I hope dabo gets burnt on this one.He thinks he’s something.

Please explain

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Originally posted by sman

Only time will tell but I hope dabo gets burnt on this one.He thinks he’s something.

As I’m sure you would too if you made $6M a year while being liked by the vast majority of college football people. While having an elite team who competes for championships, the right way, every year.

Originally posted by bangstick

The “demotion” would’ve never happened if he were the better QB for the team. “A slap in the face”??? I get that he’s upset, he’s young and he’s a competitor but kid needs to get over himself. Hell, it’s not like he earned the starting QB spot anyway. He won it by default after DW left. He says he “didn’t do nothing wrong” to lose his starting job but won’t acknowledge that Lawrence has simply played better and has been more productive for the team. The fact that he believes his personal conduct on and off the field should be enough for him to keep the starting QB spot shows you how much he wants to “earn” the job. Personally, I believe Lawrence will allow them to open the playbook more. Bryant made them too one dimensional, in my opinion.

He got out-played and the better QB won the spot, simple as that. Own it, work harder, get better and win the job back. But no, he plays the victim and quits on his teammates. He hit some adversity and took his ball and went home. That’s going to follow him for the rest of his career.

“You don’t always know where you stand till you know that you won’t run away.” ~Slipknot

Spot on.

Southport 28TE
2X Yamaha F250
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

The offense just runs more smoothly when TL is taking snaps, it was very evident except for the A&M game. TL throws the ball better, not just the deep passes but also across the middle (Which KB) rarely would do, and our screen game is much better. We use the screen game as part of our rushing attack, and you can see the difference in the quickness that TL releases the ball and get’s it out to the sideline for the WR to make a play. He also goes through his progressions mush better in the pocket, and is able to find the open WR’s. He is also much better at throwing the ball on the run outside of the pocket, illustrated by his roll out pass to the left hitting Renfrow in the end zone. That was an NFL throw.

With the leadership in the locker room from Wilkins, Ferrell, Bryant, and Lawrence. I don’t there is going to be much friction. You often see a coach lose a locker room when the team isn’t playing well, this isn’t the case. (i.e. - Jimbo and FSU last year).

I expect TL to have some growing pains, not picking up some disguised blitz’s or zone coverage, but expect all aspects of our offense to be much more improved. Especially the run game.

I agree with Fritz… The kid is good, but he won’t have much of a career in it; but he loves the game and wants to play. I do think, though, that he could have done it without some of the comments and drama. That may be another clue as to why he doesn’t fit.

Originally posted by bgf

I agree with Fritz… The kid is good, but he won’t have much of a career in it; but he loves the game and wants to play. I do think, though, that he could have done it without some of the comments and drama. That may be another clue as to why he doesn’t fit.

Agreed. People tend to show their true colors when faced with adversity.

“You don’t always know where you stand till you know that you won’t run away.” ~Slipknot

I wish it would have been different, but in hindsight it may be best he’s gone. Sounds like it could have been turning into another Chad Kelly situation. Whatever. Play football.

Originally posted by 7cs

I wish it would have been different, but in hindsight it may be best he’s gone. Sounds like it could have been turning into another Chad Kelly situation. Whatever. Play football.

Come on, 7. You know if something like this was going on with USC, Clemson fans would be all over it and there would be an entire collection of memes all over the place. Lol!

Seriously though, I agree. This had the makings of becoming a team distraction. The best thing that could be done has been done. Cut the cord, wish him well and move on. I doubt Dabo will have any trouble doing that. Like I said, Bryant doesn’t have a leg to stand on, in my opinion, and there’s no reason at all for him to be playing the role of the victim. He’s showing his true colors and that will follow him for the rest of his career.

“You don’t always know where you stand till you know that you won’t run away.” ~Slipknot

Originally posted by bangstick
Originally posted by 7cs

I wish it would have been different, but in hindsight it may be best he’s gone. Sounds like it could have been turning into another Chad Kelly situation. Whatever. Play football.

Come on, 7. You know if something like this was going on with USC, Clemson fans would be all over it and there would be an entire collection of memes all over the place. Lol!

Seriously though, I agree. This had the makings of becoming a team distraction. The best thing that could be done has been done. Cut the cord, wish him well and move on. I doubt Dabo will have any trouble doing that. Like I said, Bryant doesn’t have a leg to stand on, in my opinion, and there’s no reason at all for him to be playing the role of the victim. He’s showing his true colors and that will follow him for the rest of his career.

“You don’t always know where you stand till you know that you won’t run away.” ~Slipknot

I have no idea what you are talking about.


Well played.

“You don’t always know where you stand till you know that you won’t run away.” ~Slipknot

It sucks to lose KB, particularly this early in the season, but Dabo did the right thing for KB by telling him earlier in the season. It’s a pretty weak reaction by KB considering he could have stayed with the team and still redshirted staying available as a backup. It’s not like he’ll be doing anything else the rest of the season/semester. If anything he’s more likely to get out of shape.

The biggest issues is we are paper thin at QB now and have zero quality depth. Our risk is that if TL gets hurt our chances in the playoffs are slim. But in reality that’s basically the same situation we had with or without KB. We have lower odds of winning the ACC if TL goes down though.

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