Which guns will she take

Originally posted by InshoreAngler

What criminal or terrorist worries about breaking laws? This is how backwards liberals are, any new gun laws on top of the hundreds already on the books, effect one group of people only- people on here, the law abiding. I kinda of think they actually understand this but use that we need new laws because of shootings/terrorism to achieve their real goal, which is to disarm us and put us at the mercy of the government for protection from criminals who will never follow nor care about the laws. Make sense?

You can fish with me anytime.

Right here in Savannah, GA we’ve got 15 year old thug kids running around with full auto Ouzis, AK47s and M16s shooting people every day. They get arrested over and over, are let out in a week and then they are rearmed and out shooting people again. What kind of new law could possibly stop this:question: Do you think they are getting background checks? I have to. They don’t. I’d probably spend longer in jail than they do. I don’t even know where they are getting the ammo, they aren’t legal or old enough to buy it. What law can fix that?

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Except for pretty much every mass shooter in the past 5 years, you’re right the majority of all murders are committed using illegal firearm. This isn’t a discussion about whether or not anyone was advocating gun laws, this is me responding to hysteria about Hillary “TAKIN MY GUNS!!!”

Full auto gang members in Savannah? That sounds like a stretch to me. Got any links to arrest records of full auto weapons charges? Not saying it isn’t true, just some facts would really open my eyes a bit on this.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

There is no way that the high capacity magazine discussion will stand the test of time. At some point they will vanish. Hopefully, you get to keep what you already have (grandfather clause), but at some point, something will happen to them. That’s why you had better buy more NOW…

Originally posted by skinneej

There is no way that the high capacity magazine discussion will stand the test of time. At some point they will vanish. Hopefully, you get to keep what you already have (grandfather clause), but at some point, something will happen to them. That’s why you had better buy more NOW…

I agree somethings is going to give, each time one of these mass shooting occur the liberals make another push for hi cap magazines. With so many nut cases/and now terrorists/ISIS out there, these shooting will become more commonplace I hate to say. There has to be 50/100 million or more of these hi cap. magazines already in circulation, they can ban the sale, and ask for you to turn them in, but no way to enforce a confiscation of them. People will hold on to them and be felons is all, how ironic that would be.

But if they make 100 plus million gun owners, roughly a third of the population into felons for owning possessing magazines and black rifles, the law isnt worth the paper its written on. Try to enforce that one and prosecute up to half your state.

InshoreAngler, that is why I think it will be a “no sale” or “no manufacture” rule. They will never do a “confiscation”, and magazines are just too common of a commodity to expect them to disappear from criminal hands. And, I think that the democrats know that the law will have ZERO impact. Most of these laws nowadays are just to make people FEEL safer, even if it doesn’t MAKE them safer. Hillary, bans high cap mags, liberal voters applaud her and vote for second term… Once she get’s to term #2 (in her mind), the job has been done…

Politics is not usually about the “results” so much as it is about the “process”… In other words, an idea that has “curb appeal” seems more likely to get passed than a law that does not have “curb appeal” even though it might have the statistics to back it up. Today’s mob isn’t logical. They focus on “common sense” laws instead of real statistical analysis… Something sounds good, therefore it must be good…

Originally posted by skinneej

InshoreAngler, that is why I think it will be a “no sale” or “no manufacture” rule. They will never do a “confiscation”, and magazines are just too common of a commodity to expect them to disappear from criminal hands. And, I think that the democrats know that the law will have ZERO impact. Most of these laws nowadays are just to make people FEEL safer, even if it doesn’t MAKE them safer. Hillary, bans high cap mags, liberal voters applaud her and vote for second term… Once she get’s to term #2 (in her mind), the job has been done…

Politics is not usually about the “results” so much as it is about the “process”… In other words, an idea that has “curb appeal” seems more likely to get passed than a law that does not have “curb appeal” even though it might have the statistics to back it up. Today’s mob isn’t logical. They focus on “common sense” laws instead of real statistical analysis… Something sounds good, therefore it must be good…

And again Skinnee show’s he’s the only conservative that doesn’t buy the chicken little BS. Nobody is taking any guns from anybody and if AR production was outlawed tomorrow there would be how many AR’s in the US? A lot, they would just be more expensive. Which I would be able to listen to as a talking point but the fear mongering of those using that talking point has done the exact same thing.

