The Invisible War

spec, that scripture is very true, IF the doctrine you have learned is correct. You are imo, assuming your doctrine you have learned is ALL correct, very unlikely Indeed.

If you choose to ignore new doctrine that has been presented to you, you will be held accountable for that doctrine on the judgment day.

What you must decide is whether my doctrine is against what you have learned because I am a false teacher, or because your teacher is the false teacher.

Acts 17:11-- "They SEARCHED whether these things ARE SO, that were TAUGHT by the Apostles.

Also, Ecclesiastes 1:13–john 5:39–&–7:52.

That is what is meant “Study to show yourself APPROVED”. You can not be approved as a minister or servant, unless you have studied to KNOW your doctrine is correct, to the absolute best of our ability.

Degrees only mean that person has learned what that institution teaches, much teaching being proven wrong by most all denominational churches especially, non-denominational churches also.

If you prove the word says my doctrine is wrong, then do not by any reason listen to my teaching. However, if you find the word proves your teaching is wrong, then change your belief in the part that is proven wrong.

In the end, YOU are responsible for what doctrine you believe, and the part that is incorrect, your teacher is also responsible for in the end.

All I can do is plant the seed, as SurfFishlife said, I will never try to forcefeed anyone, nor should your teacher. If you read the end time prophecies thread, you will see MANY people who disagreed with me were advised to leave if unhappy, most came back for more teaching, or to persecute me more, but, not very many left for good, much to my surprise, and in some cases, to my displeasure.

This post will get quite a bit of persecution, but that is good, because Jesus said “you will be hated by all nations”, however, very few Pastors and teachers are ever hated in America, because they typically COMPROMISE the true word of God.

I hope this message will e

quote:I'm speechless So am I


Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Me 2, finally.


1980 Skandia 21 w/ '93 JohnRude 150 gas drinker

Larry, you’ve disagreed with me many times. sometimes online. sometimes, I’ve just sensed it.

I’ve just learned that’s persecution. and that’s just wrong. stop it. pdq. -your brother, peapod

“Enough hijacking, this is a major thread”

OK, Larry, and Pea Pod, I do enjoy leaving people speechless, but to reply to your speechlessness.

Now I understand our communication problem, you guys are thinking physically, I am thinking spiritually, most of the time.

I was referring to the Apostles being called out spiritually, BEFORE they were called out physically, because Jesus only recorded 4 words-- come and follow me, they obeyed, had to be His spiritual presence, more than His physical presence, that convinced them to drop
everything and go for 24/7 duty, some , of course, refused.

The word says MANY ARE CALLED, that subject was not called to salvation, but called to service, through giftings, etc.

I feel certain you guys have heard many Pastors or teachers say they are called or led by God to serve Him more than just casually.

I would not want to be under any leader who is not called, or at the least, led by God to be taught by God personally, more than their schooling.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Pea Pod, twisting words is just not becoming to you.

Persecution is personal attacks, or personal hardships placed on an individual due to their ministry, testimony, teaching, etc in the name of either the Father, Son, or Holy Ghost, as defined in the word of God.

Maybe your twisting was due to not knowing the definition, if so, hope that helps.

Also, jesting, forbidden in Ephesians 5:4, means well turned, witticism, turning of truth to make a point, or to ridicule someone, as Pea Pod said I gave him much FUN, rather than encouraging me in my work.

The proper Christian action to disagreement, is to express your point, and if no agreement is found, “kick the dust” from your feet and move on.

To stay around and jest, or cause dissension is blasphemy if the servant is teaching spiritually sound doctrine. If not, you have expressed your dissatisfaction with the word taught, so move on, rather than being an abomination yourself.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

As quoted previously, Hebrews 6:1 “move on” beyond the doctrine of CHRIST, baptisms, repentance, even the resurrection(going to Heaven) of the dead.

That scripture should be imo, the foundation of our life in God.

This message is for spec and skinneej.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

twisting words? Peapod didn’t write the definition of ‘just.’ Noah Webster did

I didn’t question that you were called. I’m saying that you were not called ‘just’ as the Apostles.

if in my own subjective, perception I think you’re self important and condescending to us rabble, I’m persecuting you and blaspheming?

I’m not persecuting you because of the ministry, I just think you’re intellectually smug.

kinda like when I had a hot dog with a local politician years back. he explained to me how a bill becomes a law - he surely had knowledge of that, it’s just that he thought the rest of us were beneath him and incapable of the same degree of lofty understanding he had.

when i can wade through your voluminous, circuitous essays, i think i mostly agree with your doctrine.

i get sidetracked with your impression of yourself, thats the fun part. if fun is blasphemy, i’m in big trouble.

I also laughed at and with some Mexican contractors at the taco truck today on Ash phosp because they were laughing at me spilling beef cheek on my shirt. i guess we blasphemed each other. good times.

what organization ordained you?

how many churches have you been in and out of in this famed 40 yr ministry?

I gotta go help the little misses with supper. we’ll have a glass of wine and a few laughs [blasphemes] and I’ll be back if skinnee doesn’t guilt me into silence first.

  • your buddy, Peapod

“Enough hijacking, this is a major thread”

First, twisting words was the wrong analysis, you were twisting my intended message, that’s OK, because you can’t read mines too well on the net. One statement, I never use Webster’s or Wikipedia definitions for spiritual purposes, only original Greek and Hebrew, just a side note for future, in your case here, fine.

Calling me self important and condescending are personal attacks, not persecution, but I believe you know the difference.

Making jests and off color remarks reference my scriptural matter is persecution, and can be blasphemy, because your jesting is against me reference material of God.

Your politician example is perfect here, because like me, you complimented his expertise, but condemned his attitude, and delivery. None are perfect, and maybe you misinterpret attitudes and delivery, easy to do on the net.

