Y’all see what DoubleN posted in off topic on what he just ate? mmmmmm.
Sorry, been busy planting turnips
That was a travel trailer thing, mostly leftover stuff
My gremlins had eyes on you #Watcher
Haven’t planted any this year… Looking to hand toss a few pounds this fall in a special spot and put the rest in the grain drill. If yours don’t make it maybe I can give you a few of the smaller ones.
Oh man that’d be all over that
Figured you would appreciate it. Ole navy fella whipped it up for lunch today.
I’m guessing that’s some venison back straps? Looks good!
Welp, I did the hard work, so let the son do the other part. Cooking one of the snapping turtles.
He did a Sauce Piquant with it and man was is good.
He text me yesterday morning, hey dad, let’s cook one of them turtles. Heck yeah, so I decided to go get an instant pot. Put the pressure on for 30 minutes and great results. Could have went with 20 I think. Anyway, he was chopping and I deboned.
Couple pics, but this stuff was, and will be for couple more days Awesome on top of some rice!
dang it DoubleN, you are living the life!! Gourmet turtle!!
Where’s the rest of your bacon?
Wife only Cooks 7–8 pieces of bacon at a time. I will eat a whole package and one sitting. Now we’ve discovered Conway meat locker
30 lb of bacon $15.
Bacon for 50 cents a pound?
Gotta love that!
You need to squeeze them tails like you’re trying to get the last bit of toothpaste out of the tube it’ll pop out for you