Sir spear, poly ball, cap frtiz...

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by CaptFritz

I oppose 30Rd magazines but let’s not let facts get in the way of your awesome get.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

So, what is your limit? How many rounds does this guy need?

The answer to that is 1, if you know what you’re doing. Look how one shot dispersed the thousands in front of the Omni.

A handgun for this guy though, would have gotten him killed. He has no idea what the term self defense means. To me, it looks like he broke the most important rule of self defense which is don’t put yourself in bad situations. We can’t see from the video how this started but the guy could have called the guys a bunch of n#*%&@s. After they confront him, the guy runs into an empty parking garage, which is his fourth mistake. His second adn third were failing to gain control of the situation with his voice and his lack of confidence. His fifth mistake was not attacking first when violence was imminent.

This guy is just a train wreck, a gun would have been taken from and used against him.

“Those who have the ability to make a difference have the responsibility to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

Originally posted by poly ball

To be honest, I don’t give a f$&k about handguns, nor their capacity. My hang up has always been civilians owning AR’s with high capacity mags. Handguns have always been a part of self/home defense, AR’s are meant for battlefield combat , period. Too many crazies can destroy a lot of humans quickly with an AR, not meant for that.

As far as hunting with one, go for it, we simply don’t invite folks back to the farm to hunt ,if they tote one to the stand.

Like the SKS that the guy used to kill 5 cops the other the day. Or the small rifle about the size of a Ruger 10/22 that the guy in Washington just used to kill 5 people?

I sure wish you would take the “If it saves 1 life” view on everything and not just attack things you don’t like. Like speed limiters on all outboards. Mandatory life jackets for all boat passengers. Outlaw smoking and alcohol. Kill every single Pitt bull dog.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by saltydog235
Originally posted by poly ball

To be honest, I don’t give a f$&k about handguns, nor their capacity. My hang up has always been civilians owning AR’s with high capacity mags. Handguns have always been a part of self/home defense, AR’s are meant for battlefield combat , period. Too many crazies can destroy a lot of humans quickly with an AR, not meant for that.

As far as hunting with one, go for it, we simply don’t invite folks back to the farm to hunt ,if they tote one to the stand.

Can they come back if they have a BAR, Remington 7400, Benelli R1 etc. how about an A5, 11-87, 1100, SBE, Extrema etc. Because it’s the same principle. You can get 5-10 rnd mags for any modern sporting rifle just like you can get 30+rnd mags. Your argument against an AR platform holds no merit or weight.

And no I don’t hunt with AR’s, I own a few but rarely shoot them. I prefer my bolt guns, rolling blocks and double barrels.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

Private land, no club. If a guest brings one to hunt, they don't get an invitation back,simple. Nothing to do with performance,I simply hate them,and cant stand to look at them.

No bolt action for me.

Originally posted by poly ball

No bolt action for me.

I have a #1 in 7mmRM that I take occasionally, though I need to have a trigger job done on it. One of the strongest actions out there but terrible factory triggers. It’s hard to go from a 2# Timney that breaks like a glass rod to a 4# gritty trigger with travel. I’ll send it off soon and have a set trigger installed.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

Originally posted by poly ball

As far as hunting with one, go for it, we simply don’t invite folks back to the farm to hunt ,if they tote one to the stand.

So how many people have you invited to the “farm” that you’ve never invited back?

What gets me is when a person is biased against another for using a Military style weapon for hunting. The whole purpose of hunting is to kill something. I personally like my wooden stock bolt action .270 but I could give a rats behind less if someone went with me and used a military style rifle. As long as he/she was proficient with it.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Originally posted by skinneej

What size magazine does this guy need to defend himself?

I know you all scoff at the idea of a pistol that holds 17 rnds, so I would like to know how many rounds he needs. 3? 5?

That’s some messed up stuff right there. Hope they round up those guys and lock them away from society.

A few on here might scoff at a 17 rd mag, but I bet most won’t. I’ve got a 29rd mag for my Glock. Not real practical, but fun to bump fire.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Well it's a trophy sized mountain brook trout but I cant figure out how to post it, but you can wish and dream.

Smart fellow too. Hard to post when you can’t cut and paste?

