SCIENCE Series #1: Existence?

Originally posted by Fred67

I think you are sidelining a bit. I am a sinner as are we all. I don’t consider any of my sins thinking I could do better than God… never thought of it that way. Have I gone against God’s wishes? yes. Just glad I’m able to ask for forgiveness.

Well, I didn't mean you actually thought you could create a nicer universe than God... :smiley: I meant it in a philosophical manner. And I meant "we" as in mankind... Essentially the story of Genesis is that God designed something to be a certain way, man did not trust God and thought that he could achieve even more by tasting the forbidden fruit... But in a way, isn't sin like a forbidden fruit, and don't many people keep tasting it?

The intent of my original point about robots as the created vs the creator, this is philosophically a similar story… Maybe you personally aren’t working on a “Tower of Babel”, and maybe you personally aren’t the “anti-christ” being spoken about in Revelation, but the theme is that the created tries to take the role of the creator… I just thought the philosophical similarities were interesting to point out.

Originally posted by PalmerScott

You have slightly corrected my definition of sophistry. I am suddenly slightly less ignorant. :wink:

17’ Henry O Hornet w/ Johnson 88 spl
26’ Palmer Scott project hull
14’ Bentz-Craft w/ Yamaha 25

Just wanted to pin down what you were thinking. Wasn't meant to be a "correction", just a probe to clarify... I had to look up the word... And thought it did not seem to fit the intent, so just trying to keep it "fair"...

Is sin a stimulus, or a reality? Do we know what sin is other than reading the word which may be nothing more than a electronic stimulus that isn’t there… What if the Bible is an object in the room with all those jars of fleshy junk and we are really viewing it thru the jar… Is that jar of water our Baptismal without us never knowing it?? What if heaven was a place where sin was allowed and never judged upon because a person had showed loyalty in previous realities…

What if Gotcha really could write a belief statement on Twitter??? Now that one we are gonna need another reality fo sho…

RBF’s crazy time show is over for today… Same RBF-Time, Same RBF-Channel…


“Make America Sane Again.”

“Check out the conspiracy theory on the bears. Evidently, someone went back in time somewhere between right now, and our childhoods and changed the spelling to be politically correct.”

It’s called the Mandella Effect, and people will go to great lengths to prove it’s real.

Regarding the satellites and time, I have a question? Since we’re both, satellites, and Earthlings, bound to the Earth, and it’s gravitational field. Where does the relative time difference originate? Afterall, we’re both zooming through space on our route to rotate the Sun, and the closer to the center of a rotation you get, the slower you spin in regards to the entire mass. We’re also spinning, at the same time, in a rotation on the Earths axis. By the logic expressed here, would those living closer to the poles live in a different graduation of time, than those living near the equator?

Buzz Kill?

Originally posted by Mixed Nutz

Regarding the satellites and time, I have a question? Since we’re both, satellites, and Earthlings, bound to the Earth, and it’s gravitational field. Where does the relative time difference originate? Afterall, we’re both zooming through space on our route to rotate the Sun, and the closer to the center of a rotation you get, the slower you spin in regards to the entire mass. We’re also spinning, at the same time, in a rotation on the Earths axis. By the logic expressed here, would those living closer to the poles live in a different graduation of time, than those living near the equator?

Not sure what you mean by "the logic expressed here". 'Time Dilation' as it's called is a PROVEN phenomenon that's been confirmed many, many, many times. It's not just a theory on a thread.

You mention “gravitational field”. There is another form of time dilation referred to as “gravitational time dilation” which states that an object in weaker gravity (further from source) would experience faster time than an object in heavier gravity (closer to source).

So, sometimes there are some cancelling effects, but in general the differences that we see here on Earth are so minute, they wouldn’t even be measurable by your every day clock. The experiments performed using jets, etc were using atomic clocks and measured in nanoseconds (one billionth of a second).

