Some Things I Do When I'm Not Posting on CF Numerous Times Daily

I apologize for his outburst. I’ll lock his account again.

As you were gentlemen…

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Hey, you never did mention where ya got the walleye from. Man I’d love to be able to have a basement. Not so much the snow, but the Wife would be in her glory playing in it. This was from our last big snow

This is why I no longer wear a metal wedding band. Dang near lost my finger.

My future deer stand observation platform, wife won’t let me shoot deer close to the house.

When a brake caliper sticks and makes the rotor get very hot…

My Fathers day shotgun from the kids last year…

Couple of “pretty” pics I love the blooms on our Tulip Tree. They really blend in on the tree, until you look at it close.

My mom and Dad last year when they could attend Church, before China screwed the World. Dad will be 88 this year and mom just turned 82.

Yep your lucky.
Had a dumpster driver years ago. Jump out of his truck and rip his finger off. Finger was just hanging there by some tendons.
I wrapped it.l was going to take him to the hospital. He didn’t want me to and drove himself.
He was back to work in a week. He told me he tried to come back the next day but they wouldn’t let him. Couldn’t put it back there was too much damage at the hand.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

Are you a hauler?

Watauga Lake. In a Carolina lake these are level 4 fish

Bonzo say you need longer arms.

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

Man I don’t know what a level 4 fish is, but I do know a nice walleye. And those are nice! Dang I need to come up your way! Last one I caught was using some monstrous leeches many years ago about 2000 miles from here. No hauler, have a cdl but seldom have a use for it.

Ha, leeches. I haven’t hooked a leach in a long time,brings back some good memories.

I too have a CDL, and don’t get to use it much anymore either. It has saved me more than one ticket over the years by some late night cop telling me he doesn’t want to punish me because I drive commercially. I was actually asking OTC about being a hauler because of the driver story.

So anyway, the level 4 fish thing. In my observations over they years I realized there were 4 Levels of progression in most every fishermans life. My friend Tunanutt taught me there are actually 5, and at the time I was too busy chasing 3’s and 4’s that I never considered the 5th level. Good stuff.

Level 1 is Any Fish. A guy starts fishing and catching any fish gives him a rush.

Level 2 is Many Fish. A guy starts fishing and gets the bug. All of a sudden he wants to catch a lot of fish.

Level 3 is Big Fish. A guy starts catching a lot of fish and then all he wants is Big Fish. This is where he gets addicted to clickers clicking and drags screaming.

Level 4 is Hard Fish. A guy starts catching some bigger fish and then wants to branch out to catch critters that other folks usually can’t. A challenge to himself so to speak.

It seems theres always another level, no matter the endeavor.

I can see those levels. I got burned out a few years ago and don’t bother with it much, same with deer hunting. As long as I can catch a mess of keepers for supper I’m as happy catching a mother in law fish as anything. I guess I’ve reverted back to level 1. I can even release fish now without feeling bad.

So what’s this level 5 about?

Fire them rigs up. We’ll show them what a real Smokey and the bandit is… hahaha

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

Oh crap I forgot to answer.No it’s a service pulling 30-yard construction dumpsters

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

He tells you what level 5 is he will have to kill you!!!
Disappointed more people haven’t kicked in. So here’s mine.
I get a kick out of playing with gunpowder and shiny things.
I load.9, 45,.357, 44, 454
55.6, 300 blackout 308, 8 mm mk Mauser 7.62 x54R. Wife found me shotgun press. So coming soon 12 gauge.

The 1 On the right I put together for my wife’s birthday a couple years ago.

I’m like a kid at Christmas when I get bullets… Mailman hates me.
Oh yeah I forgot 300 blackouts

Don’t laugh them things are good as he!!

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

Hey OTC, do you drive a white, GMC, quad cab?

Just curious…

Okay mystery solved???
I don’t know many people up here. Had me scratching my head.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

Dealing with vintage motorcycles sometimes you just have to fabricate your own stuff. I’ve dealt with this bike shop for over 30 years. So they let me play with their tools.

Work I get to play with some cool equipment.

This is our project in Greenville. Have 5 buildings to do. They’re only 4 years old.

My oldest grandson. He wants to do everything Papa does.

Daughter traced out in AR on cardboard and build it up and wrapped it in duct tape. Then wrapped it as a Christmas present for my son-in-law. Thought he was going to cry when he opened it.

I’m guessing this don’t fall under the category of a level 5?

Maybe level 3?

Kind of my attitude…

I know somebody out there has something we’ll find interesting. Or like this at least something to keep you occupied while you’re on the can…

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

I have a few minutes to add to the pile

I will keep my smart @$$ remarks about the oyster to myself. I guess I would call that brown a level five fish.
I don’t understand why everybody has such a problem with the masks. Fred. them steam up your glasses??? Hahaha

I got this to go hog hunting might make it this year.
That’s a 260 grain bullet 32 grains of h110 muzzle velocity of somewhere around 2,000 ft per second

The wife’s little 38. Her pink dragon.


I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day

Meh, no big deal. I fell in behind you at the 385/26 split. After following for a bit, and noticing your rear window decals, and cargo, I thought it might be you? I was in the red F250, that gave you a wave at the Ft. Inn exits. 4:45’ish Sunday afternoon.:+1:

Let me know if you need anything, while you’re working up here!!

Okay mystery not solved. I went to fairplay yesterday afternoon on i-85. I passed a truck The guy sped up got back beside me and waved . I waved back. He slowed back down. Haven’t the foggiest who that was. When I seen your post I thought that was you. Kind of funny.
And definitely appreciate your offer.
Oh yeah and that was me Sunday afternoon.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.

22 life’s a day