
Let a few things get away from me working out of town the last couple years.

Frank was looking pretty rough.

This little $99 pressure washers perfect for stuff like this don’t chew up the wood. The things about 8 or 9 years old. It’s been left outside behind my boat most of his life. Still works like a champ.

Do you put any type of sealant on those boards after washing?

I used this and it beads rain like a car wax

No I have never sealed it.
I built the deck and ramp about 15 years ago and surprisingly still in good shape.
But I’m going to this time. I’m going to put something like that on but with a little color.
I changed out the deck boards about 8 years ago with the TimberTech.
Wish I would have just stayed with the wood. The stuff gets super hot and it’s a little slippery when wet.

After rock finisher “finished” I still had to go behind and fill holes divots and scatches, and sand a lot where they did their work… guess I got what I paid for though… gonna sand between these prime coats then ceiling flat and then color… biggest issue is havung bathroom ready for tile guys this week. I think I can make it… Ill go fishing soon enough!

First coat of primer on… what a nasty job spraying paint is, but it’s 25 times faster!

Take your screen out open the window and put a box fan with a cheap AC filter over it in the window . That’ll keep overspray down in the house a little

I’ve got a couple carburetor issues.
So I order me some parts. Just don’t understand the waste of the boxes and all the packing. Why did they not just slap a shipping label on the small box.

And why did they not just stick this in an envelope.

Glad I don’t live in California so it don’t give me cancer.

And now all these different companies are putting advertisements in their boxes.
If anyone wants these wine cards shoot me your address and I’ll mail them to you. kind of seems to me the wine people are not marketing to the right people.

Oh I guess I wouldn’t have to mail them to you . Just get the code off of it

I never trusted those wine adverts…

But thanks for the fan tip, i actually tried it already that day but the rain made the priner sticky like glue so that was out of course ha.

Got enough done that a fishing trip is in store, rain or shine! I’ve been gettin busy!
Trimmed these out this afternoon. Tile backing waterproofed and drying also.

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I wish I would trimmed my windows and doors out with flat stock.

I’ve tried them all, and Cabot products are the best by far. More expensive, but much longer lasting. Forget about Thompson’s, and Olympic. Vinegar would be a better choice. Sherwin Williams also makes a fine, wood, deck sealer.

We got all of the bathroom done and resdy for tile. All nail holes filled, sanded and painted. Walls and trim too. Will only have to do touch ups where tile guys mark it up, and hang vanity lights at perfect height once vanity and mirrors are in… still plenty to do…

Did slip in a fishing trip Saturday morning for almost 3 hours… could only trick one half blind sucker into eating my cut mulmullet. It was fun but short lived, too much work to do so we called it early.

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Getting closer…
Years ago I caught a bass that was blind in one eye. The eye was glazed over & gray Biggest bass I ever caught around 5 lb. I was fishing live shiners on a little float. He hit that shiner about 4 or 5 times before finally got it.

What happens when you’re stuck at home. Still testing positive but don’t really feel bad. Just seem to get tired very easily.

the story of a self employed boss,you are always either creating more work or catching up

I’m impressed ordered this Monday morning. It showed up at my door at lunch time today.

Oh boy!

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Looking good. One step closer…

Words of wisdom here/protip… If you haven’t planned on using real dark grout, then you’re asking for a bunch of headaches later on…

Thats certainly something to consider, we’ve been down that road at the last house already. Thing is, I dont pick colors, thats for the better half to decide. She’s got the eye for that sort of thing.

Anyway, I love coming home to see what else is completed, and that I didnt have to do the tedious tiles!

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The end is finally in sight!!

Looks like you got a lot accomplished this week.
So y’all get to fish this weekend???