That being said, I think your question about satellites (correct me if I am wrong) is that satellites orbit in the same rotational position as ourselves (i.e. "Geosynchronous Satellites). In other words, it sounds like you are suggesting that I always have the same satellites over my head orbiting at the same speed that the Earth is turning. I don’t think that is the case actually for most satellites and certainly no

To give you an example on how subtle this time difference is, here is the math on the International Space Station as compared to someone who lives at the equator:

so 1 second in the ISS corresponds with 1.00000000028655 seconds on Earth. In other words, ISS astronauts age slightly less than people on Earth"

All of this perfectly explains why I am sometimes early and sometimes late to my make beleive place of work!

“Endeavor to Persevere.
Give,Give… Never Take.”

I want some of what yall are smoking :sunglasses: This reminds me of conversations with college hippies sitting in a circle, sharing joints and mushroom wine, and staring up at the stars and campfire sparks :smiley: Things can get real deep if you think about them too hard. I think, therefore I am.

Yall ever been way out in the ocean on a calm night on a sailboat? You see every star and planet in the heaven and every one is reflected back off the water, so it seems like you are sailing along in the middle of space with the universe surrounding you. Makes you feel very small out there.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

I want some of what yall are smoking :sunglasses: This reminds me of conversations with college hippies sitting in a circle, sharing joints and mushroom wine, and staring up at the stars and campfire sparks :smiley: Things can get real deep if you think about them too hard. I think, therefore I am.

Yall ever been way out in the ocean on a calm night on a sailboat? You see every star and planet in the heaven and every one is reflected back off the water, so it seems like you are sailing along in the middle of space with the universe surrounding you. Makes you feel very small out there.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Only the most discussed question in the history of the world... Yes, yes, you think therefore you are... That's not what I am asking... I'm asking you how you know that I am real? What if I and every other person who you interact with is a simulated reality?
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Mixed Nutz

Regarding the satellites and time, I have a question? Since we’re both, satellites, and Earthlings, bound to the Earth, and it’s gravitational field. Where does the relative time difference originate? Afterall, we’re both zooming through space on our route to rotate the Sun, and the closer to the center of a rotation you get, the slower you spin in regards to the entire mass. We’re also spinning, at the same time, in a rotation on the Earths axis. By the logic expressed here, would those living closer to the poles live in a different graduation of time, than those living near the equator?

Not sure what you mean by "the logic expressed here". 'Time Dilation' as it's called is a PROVEN phenomenon that's been confirmed many, many, many times. It's not just a theory on a thread.

You mention “gravitational field”. There is another form of time dilation referred to as “gravitational time dilation” which states that an object in weaker gravity (further from source) would experience faster time than an object in heavier gravity (closer to source).

So, sometimes there are some cancelling effects, but in general the differences that we see here on Earth are so minute, they wouldn’t even be measurable by your every day clock. The experiments performed using jets, etc were using atomic clocks and measured in nanoseconds (one billionth of a second).

That being said, I think your question about satellites (correct me if I am wrong) is that satellites orbit in the same rotational position as ourselves (i.e. "Geosynchronous Satellites). In other words, it sounds like you are suggesting that I always hav

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

I want some of what yall are smoking :sunglasses: This reminds me of conversations with college hippies sitting in a circle, sharing joints and mushroom wine, and staring up at the stars and campfire sparks :smiley: Things can get real deep if you think about them too hard. I think, therefore I am.

Yall ever been way out in the ocean on a calm night on a sailboat? You see every star and planet in the heaven and every one is reflected back off the water, so it seems like you are sailing along in the middle of space with the universe surrounding you. Makes you feel very small out there.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper


“in weaker gravity (further from source) would experience faster time than an object in heavier gravity (closer to source).”

That is my point about being closer to the Earths poles, or the Equator. The farther away from true center the faster you spin. The closer, the slower, down to no spin at all at true center. So does time stop at some point? Does our orbit control time, or does our rotation?

