Storm reports and pictures.

Originally posted by Geronimo

We had a kid in a Wrangler go joy riding yesterday even though everyone said stay off the road. The road coming into our community washed out at 6am this morning.from the road it looked like 12" of water, but about a 10’ wide section washed out 12’ deep. He hit it and the Jeep disappeared.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

So you live in chestnut hill plantation too i take it

It’s bad out there in some areas!! If I can assist anyone in any way, please don’t hesitate to ask!!

“Kleenex, The Official Sponsor of Fishb8”

Originally posted by PeaPod

DFreedom gone silent.

Hope its just a double shift. Hope yall are good

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

I texted DFreedom and they are ok…still in their house, but no power or water…said something about Miss D letting him pee in the pool or something…cooking on propane stove but have plenty of help…he is super grateful that we asked about him…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

No doubt it is a huge liability issue with using volunteers performing law enforcement duty. Public liability, workers comp., possible property theft etc.

Jeez, it’s a crazy world. I assume my own liabilities. Dog’s too.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

I didn’t mean to start anything, Larry. I’m very glad that there are first responders like yourself out there that are willing to put your ass on the line for others. I was just trying to relay the message that there was no reason for anyone to be in those areas unless they were highly trained and capable. I was not aware that you were one of those and am appreciative of your offer, but there are many in this area and there was no need for you to drive 4 hours through all that mess to risk it.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

DFreedom gone silent.


First of all, thanks so much to you guys who texted to see how we were doing(Bonzo, Peapod and Cracker Larry). That means an awful lot and I won’t forget it. Our power has been out but has been restored. No access to any fun time on a computer so silence. Been working the late night shift at the Emergency Ops Center so getting info that way. They actually block CF on their WiFi system (unbelievable). We have had no water for a couple of days now and probably won’t for a few more given the damage to the water system infrastructure. I’m not actually peeing IN the pool but am using pool water to flush afterwards.

Working in emergency ops, I am seeing destruction of unprecedented proportions. No one could have ever imagined what has happened. All in all though my family and I are safe and dry and so much more blessed than many others. Hope other CF members in effected areas are doing as well.

If you are in an effected area and need something/assistance that you cannot get (not beer or cigarettes), PM me and I can relay your request through the appropriate Emergency Support Function at the EOC in Columbia.

Take Care

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

I rode over Bacons Bridge this morning and you cannot even see the Ashley River. There is water coming from everywhere pouring through the woods and gushing under the bridge. I think they are looking at closing the bridge again. I am not sure what the next couple of days will bring, but it does not look very promising as of right now. I feel for everyone that is having to deal with the flooding throughout the state. So much of this is going to be rural areas and people without much in the way of resources to start with. Very sad. DFreedom, thanks for what you do and stay safe.

I'm not actually peeing IN the pool but am using pool water to flush afterwards.

Pools are great, pee off the deck and drink, cook and flush from the pool:smiley: Ours I consider a 10,000 gallon cistern. When the power goes out, so does the well and water. We keep a lot of spare water on hand because the power goes out a lot. Also a generator, and about a years worth of food.

Do I see the sun coming out? :smiley:

I didn't mean to start anything, Larry. I'm very glad that there are first responders like yourself out there that are willing to put your ass on the line for others.

No problem, you don’t know me and I don’t know you, but I will put my ass on the line for you. It ain’t my first line.

It is a crazy world when one person isn’t allowed to help anther for fear of liability, insurance and workman’s comp.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Thanks for checking in DF. Glad all is ok

“I am not involved in this thread, only helping Fred understand who he is dealing with.”

What is crazy is 19kcfs,that is what these streams and creeks are running.I would not send any dog or person in that swift of a current.

Plenty of objects that can snag and pull you,boat,and dog under water.

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

It is a crazy world when one person isn’t allowed to help anther for fear of liability, insurance and workman’s comp.

Agreed. The U.S. is no longer the same country I was raised in. Safety and sanitation are valued over relationships and courage.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

I'm not actually peeing IN the pool but am using pool water to flush afterwards.

well, I was kinda close…:imp:

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Originally posted by Apickett

I rode over Bacons Bridge this morning and you cannot even see the Ashley River. There is water coming from everywhere pouring through the woods and gushing under the bridge. I think they are looking at closing the bridge again. I am not sure what the next couple of days will bring, but it does not look very promising as of right now. I feel for everyone that is having to deal with the flooding throughout the state. So much of this is going to be rural areas and people without much in the way of resources to start with. Very sad. DFreedom, thanks for what you do and stay safe.

I came through there this morning to get to work in Walterboro, not really sure how I’ll get home.

Last report had Bacon’s Bridge Rd closed again as the water was continuing to rise today.
DOT is reporting the 17A bridge has road washout.
The Dorchester bridge by the old BI-LO has the road washed out both lanes; bridge is still there. closed until Oct 12th minimum

Colleton County issued a new update with the Edisto expected to peak Sunday at 16.4 feet; currently at 14.5 feet.

Boat drinks, Waitress I need 2 more boat drinks!

somebody on here used to own one of those treehouses on edisto near givahns. who was that? i know those things are on poles, but are they high enough?

“I am not involved in this thread, only helping Fred understand who he is dealing with.”

Glad u good, DF.

Wonder how Fred67 is doing?? He’s usually on here often…hopefully good.


.I would not send any dog or person in that swift of a current.

I reckon that’s the difference between me and you. I would jump in to help you in any current and I don’t even know you. Dog will go with me. He can pull both of us out. I’ve seen him do it.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by DoubleN

Glad u good, DF.

Wonder how Fred67 is doing?? He’s usually on here often…hopefully good.


Doing great! thanks fro asking made the best of the weekend. I’m not far from Sniders crossroads and I got 12.5" + let the rain gauge flow over. Saturday night the wife and I road the 4 wheeler through the deepest water I remember in areas around the house. Took the dogs and had a blast! Sunday we shrimped on a whim that the shrimp might be running out the rivers. Did very well, with an added bonus of whiting for Dad and a few for myself.

The eerie thing about this whole thing was the floating Caskets at the 17A end of Hwy 61. Those guys living in that area have it ruff. I heard the Edisto won’t peak until Thursday. That was a crazy patterned weather front.

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
.I would not send any dog or person in that swift of a current.

I reckon that’s the difference between me and you. I would to help you and I don’t even know you. Dog will be fine.

But since you know him… :smiley:

Cracker, it’s getting to be a different South we live in. :roll_eyes: Like you, If I saw someone that had a chance of being saved I’d have no issue putting my self on Deaths front door. Let that person be Elderly or a Child and I’d beat down Deaths door.

As to the liability issues, that pisses me off to no end. I blame the woman that got her cooter burnt from spilling a hot cup of coffee on it in a moving car and the lawyers that took her case and all the lawyers that do nothing but chase ambulances and such.

The back en of our neighborhood is now falling victim to the Ashley river backing up. Water has been steadily rising there all day. Too Busy were you able to make it back over Bacons Bridge. There are too many conflicting reports out there. My neighbor heard it was closed and left downtown Summerville drove all the way to West Ashley and back up 61 only to find that the bridge was open the entire time. I think the news stations do not know the names of the bridges around here.