When one spends years paying their dues to arrive successfully, they deserve respect, regardless of their attitude and delivery. Your disdain for their persona only keeps you from receiving their gifting, does not change their persona.

My confidence is backed by the Bible, my humility has been honored by Gotcha and some others in taking correction patiently.

I actually love correction done in the proper manner, you should have seen that by now, how I received SurfFishlife, rbf, skinneej, spec, and some others.

You have made no recognition of my good persona side, I do have one for sure.

My condescending has been done in reply to condescending remarks made against me generally, again, I believe when I say someone is receiving false teaching, that is NOT condescending, just stating an opinion or fact, not a personal attack. If that is an attack, it is against the teacher, not the pupil.

Those comments are intended to inspire investigating of my teachings, nothing personal period intended, nor is that self importance imo.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Larry, you've disagreed with me many times. sometimes online. sometimes, I've just sensed it.

I’ve just learned that’s persecution. and that’s just wrong. stop it. pdq. -your brother, peapod

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

I will, if you promise to quit persecuting Mac Daddy. How can you possibly argue with his logic?

“This is not an argument. It’s is a discussion of the truth”

“I’m not interested in any discussion”

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Man…I just gotta cut my hands off to keep from contributing to the thread. I am officially part of the “speechless” group.

2013 Tidewater 180CC
115 Yamaha

Originally posted by PeaPod

kinda like when I had a hot dog with a local politician years back. he explained to me how a bill becomes a law - he surely had knowledge of that, it’s just that he thought the rest of us were beneath him and incapable of the same degree of lofty understanding he had.

“Enough hijacking, this is a major thread”

Big shot ate a weiner with Sumney… If that counts then I’ve eaten fried pork chops with him at Aunt Beas dozens of times, so we’re best buds.

Sheesh, name dropping like it’s hot. Putting the call into Admin now to get this nipped in the pod; Andy wake up!!

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Originally posted by mac daddy

When one spends years paying their dues to arrive successfully, they deserve</font id=“size4”> respect, regardless of their attitude and delivery.

I believe it is wrong for a person to feel as if they deserve respect. True respect is always earned. When a person earns respect, they don’t have to demand it or feel entitled to it.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

Big shot ate a weiner with Sumney… If that counts then I’ve eaten fried pork chops with him at Aunt Beas dozens of times, so we’re best buds.

Sheesh, name dropping like it’s hot. Putting the call into Admin now to get this nipped in the pod; Andy wake up!!

so you’re over in the fig thread bullying the others with pictures of your figs, then in the sports thread, and you stroll in here unprovoked to speak to me like this?


“Enough hijacking, this is a major thread”

OK, SFL, let me rephrase respect, I don’t think anyone deserves DISRESPECT toward their knowledge, or career experience, or accomplishments due to their PERCEIVED persona deficiencies. To disrespect someone because of being “smug” by perception, should only allow disrespect for the persona, which is pretty much what Pea Pod has been guilty of.

Pea did respect my knowledge of the word, for that I am VERY humbled, but this constant personal bashing just gets in the way.

But, according to others on the site, Pea has irritated more than me, so seems inevitable, unfortunately.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

OK, SFL, let me rephrase respect, I don't think anyone deserves DISRESPECT toward their knowledge, or career experience, or accomplishments due to their PERCEIVED persona deficiencies.

Then why do you do it to us? I show everybody respect until they give me reason not to. That would be you.

Swamp Worshiper?
Ignorant country boy?
and let’s not forget, Jerk?

You’ve gained no respect here. Men of God don’t talk to people like you do. They are not condescending, arrogant, or assuming. They don’t label people and don’t call people names that they have never met. They also answer questions openly and honestly. I’ve asked a dozen. No replies. I’ve extended invitations to meet you. Still waiting.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

someone please cut and paste this thread for posterity

this things gonna poof. And where will the fun be then?

all of RBF’s work on ETT1 went up in smoke

“Enough hijacking, this is a major thread”

Old subject Larry, been explained NUMEROUS times, you and Pea just need to either accept my explanation, or drop the issue, there has been NO HARM intended, except for the jerk reference, and that was only in one instance, on one subject, not a disrespectful remark against your persona, you took it that way, let it go, you did disrespect me in that instance, when later other posters came to my rescue, saying the same thing I said, and even giving reference to some threads saying EXACTLY what I said, that you disrespected, no hard feelings on my side, enough said, let’s bury those, rather than continue picking scabs, please.

“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

gregsc, if you would like to contribute to the thread, explain why you are still speechless after my explanation of my comment.

Was the explanation not suitable, if so, then show me scripturally where the mistake has been made, not just your opinion of the comment, please.

I have received correction graciously here before, and probably will some more, as they say, “easier to ask forgiveness, than to ask permission”.

Sometimes bold people just get misinterpreted, or received harshly, when they are not being harsh at all, just speaking with boldness.
“The big one’s still swimming, let’s go.”

Originally posted by Cracker Larry
OK, SFL, let me rephrase respect, I don't think anyone deserves DISRESPECT toward their knowledge, or career experience, or accomplishments due to their PERCEIVED persona deficiencies.

Then why do you do it to us? I show everybody respect until they give me reason not to. That would be you.

Swamp Worshiper?
Ignorant country boy?
and let’s not forget, Jerk?

You’ve gained no respect here. Men of God don’t talk to people like you do. They are not condescending, arrogant, or assuming. They don’t label people and don’t call people names that they have never met. They also answer questions openly and honestly. I’ve asked a dozen. No replies. I’ve extended invitations to meet you. Still waiting.

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Hey at least you’re still credible. All of my comments come with an asterisk.

“Edaniel is a compromising liberal, according to past threads, so consider that info here too.” - mac daddy