
That my friend is a republican tree rat.

Sorry, we have a Jihad against squirrels in our yard. Little bustards chew on stuff they have no business chewing on.

You now need a crossbow and take out some pesky Deer. Just incase one staggers off bleeding everywhere… Are you ok with most of your neighbors? If not don’t go tracking it. Just another serial deer killer on the loose.

I have a suppressed rifle so there is always that.

Fred, went to TRP but they told me all their batteries would be too big for what I needed space wise so they sent me to Interstate Batteries good dude there fixed me up, got it installed today and took my first spin, thanks for the advice c’mon when you can and show me how to catch a fish, you too OTC maybe we’ll get EF to come and swear us all to secrecy

I think Palmer sneaks around out there so I may setup a covert operation on him

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Talk stump , 23 or or the flounder whisperer fat rat into Buddy boating with you a day show you around.

And don’t threaten me with the day on the water. I can be there in 2 and a half hours.
That is if the wife don’t kill me…

Freshly rebuilt motor and transmission all new charging system.
But I did use the 72 as a partial trade.
The money I had to put towards the chopper was probably less than what it would cost me to rebuild the 72.

Is that Jay Leno’s place?

That don’t even scratch the surface.
The good stuff’s home in his garage…
What I’d really like to have is that blue and white factory paint never had a bolt removed off of it. Less than 10,000 miles. 50 something pan head.

Went to Georgia yesterday to my grandson’s school. Donuts with dudes… Principal said he wanted to put this on trying to keep male father figures involved in their children’s lives. Their dad’s working in Michigan right now.
Soooo I drove 4 hours each way to have donuts for my grandsons…
First hour donuts with the little ones. Then they brought the 5th graders out.
Hate it for the teachers. Nothing like getting a little monsters all sugared up and then sent back to class.


I can get lucky catching a redfish with the best of them.

you’re so modest!

Good on you OTC,I used to be the father,uncle, eat breakfast, lunch,field trips, volunteer person at the school. Fun times.

Greek festival . Myself and a helper put this copper roof on the dome about 25 years ago.
They had preaching going on so I didn’t go in and take a picture of the inside the dome. But it’s painted like the rest of it.

While we’re putting the dome on a little girl from The Sun News climbed up the 40-ft ladder,come across the roof and climbed up on the scaffolding that I had in the back to stage materials. I hear a little voice say hello hello. I turn around WTH are you doing up here. I’m with the Sun News and want to take some pictures of y’all to do a story. Told her she had to go. She climbs down off the scaffolding gets to the ladder and freezes. Can’t get down. I went back to work. I guess you need to call the fire department. My helper helped her down what a gentleman hahaha.

Got bell and solar light re-painted

Builder put 2 of these attic access doors in where you have to remove 4 screws to get in a real pain to do

Priced a special order pre-hung door for it $548 each, dayum! Had scrap lumber, bought a knob set, hinges and made a door for easy access

Now I’m just waiting for a call to go fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish:

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That door cracks me up.

Replace the heated grips on the ultra classic. That 30 minute job took about 5 hours. Some horses a$$ glued the guts in.

A blind squirrel finds a acorn every now and again. Hopefully I have found the reason why I’m spitting codes. Held the phone over the fairing. Wiggle some wires until I see the engine light come on. Clear the codes do it again. Cut open the harness and then start wiggling individual wires.

Get the wire soldered up and then the challenge of fitting everything back.

Otc,you gotta have patience when dealing with electric issues.
It seems you have a lot of patience, good on you.

No I walked away from it a couple times saying bad words…

airbags make a world of difference

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Yes they do… I put a set on my service truck a few months back. wish I would have done it sooner.

Well crap…
I guess I’m a victim of the Teflon tape also.

can’t get the video… But on the teflon tape… I quit using it years ago and if needed I use some teflon paste of various varieties. Had an argument with a dude yesterday wanting to tape some threads… Brass into steel. Piss on thread tape. and if you are not carefull some of that extra tape can find places it should not be.

Maybe some old school fuel lines with the tape that were dicked up and trying to correct… but still a patch.