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Skinneej, the answer to your question for me is “as many rounds as I can comfortably carry”…and hope it is enough. Here is the mental scenario I put myself in following the first night of “protest”. My family…wife, 2 Year old, 6 year old, and I are returning from a trip on a four lane highway, when the traffic stops…I would immediately think accident…then an angry mob comes up and sets fire to the median and proceeds to break into the tractor trailer in front of us, pull out the contents of the trailer and set them on fire. The car would be blocked in from the surrounding traffic. At what point in all of this is the fear for our lives great enough to engage with the mob and resort to deadly force? I think for me it would be early in this situation. Am I the only one that thinks this way? NC is an open carry state, yet we don’t hear of any civilians standing their ground. Is it not happening or is it not being reported? I think I would know to avoid the city if this was going on, but would think the highway would be ok for travel…also not sure retreating with the family on a dark interstate is the way to go either. Any thoughts?

HFF, my question was pretty much rhetorical… The people I addressed in the title are historically “anti- high capacity mags” and have always argued that a handful of rounds is enough. I posted this video to make a statement, not to ask a question.

Originally posted by salty849
Originally posted by skinneej

Poly, I get that but it has nothing to do with the innocent guy getting lynched in this parking garage. I want to know about him.

I’ll answer the question, he needs one shot, you roll up one of those thugs the rest will disperse so fast it would make your head spin.

Maybe, maybe not. With a crowd that big you never know if someone is all hopped up on mountain dew and ready to charge you.
Originally posted by Kebda380

For all you haters this is from my last fishing trip, bet none of yall even know what this is. What’s a Communist? I’m a Progressive Democrat, like our President Barack Obama, yall still cant get over the fact the Majority of the country elected him twice and will elect Hillary come Nov. 8. I don’t have to convince no one, its all about turning out our votes and we got this.

Perhaps that was your last INSHORE trip, but you’ve been trolling here for at least a couple of days…

“I’m not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now…”

Originally posted by Kebda380

For all you haters this is from my last fishing trip, bet none of yall even know what this is. What’s a Communist? I’m a Progressive Democrat, like our President Barack Obama, yall still cant get over the fact the Majority of the country elected him twice and will elect Hillary come Nov. 8. I don’t have to convince no one, its all about turning out our votes and we got this.

No kebda, Obama did not get elected by the “majority of the country”. In 2012 only 57.5% of the country voted which means he essentially only got over 28.75% of the country to vote for him (including dead people, fictional characters and multiple votes from the same people).

Had there been a high voter turn out with real, live people who only cast a single vote the turn out may have been different in 2012. Maybe.


Actually the vote wouldn’t have changed. 28% is a massive sample size for 350 million people.

28% is a massive sample size for 350 million people.

And that would have been great if it had been a survey. Sadly, it was an election where a 28% sample size was meaningless … [:0]

350 mil is not the Voter base #. Roughly half of our 350 mil population are too young to vote so they dont count.


I believe he got 1/3 of the eligible voting base. Only about 60% turned out to vote.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Originally posted by jisuho

350 mil is not the Voter base #. Roughly half of our 350 mil population are too young to vote so they dont count.


facts are not allowed.

Down here is where a signature goes but they can confuse and anger some people so I don’t have one.

Originally posted by skinneej

HFF, my question was pretty much rhetorical… The people I addressed in the title are historically “anti- high capacity mags” and have always argued that a handful of rounds is enough. I posted this video to make a statement, not to ask a question.


I’m in favor of a handful of buckshot, as that will take care of anything I might encounter. Five 00’s in a Remington 1100 will kill a hell of a lot of people, and I’m a (**() good shot with a shotgun.

Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by skinneej

HFF, my question was pretty much rhetorical… The people I addressed in the title are historically “anti- high capacity mags” and have always argued that a handful of rounds is enough. I posted this video to make a statement, not to ask a question.


I’m in favor of a handful of buckshot, as that will take care of anything I might encounter. Five 00’s in a Remington 1100 will kill a hell of a lot of people, and I’m a (**() good shot with a shotgun.

so by banning High capacity magazines because they can kill more people, we need to now ban Remington 1100’s because they can kill lots of people too? Glad mines an 1187.~~~ Mine also patterns #1 3" buck better.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”