Vote to remove Politics from the site

There are no freedoms, or 1st amendment rights, on a privately owned website…

I’m with you on this Mixed. But it seems to me that if cleaning up the political forum by simply getting rid of 1 or 2 would bring peace then that’s the right thing to do. The lesson learned during the period of detention is that the forum was much happier and civil. Even Bob became a bit more civil without cover of a partner

Also. RBF does not counterpunch. He instigates. If anyone posts anything that he does not favor he revolts , ridicules and insults. That’s not exactly counterpunching. I believe that his previous sign “I Disobey Community standards” was no joke but a boast.

Nice to see that you understand that!

Now, what was your problem with being flagged, again?

So thats why you think its OK to act the way you do here,not just now, but constantly.

I pity those that have to deal with you in real life if you are such a miserable person here.

sooner or later @flowerbits and @snickers will give you the boot

unless I get a set of keys first, then i will gladly deal with you.

Do I get another " Uncle"?

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I have no problem with being flagged as long as others are held to the same standard which isn’t what’s happening which is a site violation… However, Admin’s not doing the flagging, it is politically motivated members or just a certain one that can’t take what he dishes out… It’s the person you called an “attention whore” and the one that besmirched your business…

If the owners want CFC to turn into a radical right-wing conspiracy theory propaganda dissemination machine as it is becoming quickly, so be it…

You sure gave up on your “freedoms” argument quick… Guess that’s an “Uncle” on that one…

@EF1 why the shun, just use the ignore feature you promised to use about a million times before, but couldn’t control yourself from peeping…

Standards you say? Without Freedom how can you demand standards?

As far as Freedom, I was referring in general terms, you made it specific to this site. Right?

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Even prisons have standards without “freedom”…

No, you made it specific to the site by attachment…

Just a quick vote of do not remove.

99% of the issue is RBF. It seems like a very simple solution to what the issues are here.

Also, as MN mentioned, don’t let the left win again with their cancel culture agenda.

Good grief, can those that agree with what Trump accomplished be heard??

Gotta go


I hope the vote is amongst real members. And not AKA’s. No drop boxes

So, the logic is to cancel me like the political left would do with their “cancel culture” all the while supporting the right that are against “cancel culture”…

I would enjoy trying to “value stream map” that thought process… Or. put it on a “spaghetti diagram”…

Real quick, RBF will reply that he is not a Democrat

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Typically spin!

Come on RBF, I know you can do much better!

This ain’t no prison, by the way.

Either abide by the rules, you so clearly know, or suffer the repercussions!

Just like you spin the rules on Moderators not being " janitors".

It’s clearly stated that " Moderators" are to be " community facilitators, janitors, and police!

Try again…nephew!

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Hey ya’ll stop using his screen name. Children like to see their name in print


I promised…

Well, I do states only facts… Thanks for stating them for me, and without me having too like you predicted! :joy:

My work ends for tonight, but, in the words of Chief Dan George…

I shall “endeavor to persevere”…

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Its always nice to finish when you are winning.

If this were Vegas you’d be way up