Syrian refugees

Originally posted by Bayrider7365

If you think immigration is a good thing, take an American Indian out to lunch and ask him/her how it has worked for them.

Maybe I need to check the news. I didn’t know we were allowing millions in and letting them bring warships and guns.

It must be terrifying to all of you knowing that there are millions of foreigners in the country. You’ll have to knit your own blankets for the rest of your lift to avoid smallpox.

First, Most, Biggest

Have you forgotten the Boston Bomber Bros were refugees?

Originally posted by Easy

mcvlbound, how many refuge families do you sponsor right now! How many are living in your house with you and your family so you can keep tabs on?

Not fair. Nobody is suggesting encamping refugees in your home to eat family dinner with you.
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim!
100% false... Have you heard of a guy named Timothy McVeigh which was the 2nd LARGEST terrorist attack ever on American soil, only superseded by 9/11? What about James Holmes? I'm sure that there are several others, but statistics show that domestic terrorism claims more lives than islamic terrorism. Also, there was a recent shooting at a church in Charleston. What sect of Islam was he a member of?
Originally posted by Bayrider7365

Have you forgotten the Boston Bomber Bros were refugees?

They were not syrian refugees. They actually legally came in through the front door through naturalization. Again, we let 100,000 muslims into the country each year. I'm not saying if that is "right" or "wrong", but redirecting 10,000 of those already existing 100,000 slots to women and children fleeing from Syria won't make a difference at all in domestic security. It's basically a wash.

Your point to the Boston bombers already proves that muslim terrorists can get into the country through normal\legal means. So, if that door is already open, how will this door make a difference?

Originally posted by Easy

As for the worlds ills, WE can’t fix everything! This Administration has caused a lot of the problems!

Easy just to be clear, I’m not for bringing refugees to America unless there is a thorough background check done, they have to apply for citizenship , and must be able to speak proper English to do so. I just didn’t see the reference from Katrina to this being the same.

And I totally agree that this administration has caused America a lot of problems and leaving us in a bad way for the future if things are not changed.

Biggest thing obuma needs to do right now is stand behind our law officers and quit siding with the criminals.

Do y’all know the US is one of if not the most culturally diverse country in the world? If you’re so scared of so few people how do you go about living your lives? Do you live in a bunker and have food brought to you? If not how have you not been killed by the millions of potential terrorist that are already here? I mean they are brown so they must be here to kill you.

First, Most, Biggest

Do y’all know the US is one of if not the most culturally diverse country in the world? If you’re so scared of so few people how do you go about living your lives? Do you live in a bunker and have food brought to you? If not how have you not been killed by the millions of potential terrorist that are already here? I mean they are brown so they must be here to kill you.

First, Most, Biggest

All i can say is,this is a screwed up situation.On one hand America is expected to help everyone out but when America needs a hand,there is no one that is willing to give it.That just my opinion, maybe because there are no reports out there that I’ve read or heard.

Double D.

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by Easy

As for the worlds ills, WE can’t fix everything! This Administration has caused a lot of the problems!

Easy just to be clear, I’m not for bringing refugees to America unless there is a thorough background check done, they have to apply for citizenship , and must be able to speak proper English to do so. I just didn’t see the reference from Katrina to this being the same.

And I totally agree that this administration has caused America a lot of problems and leaving us in a bad way for the future if things are not changed.

Biggest thing obuma needs to do right now is stand behind our law officers and quit siding with the criminals.

Well, I don't know about needing to speak English or applying for citizenship. But, I wouldn't be opposed to a polygraph, "Do you hate America?" "Do you want to kill infidels?", etc... I would not be opposed to that... You want refuge? Answer some questions...

That being said, why citizenship? Why not just offer assylum until Syria has stabilized and then start shipping them back home?

You guys are making this too complicated.

Yep, it’s a mess, but remember where we came from too. I’m married to an immigrant.