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Cracker Larry

I want some of what yall are smoking :sunglasses: This reminds me of conversations with college hippies sitting in a circle, sharing joints and mushroom wine, and staring up at the stars and campfire sparks :smiley: Things can get real deep if you think about them too hard. I think, therefore I am.

Yall ever been way out in the ocean on a calm night on a sailboat? You see every star and planet in the heaven and every one is reflected back off the water, so it seems like you are sailing along in the middle of space with the universe surrounding you. Makes you feel very small out there.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Only the most discussed question in the history of the world... Yes, yes, you think therefore you are... That's not what I am asking... I'm asking you how you know that I am real? What if I and every other person who you interact with is a simulated reality?

If our current environment is simulated, then who owns and controls the simulation?

I am intentionally lobbing you a soft pitched softball here… Make use of it…:wink:


“Make America Sane Again.”

I'm asking you how you know that I am real? What if I and every other person who you interact with is a simulated reality?

Well, I read what you post and I assume somebody is typing it, and so do a lot of other people, so are we all imagining the same thing? And if so, it don’t really matter. This is the only life I have, got to live it as I see it, real or not. Seems real to me.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Cracker Larry

I want some of what yall are smoking :sunglasses: This reminds me of conversations with college hippies sitting in a circle, sharing joints and mushroom wine, and staring up at the stars and campfire sparks :smiley: Things can get real deep if you think about them too hard. I think, therefore I am.

Yall ever been way out in the ocean on a calm night on a sailboat? You see every star and planet in the heaven and every one is reflected back off the water, so it seems like you are sailing along in the middle of space with the universe surrounding you. Makes you feel very small out there.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Only the most discussed question in the history of the world... Yes, yes, you think therefore you are... That's not what I am asking... I'm asking you how you know that I am real? What if I and every other person who you interact with is a simulated reality?

If our current environment is simulated, then who owns and controls the simulation?

I am intentionally lobbing you a soft pitched softball here… Make use of it…:wink:


“Make America Sane Again.”

Meet me down on Fairfield road in Columbia tomorrow. I’ve been warned, Hell is hot, but, it holds nothing to Columbia, S.C. …:wink:

Originally posted by Mixed Nutz
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Cracker Larry

I want some of what yall are smoking :sunglasses: This reminds me of conversations with college hippies sitting in a circle, sharing joints and mushroom wine, and staring up at the stars and campfire sparks :smiley: Things can get real deep if you think about them too hard. I think, therefore I am.

Yall ever been way out in the ocean on a calm night on a sailboat? You see every star and planet in the heaven and every one is reflected back off the water, so it seems like you are sailing along in the middle of space with the universe surrounding you. Makes you feel very small out there.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Only the most discussed question in the history of the world... Yes, yes, you think therefore you are... That's not what I am asking... I'm asking you how you know that I am real? What if I and every other person who you interact with is a simulated reality?

If our current environment is simulated, then who owns and controls the simulation?

I am intentionally lobbing you a soft pitched softball here… Make use of it…:wink:


“Make America Sane Again.”

Meet me down on Fairf

Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by Mixed Nutz
Originally posted by Richard Beer Froth
Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by Cracker Larry

I want some of what yall are smoking :sunglasses: This reminds me of conversations with college hippies sitting in a circle, sharing joints and mushroom wine, and staring up at the stars and campfire sparks :smiley: Things can get real deep if you think about them too hard. I think, therefore I am.

Yall ever been way out in the ocean on a calm night on a sailboat? You see every star and planet in the heaven and every one is reflected back off the water, so it seems like you are sailing along in the middle of space with the universe surrounding you. Makes you feel very small out there.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Only the most discussed question in the history of the world... Yes, yes, you think therefore you are... That's not what I am asking... I'm asking you how you know that I am real? What if I and every other person who you interact with is a simulated reality?

If our current environment is simulated, then who owns and controls the simulation?

I am intentionally lobbing you a soft pitched so
