G8rnsc & I were on the Coosaw recently when these two older “gentlemen” proceeded to motor right up to us and not so quietly drop anchor. Actually tried 3 times to get set in the current before starting to fish in approximtely the exact same location we were fishing. When they heard me casually mention how close they were, they proceeded to pull anchor, move away 10 yards then drop back 10 yards closer than they were originally.
G8rnsc & I continued to catch a red or two and some trout, but their engine noise had knocked the fish down where the fishing was good and one even started putting his cork within 5 feet of mine. We decided to try another drop and I used the trolling motor to approach them and in a nice tone said the general rule of fishing etiquette was to allow 100 yards between boats unless you ask to come in closer. They thanked me with the comment “point taken” and we left.
If you see these guys out there, please invite them in to chase your fish away.
Big time bummer there! That moron is looking at you thinking, “Hey Man, we hung out a bumper guard so we wouldn’t scratch your boat, what else do you expect?”
The funny thing about people like that is they probably were pee’d off at you for being there. You’re better than me though, I wouldn’t have used the trolling motor to move. I would have been trimmed high with a rooster tail.
I had something similar happen last year while bank fishing. The irony was, once they turned their engine off, it would not restart!
After an hour more, when I decided to leave, I politely asked if they needed help (they had called Sea Tow). As I was getting ready to help tow them, Sea Tow arrived.
Would you call that Karma?
Try fishing Boca Grande Pass during the tarpon run if you want to see a CF [:0] 100+ pound fish jumping over and running under boats, passing rods boat to boat trying to clear lines…dangest thing I’ve ever seen. Everybody needs to do that, once. I’m a sucker for punishment, done it a few times, got the t-shirts, never again.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Cracker Built Custom Boats
“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made.” -Robert N. Rose
I had some guys do that to us two weeks ago in St.Helena. We were shrimping when they rode right by us and asked if we were doing any good. I told him,“nah, its been pretty slow.” So they proceed to set up their poles right where ours left off. It looked like there was a 20 pole string with no gaps. I asked them if they new what the rules were about how close you can be to someone else. After they started arguing about it I told them I didn’t mind calling DNR. I got a very loud “F you!” and they proceded to move the two poles closest to ours on the other end. They hadn’t even baited up yet, and nobody else was anywhere near us. I just don’t understand how some people think!
just put on cf.com where you are…it will bring the knuckleheads for sure. Someone did that to me about 8 years ago and I haven’t fished the spot since, too many idiots.