Syrian refugees

Can I fight my way into the playoffs, Bonz!

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by mcvlbound

OK, so where does it end? The UN has a commission for refugees and at present they estimate that there are 60 million displaced refugees worldwide. Who gets to come to America and who doesn’t? Do we just bleed inside for the folks that the media shows us pictures of, or should we seek out injustice wherever it occurs and bring the downtrodden into our care?
What about the people already here that live like refugees? On any given night there are half a million people already in America without a home to sleep in. 50,000 are veterans of our armed forces. Where do they fit in under refugee status?
We are evidently already overwhelmed by the refugees that walk among us, so it makes sense to bring in more?
What makes these Syrian refugees so special?

It really comes down to this... There is an international ***CRISIS*** going on right now, called the BIGGEST crisis of our "era"... THAT is what makes it "special"... Dozens of countries are chipping in to help people who are in need of trouble. Does America want to be the ONLY world power who turns their back on women and children looking for ***escape*** from an Islamic government? They are trying to escape from tanks running through their neighborhood, bullets flying into their kitchen wall, and getting captured, raped, and tortured. Our domestic "refugees" might be hungry, but they don't wake up with the fear of seeing their 12 year old girl raped, or their 5 year old boy stuck to the bottom of tank tracks. These aren't just homeless people that can't find a job. These people are literally leaving behind homes that their grandparents lived i

Our homeless people have options, like shelters, and other things US citizens are entitled to. They don’t face something so terrible they’d load their family onto a dinghy and try to cross the Med. But I get it Bo, they’re gosh darn Mooslams, and we cain’t trust them none! Jist turn that thar Syria into a glass factery and let’s be dun with it!

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

Originally posted by mcvlbound

If the shoe were on the other foot, if any sanctuary was to be provided to Christian refugees by an Islamic country, the refugees would undoubtedly be forced to first convert to Islam.

What’s your point, that “it’s not fair”??? 2 wrongs make a right???

Jews would most likely be killed as they entered regardless. This is why I predict that eventually Islam will be the religion of the world....and maybe that's expected.

People who read the Bible know how the story ends. Nothing we can do to change the ending.

Take one religion that teaches it's followers that they possess complete supremacy over all other religions, combine that religion with as much government as possible, and you've got the magic formula.

That was pretty much all religions and governments before modern time.

It's unstoppable, especially when various degrees of freedom, tolerance and caring for those in need are ingredients of the rest of the worlds major religions. ISIS has won a major victory towards it's goal of spreading Islam across the world, and towards forming a worldwide Caliphate with this refugee crisis. And it didn't cost them a dime.
Christians have the same goal of sp

This type of fear leads to 14 year old kid who want to grow up to be engineers being arrested because they’re Muslim, and made the mistake of bringing a homemade clock to school.

Bet some of you guys are okay with that too.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

If you want to help people in the U.S., DO IT! If you want to help refugees, DO IT! You can help them both; that’s an option you know. Another option is to sit around and complain and make excuses why you don’t help anyone outside your immediate circle. Another option (it’s a very popular one) is to sit around and talk about what they should do. Personally, I think guys that don’t regularly help out others who can never repay them aren’t all that manly. Tough maybe, but not manly. Just my opinion.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

SurfFishLife, check this out… … I’ve posted this before, but a pretty good way to change people’s lives who really want to work for it. I’ve been using it for years, but have ramped up my participation lately.

That being said, it’s a bit off topic… There are those that we can help in place… And there are those running from evil dictators that need a place to hide their children…

Originally posted by skinneej

SurfFishLife, check this out… … I’ve posted this before, but a pretty good way to change people’s lives who really want to work for it. I’ve been using it for years, but have ramped up my participation lately.

That being said, it’s a bit off topic… There are those that we can help in place… And there are those running from evil dictators that need a place to hide their children…

Very cool. Microfinance has given a boost to lots of people.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Yeah, the coolest part is that when they pay you back, you can use the exact same $25 to change someone else’s life… Wash, rinse, repeat… “Charity” goes a lot further.

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

This type of fear leads to 14 year old kid who want to grow up to be engineers being arrested because they’re Muslim, and made the mistake of bringing a homemade clock to school.

Bet some of you guys are okay with that too.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

How’s that compare to the fear of a pop tart chewed into the shape of a gun? That kid wasn’t Muslim.
Just last week a 13 year old was arrested by police and charged with assault for kissing a girl classmate on a dare. He wasn’t Muslim either.

It’s too bad that a kiss, a pop tart, and a bunch of wires coming from a circuit board in a box have become what they have become, but that’s the way it is these days.

One is overreacting to sexual assault, one is overreacting to a toy gun, the third is arresting a smart kid for being brown.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

Originally posted by Edistodaniel

One is overreacting to sexual assault, one is overreacting to a toy gun, the third is arresting a smart kid for being brown.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy

So there’s no way that his teacher, who had no idea what it was or that he was bringing it in, overreacted to something in a box, that in his mind could have been dangerous?

And can you explain what would have been the reaction had he not reacted to his fears and it was a bomb?

How about if a brown Muslim kid brought a small pressure cooker to school and said it held his lunch? How should that be handled?

Originally posted by mcvlbound

How about if a brown Muslim kid brought a small pressure cooker to school and said it held his lunch? How should that be handled?

Exactly the same as if a white, black, Asian, etc. kid brought a small pressure cooker to school. I think it’s fine to investigate. Arresting any kid for having a clock is ludicrous unless there is more to the story.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

did ya’ll bully Easy out of this thread?

he was the voice of common sense in here.

“I am not involved in this thread, only helping Fred understand who he is dealing with.”

Pee, you know I don’t get bullied! I’m just watching and I’ll report it all to the MD, so he can rain down Fire and that other stuff on the ones I point out :imp:

Originally posted by SurfFishLife
Originally posted by mcvlbound

How about if a brown Muslim kid brought a small pressure cooker to school and said it held his lunch? How should that be handled?

Exactly the same as if a white, black, Asian, etc. kid brought a small pressure cooker to school. I think it’s fine to investigate. Arresting any kid for having a clock is ludicrous unless there is more to the story.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Here’s Ahmed’s clock. I’m sorry but it looks more like a bomb than it does a clock.
My wife was recently detained at an airport for having 2 small bottles of maple syrup in her luggage. She showed them to me and we both laughed. They were shaped like little grenades.
Oh the times we live in.

Show us a picture of McVeigh’s Uhaul truck!

Originally posted by skinneej

Show us a picture of McVeigh’s Uhaul truck!

Why, did McVeigh say that the van was a clock and got away with it even though it really was a bomb because he was white and not a muslim? If not your request makes no sense?

Perhaps because the “clock” doesn’t contain a portion clearly marked “explosives”, the notion that it could be anything more than a clock contained within a small briefcase seems ludicrous to you?

Originally posted by mcvlbound
Originally posted by SurfFishLife
Originally posted by mcvlbound

How about if a brown Muslim kid brought a small pressure cooker to school and said it held his lunch? How should that be handled?

Exactly the same as if a white, black, Asian, etc. kid brought a small pressure cooker to school. I think it’s fine to investigate. Arresting any kid for having a clock is ludicrous unless there is more to the story.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Here’s Ahmed’s clock. I’m sorry but it looks more like a bomb than it does a clock.

You ever seen a bomb? Box with wires doesn't qualify, otherwise we need to start arresting every Muslim with a computer.

He’s an aspiring engineer that brought it in, showed it to his engineering professor, and then the other teachers freaked out. They handcuffed and arrested a 14 year old kid with a NASA t-shirt on. The fact you think that’s okay is disturbing too.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy