You can't plant lemon seeds....

We did agree on split visitation…

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

We did agree on split visitation…

Willi peed on your half…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

I expect nothing less from your children…

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

My wife got a young Meyer lemon tree as a gift last year, and it has 3 lemons that have been growing for a while now. Around what time of the year do they turn from green to yellow? And how do we know the right time to pick them?

“People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”
George Orwell

Mine didn’t ripen until mid November last year and I leave mine on the plant until I’m ready to eat it. They last a long long time this way for me.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

you and your figs and lemons are really gettin under my skin. ya just gotta lord it over the rest of us all the time. i’m glad willi peed on it

“Enough hijacking, this is a major thread”

Why are you watching Bonzo’s Willi?

I don’t know about you sometimes…

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

My meyer lemon hasn’t produced a fruit this year. I fertilized with citrus fertilizer back in March/April and maybe I over fertilized; I don’t know. The plant is healthy and as green as it can be but not one fruit this year. I did buy a key lime plant and its producing limes like crazy and still has a bunch of flowers on it.

Anyone else have a tough meyer year?

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

My meyer lemon hasn’t produced a fruit this year. I fertilized with citrus fertilizer back in March/April and maybe I over fertilized; I don’t know. The plant is healthy and as green as it can be but not one fruit this year. I did buy a key lime plant and its producing limes like crazy and still has a bunch of flowers on it.

Anyone else have a tough meyer year?

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

Sounds eerily familiar.I fertilized as recommended and plant was very strong all spring /summer,just never bloomed until the end of summer,and now have 8-10 green, hickory nut sized fruit.I do believe the cold got to mine too much last winter.

I’ve read that it can take 5-7 years before a seed grown meyer lemon “may” produce fruit. A grafted tree will produce much faster.

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

Originally posted by xman

I’ve read that it can take 5-7 years before a seed grown meyer lemon “may” produce fruit. A grafted tree will produce much faster.

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro

Affirmative,but I got two heavy crops of lemons before that.

It’s possible you didn’t fertilize frequently enough. If it’s planted in the ground, fertilize about every 3 months. If it’s in a pot, fertilize every 2-3 weeks. Citrus are heavy feeders.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

I guess 2 Meyers out of 3 ain’t bad…

2013 Tidewater 180CC
115 Yamaha

Using miracle grow this year and I’m already looking a lot healthier than this time last season. I probably have 60 baby lemons right now.
Not one lemon last season.

My limes are trying to start fruit too.

May all your favorite bands stay together…

One of my lemons started at the beginning of this thread.

And my little group of lemon startups and jalapeño plant survivor. The green pot in the back is a granny Apple started from a seed this past fall. I should have plenty to eat in a few years!

May all your favorite bands stay together…

I can’t believe I clicked on this again. Andy, how much for you to delete this thread?

Eleventy billion dollars

May all your favorite bands stay together…

There’s about 30 lemons this year…big and juicy!

I got a 2.5’ Meyers lemon from Hyams for my grandma earlier this summer and it’s doing great. It has around 10 lemons and has grown quite a bit this summer. She keeps in relatively shaded in an eastern corner of the porch.

The two smaller ones I got at Lowes ~1’ tall hit a rough spot a few weeks ago. The Meyers/Keylime combo flowered heavily and multiple times this year (flowering again now) while the tree that is only a Meyers is healthier but not flowering. Watered twice a day but had a decent amount of leaves die by yellowing at the ends first. Read up and said to fertilize, heavy on the nitrogen. They are sprouting new leaves and looking better.

When they are smaller do you think it’s best to keep them inside? I don’t have an indoor location that gets much sun.

Also, the small ones are still in their 1 gallon containers. I didn’t want to transplant them until winter so I could maximize summer growth. Do you think the container size is too small and leading to some of the leaf death? Luckily the fruits seem to be hanging in there.

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