The irony of “Bush” taking guns away and never hearing a word about it but Obama taking zero away and hearing every day how he’s going to “take everyone’s guns” would be hilarious if it didn’t make we wonder about the mental health of Conservative America. Will you guys ever open your eyes and say “hey I guess I was spewing complete BS for ~6 years, why did I do that?”


Tired of trying to put milk back into the cow , but I’ve got to make one more attempt… True it won’t happen over nite , BUT a magazine ban here , Tax rise today, style/model ban tomorrow , permit denied ,
little by little the lib/dem/socialist agenda will take place until the jackbooted SS visit every home and force search each and every hiding hole you can imagine… History is repeating itself every day and if the American people continue to deny it we’ll find out just like Germany did in the 30’s !!!:angry: I know this is falling on deaf
ears for a lot of you and you’ll come back with some lame brained excuse to deny it even more , I just pray that you never have to witness it cause it won’t be pretty.:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

George McDonald ; Board Member ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Greatwhite- Obama and Hillary havent/wont take any guns away, ban guns etc, but you better believe that is what they want to do if they could. You seem to forget it takes the President AND Congress (House And Senate) to pass any laws. Obama never took any guns away because he did not have the VOTES in the House And Senate at any given time, numerous times he has called for the Congress to pass an “assualt weapons ban” along with other “gun control measures” as has Hillary. The Senate requires not 50 votes or a simple majority but a filibuster proof super majority of 60 votes, plus there have always been 3-5 Democrats from pro gun states (Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, etc.) that could not vote with their fellow liberals for gun control. Then you would need the House to go along as well. Nice try throwing out that red herring (Obama never took any guns) but he called for it many times but did not have the votes to do it. Hillary would do it in a heartbeat if she gets a supermajority of Democrats in the Senate and control of the House, she has already said so.

Just remember;; little by little ,it’ll happen !!! Big azz elephant,
knife , fork and people (libs/dems/socialist/deniers) at the table , it’ll disappear !!!:imp:

George McDonald ; Board Member ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Originally posted by gail wins

Just remember;; little by little ,it’ll happen !!! Big azz elephant,
knife , fork and people (libs/dems/socialist/deniers) at the table , it’ll disappear !!!:imp:

George McDonald ; Board Member ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Gail, they know this is true, they just won’t ackowlege it. Hillary’s rhetoric is more than cause for concern, but the communist indoctrination prevents them from admitting it. Group think, never straying from the agenda. That’s why when faced with the facts that it has already happened, they spin and deflect by pointing out it was under a Republican. The meat of the matter is it can happen.

Last lead smelter in the US closed recently-forced out of business by excessive regulation.
No lead, no bullets for your gun???
The Bum will try any way he can to destroy gun ownership and so will Horrible Hillary.

16’ Alumacraft Mod V Hull Jon Boat
25hp Yammy 4 stroke

That’s just a bite out of the elephant I’m speaking of , but it is a big bite . Yall better believe there are a lot</font id=“red”></font id=“size5”> of hungry anti American , extreme left/lib/dem/socialist/deniers out there…[:0][:0]

George McDonald ; Board Member ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Originally posted by sternline

Last lead smelter in the US closed recently-forced out of business by excessive regulation.
No lead, no bullets for your gun???
The Bum will try any way he can to destroy gun ownership and so will Horrible Hillary.

