Syrian refugees

How What?

Well Easy thank god his friends were not inconvenienced by those dirty Katrina victims.

Wouldn’t this all be straightened out if the Muslims just put the refugees in camps?

Oh wait

First, Most, Biggest

To help them in place we would need to help them create their own country in a nearby location and arm them well enough to protect themselves. Or we could Just invade and kill the suppressor.

Oh wait I’ve read thees bosok before. Not exactly happily ever after endings to either and they are both unsustainably expensive. Easy do you have a trillion dollars to put towards your solution?

First, Most, Biggest

Great White, You’re a complete Idiot! How about we open a Half Way House, next door to where you live! How would you be with that? Would it matter weather they were Sex Offenders,or just run of the mill criminal’s and murders? Pick one! When these assholes,who’s religion tells them to KILL YOU,wake up early one morning and do,it will you sing “We Are The World” You are a complete, Naive Asshat!

Originally posted by Easy

How What?

help,how would you help them?

Do you really think importing a couple hundred thousand refugees into the US would change the cultural landscape? Sure, we may see an extra brown person for every few thousand, but I don’t think that is a big enough of an inconvenience to allow people to be slaughtered.

They’re not citizens, they’re refugee status asylum seekers. They won’t be able to vote in your elections.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

I think it was only 10,000 if I read it correctly… Normally, we let 100,000 muslims legally immigrate each year.

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

They’re not citizens, they’re refugee status asylum seekers. They won’t be able to vote in your elections.

Depends on the neighborhood. Voter fraud is rampant in largely-Democratic precincts. Asking someone to show an ID would be unthinkable, just unthinkable.

For the record, I am in favor of allowing the refugees to seek asylum here.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

jus sayin…

just erase the borders, get rid of citizenship status for everyone and let em all in, what difference is it going to make, the countries screwed anyway

Originally posted by skinneej

I think it was only 10,000 if I read it correctly… Normally, we let 100,000 muslims legally immigrate each year.

I was using a worst case scenario to make a point. It's either a red herring or a strawman argument, I can't remember which one :smiley:

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

If you think immigration is a good thing, take an American Indian out to lunch and ask him/her how it has worked for them.

Originally posted by mhebbard
Originally posted by Edistodaniel

It just makes me sad for humanity that people would rather let children drown in the ocean than open their borders, because maybe 1 terrorist might sneak in. News flash…an undocumented terrorist can walk across the border from Mexico. We have the capability to help a ton of people, while simultaneously keeping tabs on them to make sure they’re not up to no good. Muslim does not equal terrorist.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

I have been typing and deleting angry things for two days. This is a much better summary.

Beyond fear of terrorists, which I think has been covered thoroughly, what really gets me is the glibness with which some folks dismiss 3 million people in danger of their lives. To dehumanize folks like that is really upsetting - is it so hard to understand that each of those people in those sad pictures has a life just as complex and important as your own?

There’s no need for either one of you to get mad or sad or both. Quit expecting others to feel like you do so that they can do what it is that you think should be done, and simply do it yourself.
Sponsor a refugee family or two. Put them up in your home, or at least close by so that you can keep tabs on them to make sure that they are comfortable. Convince as many people that you know who feel the same way that you do, to do the same.
Then you can report on how well that works out for you and you can use that real world experience to help allay the fears of

Originally posted by Bayrider7365

If you think immigration is a good thing, take an American Indian out to lunch and ask him/her how it has worked for them.

How did it work out for you?

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

Reminds me of a sayin

You in a room with 4 other people and a couple of them think one guy is an a-hole, he’s an a-hole.

You in a room with 4 other people and you think all for of them are a-holes, you’re the a-hole.

What does that make you if you look at a country full of people and think they all a-holes??

so im tole

mcvlbound, how many refuge families do you sponsor right now! How many are living in your house with you and your family so you can keep tabs on? Closer to home, how many inner city kids do you mentor? Are you registered as a Big Brother? That’s an easy one to check! Do you volunteer at the local Womens shelter! Are you on the caller list for Suicide Watch? What are YOUR Bonafides:question: Do you even give to The Wounded Warriors? It’s real easy to tell others what they should do. Do YOU walk the walk or just walk the talk:question: I would sponsor a poor, any family before I sponsored a Muslim family, unless they were Christian if that’s possible! As to how I’d help them! Instead of sending money to countries that hate us, send it to the countries that are taking them in, because they have to, because they can’t stop them from coming! Like Germany! Lets see how that works out for them! WE can help but we don’t have to have them here!

