What I Just Ate

Does y’alls medication say to double or even take triple the regular dosage if you can’t control yourself?

For EF the above is more like: “Put A Little Foot in Your Mouth”… :rofl:

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EF, I’ve never really considered this a “kids” place. If I thought kids were dwelling around I’d curtail a lot I post. I’ve always just assumed this was a place for adult outdoors men and women. Don’t think I ever remember a kid posting here? That said, you’ve posted some adult themed stuff as well. Just saying… I know stuff too. :slightly_smiling_face: You and I have had a couple head bumps, but I still think I could fix you some large turnips and you’d like em.

Thanks for the detailed instructions. I’m the sort that just can’t let lies go unchallenged or stupidity called out, so I think it’s time for me to just ignore by not seeing it. Lord knows enough on this sight have asked me to just chill out over the years. Trolls will be trolls, you just can’t reason with them.

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Take A Kid Fishing

I suppose it stops there

I think I’ll wait and see what STB and some of the other guys with kids that are starting to post nowadays have to say about this before making my final personal judgement on that.

lets listen in…

TOS states you must be 13 to join… If it means maturity level, then it looks like many of the shun tribe have broken that rule too … :rofl:

Fred , kids that like to fish used to enjoy this site. My grandson used to print info about what and where the fish were biting. They don’t have to join to read the recent XXXX here

Yeah, they are peeking. :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

Sounds like certain kids need more attentive parents that don’t just let them surf the web freely… Much worse stuff than this even gets close to being… This is Sesame street stuff…

Peeping Nacho…

The morel of this meal is to not overcook the beast


Very nice EF. Looks wonderful. Keep it coming!!

Where’d you get the morels from? Did you pick them?

I’ve got some spots at the country property that I think are the start of Chicken of the Woods; is it too early?

Those were a gift, but picked locally

The chicken of the wood can flush any time now

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Speaking of flushing… This topic sure could use a courtesy flush about now… TIA…

EF eatin’ good in the neighborhood,

Ricky send me a pic of those chix, need to get out there and put down some elbow grease with you soon. i can guard the sunflowers- is it legal to cast net deer this time of year if they’re impacting you economically?

better late than never:

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Nice,very nice.

I’ll head out there sometime this weekend or Friday. I’ll take some pictures. It sure looked orange from the tractor.