16’ Alumacraft Mod V Hull Jon Boat
25hp Yammy 4 stroke

Good grief. We went over that. It was years ago and every bullet manufacturer in the USA said that it would not affect them. The last lead smelter was violently polluting the ecosystem ans refused to modernize their process. It was a plant more than 50-100 years old if I recall. Had ZERO to do with gun control, and ZERO impact we have seen.
Originally posted by InshoreAngler

What criminal or terrorist worries about breaking laws? This is how backwards liberals are, any new gun laws on top of the hundreds already on the books, effect one group of people only- people on here, the law abiding. I kinda of think they actually understand this but use that we need new laws because of shootings/terrorism to achieve their real goal, which is to disarm us and put us at the mercy of the government for protection from criminals who will never follow nor care about the laws. Make sense?

Actually it makes no sense at all. Slow your roll chicken little.

IA, you seem to suggest that criminals/baddies/terrorist will always do bad things despite laws/punishment and good people will never do anything bad. By this “logic” laws have zero preventative benefits. Does anyone here actually agree with this?

If this is the case please explain to me why the terrorist haven’t used any full auto guns, a bazooka, or anything close to a military grade bomb in the US. If laws aren’t preventing them from using the most dangerous weapons then why have these criminals not had better weapons? Oh that’s because laws do work most of the time and there’s not a back ally in every street with free weapons for any bad guy that passes by.

Oh an I’m fully aware that the President can’t just do anything he wants. It’s your side that propped him up as “king obama” not mine. cluck cluck sky I falling

First, Most, Biggest

Huh, the biggest terrorist attack in this country involved using planes to fly into buildings. The second biggest involved a fertilizer bomb to blow up a federal office building. In most of Europe civilian ownership of guns is prohibited, the terrorists have carried out a number of attacks with bombs and most recently driving a rented box truck into a crowded street killing 100 or so people in Nice, France. In Israel they strap explosives to themselves and go into markets and blow themselves and innocent civilians up hundreds of times a year. Pretty sure murder is against the law everywhere in the world there addy how about we ban private ownership of guns like Europe and add more laws against murder, like a super double triple penalty against it, that will end killings and terrorism as we know it. What would we do if we couldnt laugh at liberals.

Originally posted by Great White

If this is the case please explain to me why the terrorist haven’t used any full auto guns, a bazooka, or anything close to a military grade bomb in the US. If laws aren’t preventing them from using the most dangerous weapons then why have these criminals not had better weapons? Oh that’s because laws do work most of the time and there’s not a back ally in every street with free weapons for any bad guy that passes by.

Terrorists do not care about laws. The ban on full automatic rifles had an INDIRECT effect of making them incredibly hard to come by and very expensive. Theoretically, there is nothing fully preventing a terrorist from getting his hands on a fully automatic rifle. It’s just way too much trouble since there are so few of them out there, and there are EASY ALTERNATIVES. But, there are MILLIONS of AR-15’s out there. Even if they were to put in a law like the full auto ban, there are already way more AR-15’s now and although they would double in price, they would still be attainable. They would not reach the same pricing as a full auto based on the general supply that is already out there.

Originally posted by InshoreAngler

Huh, the biggest terrorist attack in this country involved using planes to fly into buildings. The second biggest involved a fertilizer bomb to blow up a federal office building. In most of Europe civilian ownership of guns is prohibited, the terrorists have carried out a number of attacks with bombs and most recently driving a rented box truck into a crowded street killing 100 or so people in Nice, France. In Israel they strap explosives to themselves and go into markets and blow themselves and innocent civilians up hundreds of times a year. Pretty sure murder is against the law everywhere in the world there addy how about we ban private ownership of guns like Europe and add more laws against murder, like a super double triple penalty against it, that will end killings and terrorism as we know it. What would we do if we couldnt laugh at liberals.

Truth!!! A large u-haul truck is a much deadlier weapon and MUCH EASIER TO CONCEAL than walking around with an AR-15.

Terrorists are going to kill no matter what weapon they have to choose from. Just outlawing certain types of weapons just shifts deaths from column A over to column B.

In the grand scheme of things, we should be banning cigarettes, alcohol, red meat, and sugar if our true aim is to save lives.