OH, captbobo, reminds me of a saying also! Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim! We don’t chop off the heads of our neighbors, because they are Baptist and not Methodist!

Originally posted by capnbobo

Reminds me of a sayin

You in a room with 4 other people and a couple of them think one guy is an a-hole, he’s an a-hole.

You in a room with 4 other people and you think all for of them are a-holes, you’re the a-hole.

What does that make you if you look at a country full of people and think they all a-holes??

so im tole

There’s no way that all Muslims are a-holes. There’s just too many that are for me to want to figure out the ones that aren’t.
BTW I’m sure they consider me an a-hole as well, and I’m OK with that.

Originally posted by Easy

mcvlbound, how many refuge families do you sponsor right now! How many are living in your house with you and your family so you can keep tabs on? Closer to home, how many inner city kids do you mentor? Are you registered as a Big Brother? That’s an easy one to check! Do you volunteer at the local Womens shelter! Are you on the caller list for Suicide Watch? What are YOUR Bonafides:question: Do you even give to The Wounded Warriors? It’s real easy to tell others what they should do. Do YOU walk the walk or just walk the talk:question: I would sponsor a poor, any family before I sponsored a Muslim family, unless they were Christian if that’s possible! As to how I’d help them! Instead of sending money to countries that hate us, send it to the countries that are taking them in, because they have to, because they can’t stop them from coming! Like Germany! Lets see how that works out for them! WE can help but we don’t have to have them here!

OH, captbobo, reminds me of a saying also! Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim! We don’t chop off the heads of our neighbors, because they are Baptist and not Methodist!

Easy, Easy. I’d never sponsor a muslim refugee and bring him, her, or them here. That recommendation was for those that think we, as a country should bring them here under taxpayer care, for humanitarian purposes.
In general I’m an overall a-hole prick. I don’t even own a dog, and if I did I’d train it to pee on anything Kardashian or Jenner. I work in DC and haven’t donated spare change to a panhandling crack addict in years. I won’t give them cigarettes, but I will give them a light to get the nasty butt that they dug out of the gutter going. So I guess I do have my soft side.

Well, that does make me feel better! All these bleeding heart liberals and self appointed evangelicals, telling people what they should do, and they don’t! Like I’ve said before, “help them someplace else, not here”! Matter of fact maybe they should all be sent to Iran and they could take care of them with the $150 Billion, Obuma wants to sent them!

Originally posted by Easy

I have an old friend that lives in nowhere LA, He has a 250 acre farm in Catahula Parish! After Katrina, FEMA wanted to rent his farm on a longgggggg term basis! They wanted to move people from New Orleans, into a FEMA trailer park there. They offered him Millions of $$$$$$$$$$$$! He thought about it and said NO, and he sure could have used the money! His thoughts on it were! The Parish only has 17,000 people and moving 20,000 people there would change the whole complexion of the place! No pun intended! The influx of that many people would require a huge infrastructure development! New Schools/Hospitals/Roads/ Fire Departments/Police, ect! Not to mention that they would become the dominate voting block, which could vote in the Government in the area! He would have had to take his money and literally RUN! He didn’t rent the place to FEMA and is still broke because he values his friends and neighbors! The cost of the development of this influx, would have been borne by the taxpayers that lived there! They couldn’t charge the influx, because they were already on the dole! There are ramifications! Again, we can HELP people but we can HELP them in place! We don’t have to bring them here, to do so!

Easy, displaced American citizens from Katrina is a huge difference from Syrian refugees. Me, I’d have welcomed the Survivors of an American tragedy and Getting money from the Government for doing so! That would have been a huge plus. Sometimes we have to put our self aside. not always of course, but sometimes we do. Charity begins at home, and the Katrina tragedy was as close to home as it comes.

What ever, hope your friend is happy with himself. As of now most of the Katrina victims have moved back or being productive in a new environment. Ok, we all know

Fred, my friend and his Parish are going just fine! As for the worlds ills, WE can’t fix everything! This Administration has caused a lot of the problems!