New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
</font id=“size3”>

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

In 1979 I made 17 trips between KeY West and Mariel Cuba, carrying 100 people a trip on a 68’ shrimp boat. Picked up a few hundred more in inner tubes and rafts along the way. When a government is so bad that it prompts a man to load his entire family on inner tube rafts and set off across the Gulf Stream, not even knowing where they will end up or what fate awaits them, it makes me hurt inside.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Originally posted by Cracker Larry

Yep, it’s a mess, but remember where we came from too. I’m married to an immigrant.

New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
</font id=“size3”>

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

In 1979 I made 17 trips between KeY West and Mariel Cuba, carrying 100 people a trip on a 68’ shrimp boat. Picked up a few hundred more in inner tubes and rafts along the way. When a government is so bad that it prompts a man to load his entire family on inner tube rafts and set off across the Gulf Stream, not even knowing where they will end up or what fate awaits them, it makes me hurt inside.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Some poem or quote goes along the lines of “No one in their right mind puts their children in a raft unless the water is safer than the land.”

Unless you are a Native American, you (collective you, all of us in this country) are a descendant of immigrants.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

OK, so where does it end? The UN has a commission for refugees and at present they estimate that there are 60 million displaced refugees worldwide. Who gets to come to America and who doesn’t? Do we just bleed inside for the folks that the media shows us pictures of, or should we seek out injustice wherever it occurs and bring the downtrodden into our care?
What about the people already here that live like refugees? On any given night there are half a million people already in America without a home to sleep in. 50,000 are veterans of our armed forces. Where do they fit in under refugee status?
We are evidently already overwhelmed by the refugees that walk among us, so it makes sense to bring in more?
What makes these Syrian refugees so special?

What makes these Syrian refugees so special?

Just more people who need some help. Nothing special. I’ve been around a little bit and have come to the conclusion that people are basically the same the world over. They generally just want to raise their family in peace, grow their rice, catch their fish, or whatever, get along with the neighbors and be left alone. If we didn’t have governments and religions running things I think people around the world would get along just fine.

What about the people already here that live like refugees? On any given night there are half a million people already in America without a home to sleep in.

Sleeping in a tent in a country where bombs and rockets are not dropping on you and your family every night is much better than the alternative for many.

And yes, I would take in an immigrant family.

If you were out fishing and came across this, what would you do? What kind of hell would make somebody do that to escape?

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

We aught to beat up Bonzo, for starting this thread!

Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by Easy

How What?

help,how would you help them?
Easy,you failed to answer my question......

How the USA helps everyone! MONEY and a real nice refuge camp, in some distant place! How about Canada, they don’t seem to be doing much!

Originally posted by Easy

How the USA helps everyone! MONEY and a real nice refuge camp, in some distant place! How about Canada, they don’t seem to be doing much!

Wouldn't we have to ask for their permission or something?
Originally posted by Easy

We aught to beat up Bonzo, for starting this thread!

take a number…:face_with_head_bandage:

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Originally posted by mcvlbound

OK, so where does it end? The UN has a commission for refugees and at present they estimate that there are 60 million displaced refugees worldwide. Who gets to come to America and who doesn’t? Do we just bleed inside for the folks that the media shows us pictures of, or should we seek out injustice wherever it occurs and bring the downtrodden into our care?
What about the people already here that live like refugees? On any given night there are half a million people already in America without a home to sleep in. 50,000 are veterans of our armed forces. Where do they fit in under refugee status?
We are evidently already overwhelmed by the refugees that walk among us, so it makes sense to bring in more?
What makes these Syrian refugees so special?

It really comes down to this... There is an international ***CRISIS*** going on right now, called the BIGGEST crisis of our "era"... THAT is what makes it "special"... Dozens of countries are chipping in to help people who are in need of trouble. Does America want to be the ONLY world power who turns their back on women and children looking for ***escape*** from an Islamic government? They are trying to escape from tanks running through their neighborhood, bullets flying into their kitchen wall, and getting captured, raped, and tortured. Our domestic "refugees" might be hungry, but they don't wake up with the fear of seeing their 12 year old girl raped, or their 5 year old boy stuck to the bottom of tank tracks. These aren't just homeless people that can't find a job. These people are literally leaving behind homes that their grandparents lived in to protect their families. They put what they can on their backs and head anywhere except for home.

Do our homeless people have it bad? Sure. But they aren’t